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Monday was recorded as the hottest day ever globally, beating a record set the day before, as countries around the world from Japan to Bolivia to the United States continue to feel the heat, according to the European climate change service.

Provisional satellite data published by Copernicus on Wednesday showed that Monday broke the previous day’s record by 0.06 degrees Celsius (0.1 degree Fahrenheit).

Climate scientists say it’s plausible that this is the warmest it has been in 120,000 years because of human-caused climate change. While scientists cannot be certain that Monday was the very hottest day throughout that period, average temperatures have not been this high since long before humans developed agriculture.

But it’s a difficult determination to make, said University of Pennsylvania climate scientist Michael Mann, because data from tree-rings, corals and ice cores don’t go that far back globally.

The temperature rise in recent decades is in line with what climate scientists projected would happen if humans kept burning fossil fuels at an increasing rate.

“We are in an age where weather and climate records are frequently stretched beyond our tolerance levels, resulting in insurmountable loss of lives and livelihoods,” Roxy Mathew Koll, a climate scientist at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology.

“Deaths from high temperatures show how catastrophic it is not to take stronger action on cutting CO2,” which is the main heat-trapping gas, Cornell University climate scientist Natalie Mahowald said in an email.

Copernicus’ preliminary data shows the global average temperature Monday was 17.15 degrees Celsius (62.87 degrees Fahrenheit).

The previous record before this week was set just a year ago. Before last year, the previous recorded hottest day was in 2016 when average temperatures were at 16.8 degrees Celsius (62.24 degrees Fahrenheit).

While 2024 has been extremely warm, what kicked this week into new territory was a warmer-than-usual Antarctic winter, according to Copernicus. The same thing happened on the southern continent last year when the record was set in early July.

Copernicus records go back to 1940, but other global measurements by the United States and United Kingdom governments go back even further, to 1880. Many scientists, taking those into consideration along with tree rings and ice cores, say last year’s record highs were the hottest the planet has been in about 120,000 years. Now the first six months of 2024 have broken even those.

Without human-caused climate change, scientists say that extreme temperature records would not be broken nearly as frequently as is happening in recent years.

Former head of U.N. climate negotiations Christiana Figueres said “we all scorch and fry” if the world doesn’t immediately change course, “but targeted national policies have to enable that transformation.”

Scientists said it was “extraordinary” that such warm days have now occurred in two consecutive years especially when the natural El Nino warming of the central Pacific Ocean ended earlier this year. “This is yet another illustration of just how much the Earth’s climate has warmed,” said Daniel Swain, a climate scientist with the University of California, Los Angeles.
I said this before, but I genuinely wonder what the limit will be for the retards saying "it's summer it's supposed to be hot".
Congratulations to all humans for successfully terraforming a planet into a slightly shittier planet. This is a massive achievement for mankind.
Clearly if we just keep giving more money and power to the government so they can reduce everyone's living standards, they'll make the weather gooder
Meanwhile Trump wants to allow the oil and coal industry to make the world hotter.
If I have to do that in exchange for my children to have a future on this earth, I honestly wouldn't mind that much.
Remember to enjoy the summer this year guys. It's the hottest so far, but every other summer going forward is going to be hotter.
Climate change or global warming is fake news
Unironically the realistic way to reduce the effects of global warming (because reversal is not an option) is to consoom less goods overall. Less cars, less shopping, less of everything.
And because governments and their corpo friends would never let that happen they have to hoodwink us with shit like carbon neutral by 2050, clean coal and carbon credits instead.
Inb4 chubs claim people can’t read thermometers correctly.
How do we use cars less if American suburbs are designed around requiring them? At some point, government intervention is necessary since the government itself has entrenched behavior that hurts the environment.
quantum teleportation is right around the corner, don't worry
Not one person has suggested making a law that Taylor Swift can't take over 100 private jet flights a year. This single person has a higher carbon footprint of cars driving over 1.5 million miles so far just this year. Elon and Zuckercuck are just as bad.

Fuck both of you own nothing eat ze bug trannies. I won't turn down by A/C, I'm going to keep eating steak every single day, and I'm going to keep my gas guzzling car.
Degrowth is unlikely to work out politically. More likely we're just going to have to cope. And do layers of dumb geo and bioengineering schemes. Because humanity is retarded.
Enjoy your ass cancer.
Didn't read your thread. Just here to point out that the crazy escalation in temperature coincides with major wars in the world.
If the change is being measured in tenths of a degree Celsius the advent of digital thermometers and later weather satellites would absolutely cause shifts in the data as it became more accurate.
Not doubting the data but would you be able to link any research on how they account for those drastic shifts in technology over the past 100+ years? Specifically those periods of transition to a more accurate tool.
there is no fucking way this is the hottest day ever. there were prehistoric times when there was a ton of green house gases in the air or when the earth just started to form
meanwhile brandon and harris want to tax everyone 99% and have open borders while letting the rich keep all their private jets, cars and yachts
Have you tried sacrificing more children to the Sun God?
this. we need to all live in the pod and eat the bugs and give 99% of our money to the government while the socialist telling us to do so are flying private jets and sailing on million dollar yachts with tons of underaged models.
first off, the whole thing is a grift to promote socialism
second off, the simple solution would be to just stop giving any aid whatsoever to the global south and put tariffs on china. fewer people and fewer chinese shipping containers = less CO2
you can tell the whole thing is a grift because they have no problems with the rich using private jets, yachts or driving whatever. see france. their domestic flight ban put exemptions in for private jets and paris's car ban lets the rich still get around via private car and chauffeur. London and NYC's congestion charges are designed to only fuck over the average person and let the rich do whatever they want.
live in zee pod. by the way, there is a cat shitting on all the food in the bodega, all of your neighbors are violent third world rapists who play music way too loudly, all your constitutional rights are stripped from you if you take mass transit and all the rich elite will continue flying their private jets and going on yachts with whores.
>Hey guys maybe we should eat less beef and drive electric ca-

Take your meds you schzio freaks
Both sides are clearly ridiculous. The moderate solution is to destroy China and India.
This. Kill off 2~ billion of the worst polluters. Stop all mining, fracking and oil drilling. Collect all resources and materials and put them towards asteroid mining and offplanet solar arrays.

Good luck.
i think its pretty funny when people suggest that nuking china and third world countries is the best option when individual western nations emit more CO2 than dozens of smaller countries combined, and western governments and companies are very happy to shower china with money and power for cheap goods specifically because they give 0 shits about human rights or environmental concern (which is now le bad) (but not bad enough to stop business with china)
It'd require a massive change in infrastructure, immense backing from the government and a radical change in way of life that it's basically impossible to ever let it happen.
Even if governments somehow had the trillions of funds to make such changes, >>1320551 happens instead and either governments won't be able to enact such horrifying communist/socialist/woke policies and let corporations build their useless for-profit vanity projects with taxpayer money instead.
its july the hottest month of the year
It was pretty nice here on Monday.
Not sure where it was hot.
>Monday breaks the record for the hottest ever day on Earth
>Monday breaks the record for the hottest day ever RECORDED on Earth

and FYI our global records only go back to 1850.
I have never seen such a bunch of pussies in my life.
You know what else happened Monday? The Badwater 135 race began. The Badwater is a 135 mile ultramarathon that begins in Death Valley, CA and ends on Mt Whitney. The high temperature on all two days was in the low 120's. The winning time was 23 hours.
Nothing but pussies everywhere you look who get the vapors if the temperature goes over 80.
>bro if monday was the hottest recorded day on earth, why were people outside?

Holy shit you are retarded, actually kill yourself.
india and china do more than we do. I am also in favor of going the antisemite route which would fix the big biz issues
because they are athletes, not soft fat-assed babies like you.
>individual western nations emit more CO2 than dozens of smaller countries combined
Ummm, wrong. Check your facts, sweetie.
The hottest day* on record* since digital recordings* using highly accurate satellite imagery covering every square inch of the planet.
Normal consumer habits are such a small piece of the climate change issue. The fact that you guys go after regular people instead of the massive problems like China and India just dumping pollution straight into the air and water and you protest nuclear energy just shows you're not really serious about the problem. The problem is more of a convenient stick for you to hit le capitalism with. But even then you only go after regular people trying to survive.
Fuck you. Having a nice steak makes people happy in this God damn clown world. Shift the energy grid to nuclear and then we'll talk about emissions.
This. Monday was beautiful and not that hot.
1850 temperature measurements are held to the same regard as modern temps when you've got some guy on a boat measuring the temp of sea water in a bucket with an analog thermometer with hand drawn units assembled by some blind Irish child.
Can anyone explain this to me so it makes sense.
No. Gib taxes now.
Imagine giving trillions of dollars to a government to “fix global warming” while the same governments are helpless to fix: homelessness, infrastructure, food quality, protecting borders from foreign invaders, etc.
Yeah, imagine trying to fix a problem if not all other problems that exist haven't been fixed. What a dumbfuck statement.
>hottest ever day on Earth
Oh so when the meteorite killed the dinosaurs it was colder?
>graph shows HUGE CHANGE......which is 1 degree

why are you creatures so dishonest?
Nice dishonesty there. You put a meme unproven hoax on the same level of people starving to death. Impressive pilpul, truly.
Imagine giving the people responsible for the problem because they control all of the money more money so they can cause even more problems. Imagine thinking the government has ever solved a single problem they didn't create in the first place.
And by "dishonesty" what you mean is just me reciting your argument back to you and you realizing it sounded retarded.

If you're still a libertarian in 2024 its because you're either 12 years old or unironically sub 40 IQ.
I never claimed to be a libertarian. I'm just not giving the government money to solve climate change when they're the ones causing the pollution and I don't want to give them money for social benefits when they're the ones that instituted red lining and imported millions of migrants to displace the lower class and outsourced jobs with "free trade agreements". Like fuck off. If you don't realize that the government is the source of all of your problems you're probably a retard. Doesn't mean no government. Just means I'm not giving the people that have been in power for a century more power. Not willingly.
It was the hottest day on earth ever RECORDED, not of all time. I swear a lot of you faggots on this board never read past the headline.
>hmmmm whats more pressing
>the total extinction of human life on earth, or some nigs starving
This time your dishonesty is in implying that
1. Climate change isn't a bullshit hoax to psyop the middle class into making even more sacrifices
2. That the economy being completely shit only affects third worlders

Impressive. Are you paid to be this dishonest?
Trump said climate change was a Chinese hoax created to hurt the US economy. He'd never lie about something like that, fuck China

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