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Fred Trump III writes that his uncle, Donald Trump, made the shocking suggestion during an Oval Office meeting in May 2020.

During a private meeting at the outset of the Covid-19 pandemic, then-president Donald Trump reportedly mused aloud about whether people with disabilities would be better off dead instead of causing more expenses for their caregivers.

The shocking remark is included in a new book, All in the Family: The Trumps and How We Got This Way, by the former president’s nephew, Fred Trump III, who makes other startling claims about his uncle.

According to an excerpt of the book published by Time, Fred Trump III — the brother of psychologist and author Mary Trump and the eldest son of Donald Trump’s late older brother, Fred Trump Jr. — claims his uncle made the offensive remark during a private meeting in May 2020.

Fred Trump III writes that he, then-President Trump, then-Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar and White House Covid Task Force member Dr. Brett Giroir, along with other disability rights advocates, spent 45 minutes discussing the needs of people with disabilities at the White House.


Following the White House meeting, Fred Trump III said he was ushered back into the Oval Office with his uncle and Azar at Donald Trump’s request.

His uncle greeted him: “Hey, pal — how’s everything going?”

Fred Trump III told him things were “good” and thanked him for meeting.

At that point, he writes that his uncle started to speak again.

“Those people ...” he said, trailing off. “The shape they’re in, all the expenses, maybe those kinds of people should just die,” he suggested, according to the book.
Trump's own family is turning on him now. Not looking good magabros.
They're also deep state shills too. Everyone against Trump is a part of the deep state.
They can't recover!
This guy is evil incarnate, but it looks like the forces of good are finally starting to wake up and be heard.
>This guy is evil incarnate
You are giving a slimy con man too much credit and making him seem competent. He isn't the criminal mastermind satanic Hitler clone some people make him out to be. He's simply an elderly real estate swindler from Queens acting his age.
I'm assuming he meant physical, and not mental, disability, given his voter base.
Agreed. Guess I'll vote for him now.
Nah, Trump is clearly the anti Christ
you mean, like bone spurs? I agree with him.
this, idk but there's literally nothing wrong with saying that if you cannot fully support yourself and THRIVE that you deserve to die. jesus literally went to hell to give you the opportunity to live a godly live, and you cant even thank him by not being a degenerate colored person? sorry, but you need to go
>switch tactics
How did you get this confused?
I’m putting my balls on your face my balls on your face
Harris 2024, not even sorry
Posting in bot thread

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