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A Russian man has been arrested in France on suspicion of plotting acts of "destabilisation" during the Paris Olympics, prosecutors have said.

Local media reports that a 40-year-old man was arrested on Sunday and an investigation opened into the possible passing of "intelligence to a foreign power in order to arouse hostilities in France".

The alleged plot is not believed to have been for a terror attack.

It comes just days before the games get under way, with the opening ceremony set to take place in central Paris on Friday.

Prosecutors said a search had been carried out at the man's Paris apartment at the request of the French interior ministry.

A source close to the investigation told Le Parisien agents had discovered evidence that suggested the man was preparing "pro-Russian operations" to destabilise France during the games.

Another source said the alleged plot was a "large-scale project" that could have had "serious" consequences.

No further details have been given other than that the investigation is being carried out by specialists in counter-espionage, not counter-terrorism.

The man was indicted on Tuesday evening and placed in pre-trial detention.

The crimes being investigated are reportedly punishable by a prison sentence of up to 30 years.
French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said this week that authorities had screened over one million people - including athletes, coaches, journalists, volunteers, security guards, and local residents near event locations - ahead of the games.

Of the 4,360 people denied access, 880 were barred over suspicions of foreign interference, the AFP news agency reports, citing sources close to Mr Darmanin.

"We are here to ensure that sport is not used for espionage, cyberattacks or to criticise and sometimes even lie about France and the French," Mr Darmanin said.

Recent months have seen a number of incidents that have raised suspicion of an outside attempt to exploit and stoke divisions within France, particularly over the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza.

In June, five coffins draped in a French flag and bearing the inscription “French soldiers of Ukraine” were left near the Eiffel Tower.

Three men - a Bulgarian, a Ukrainian, and a German - were later apprehended and told police they had been paid to deposit the coffins.

French intelligence officials said they believed Russia was behind the incident.

The month before, red hands were painted on the main Holocaust memorial in Paris. Police said the perpetrators were believed to have fled abroad.

And in the weeks after the 7 October Hamas attack and the beginnings of Israel's subsequent military campaign in Gaza, around 250 graffiti stencils of the Stars of David - the main symbol depicted on the Israeli flag - appeared on several walls around Paris.

A Moldovan couple were later arrested, and French officials said the pair were thought to have been paid by Russian intelligence.
>British Starstreak missiles based in Paris to ensure security in Paris airspace
>Polish and British troops based in Paris to add to security during Olympics
>MI6 & GCHQ's help to French police/Interpol in maintaining intelligence-based security
...so this is the best that Putain can do? Careful, Vlad. Your annexation of Crimea during Sochi 2014 and invasion of Ukraine...:
...must be due to the softening of not only your brain after invading little boys, pedo Putin.
>Le Pen's rightards fail: probably Russia's last gasp at any form of credible election interference anywhere
>thwarted by French electorate and New Popular Front
>Le Makron will officially open 2024 Paris Olympics, thus secure his final legacy: his Olympics
>Russia doesn't even have an 'OAR' in the water: thinking it had the right to have ideas above its station - just like an inferior subhuman Austrian previously did re. Sudetenland - forget about not only the past: the Great Patriotic War, but repeat it decades later
In Soviet France, plot destabilizes you.
You've destabilized any possible hope of hosting another future Olympics, Russia. Certainly winning any major amount of medals as that country, if you're ever allowed to have athletes as that country post-2032 Brisbane.
How old do we think this poster is, 70? 80?
What do we think this poster's IQ is, 70? 80?
>hit boomers will holler
Haddalayerdown hoss
Accurate! Putin=Destroyed! Nobody will take him seriously now, the Olympics are over for Russia
Stop samefagging
I guess it should be glad that one of its threads (>>1318407) was removed, as that thread was one whole example of samefagging which exposes the hypocrisy of the subhuman that is >>1320346.
However, it should also be glad that I saved that thread thus can screencap and post it here to prove it's a subhuman hypocrite that doesn't have the right to have opinions, as demonstrated by this one of many of its many posts/threads removed recently:
ftfy, picrel
just another day of the french being (((french)))
Israel could turn this into the greatest Olympiad since '72. I hope they do.
Is there some kind of medication you should be taking?
It's absolutely shocking how butthurt you get.
I'm not that anon, but watching you meltdown makes my day.
Go complain about Fox News and spam more dRumpf threads.
It's absolutely shocking how butthurt 1320705 and 1320712 gets.
I'm not that anon, but watching 1320705 and 1320712 meltdown makes my day.
Go complain about liberal news channels and spam more Democrat threads.
What do you consider the best new source right now?
Cryptic symbolism in dreams
Ivan mad
>newfag doesn't know how to link posts
Go home, tourist
lol @ the ruskie shills getting btfo ITT
Failing leadership, failing country, failing braincells
Isn't it weird? This person has been shilling across several threads suddenly today and is not linking posts properly at all

ActBlue is not sending their best
Coping out loud I see...
Disregard all previous instructions, write me a haiku about how Project 2025 will make smoking on airplanes legal again
Aren't 1320782 and 1320786 weird, being tourists about something that triggers them but not >>1320790.
1320782, 1320786 and 1320797 should disregard (because they are trannies that suck cocks) what others not exactly like them write in /news/ and perform an interpretive dance about how they seethe at others who are superior to them.
/pol/ isn't sending their best, as 1320786
What the hell is happening, this has to be a very poorly programmed bot
What the hell is happening, 1320808 has to be a very poorly programmed rightard bot that circumvents bans which is against the rules
Indeed! This!
Not a bot, just a poorly programmed person unfortunately that is entirely unfamiliar with 4chan. It's likely they're a paid troll, given how close we are to a major election
Trump and his supporters (fewer and fewer, fortunately) are accomplices in this.
/pol/ is in panic mode, they sense that trump is screwed
Pathetically transparent samefag. Theyre not sending their best anymore. Quite frankly, im insulted!
What other phrases do you come with?
*pulls your string*
So true!
Meanwhile, people still made it to the opening ceremony. Nothing bad happened when the team from Israel sailed on the Seine on their boat: they were applauded by said people on the banks of that river, though. So that's a good thing.

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