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President Joe Biden’s address to the nation Wednesday evening will serve not only to explain his shocking decision to drop out of the 2024 presidential race but will carry an element of poignancy as he begins the closing chapter of his presidency and half-century in public service.

He’s no longer the presumptive Democratic nominee trying to convince the nation that he still has the stamina and faculties to take on former President Donald Trump in an election in which he warned nothing less than democracy itself is in the balance. Instead, he’s now a lame-duck, having thrown his political weight behind his vice president, Kamala Harris, after being convinced by fellow Democrats that he is politically incapable of seeking a second term in office. His speech at 8 p.m. ET will be his first extensive remarks since his announcement Sunday that he was not running and will serve as the first time many Americans see him since he tested positive for Covid-19 last week.

The president intends to use the prime-time remarks to reveal to the American people how he arrived at the painful decision, sources told CNN, which he said in his letter Sunday he believed was “in the best interest of my party and the country.”

Oval Office addresses have historically been serious moments for presidents to speak to the American people at times of national crisis or to make major policy announcements. It will be only the fourth time Biden has addressed the nation from the setting as president. And it’s the second time in just 10 days, following Biden’s remarks to the country earlier this month following the assassination attempt against Trump. He’s also used the setting to speak about Hamas’ attack on Israel last year and to laud the passage of a bipartisan budget agreement.

Biden, who returned to the White House on Tuesday after testing negative for Covid-19, began drafting his highly anticipated address while isolating with the virus in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, senior officials told CNN. Like all of Biden’s public speeches throughout his presidency, officials expect this address will be a work in progress up until delivery.

How much Biden focuses on what he views as his core achievements of his three-and-a-half years in the office he sought for several decades — versus how much he details his to-do list for the six months before he leaves the White House — is still being decided, officials said.

The president and his longtime communications aide, Mike Donilon, began early work on the speech shortly after Biden went public with his decision to exit the race, after three weeks of mounting intraparty pressure. (Donilon, a former pollster, played an instrumental role in presenting the data that informed Biden’s decision to step aside.)

Harris, who quickly secured the backing of enough delegates to win the Democratic nomination, hit the campaign trail Tuesday in the key battleground state of Wisconsin, where she sought to draw a contrast with Trump. The former president will hold his first campaign rally since Biden dropped out in North Carolina on Wednesday. A CNN poll released Wednesday found no clear leader in the race between Harris and Trump, but it showed a closer contest than earlier CNN polling of the Biden-Trump matchup.

As Harris visited campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware, on Monday, Biden briefly called in, vowing “to get as much done as I possibly can” in his remaining time in office.

And while the party moves on from Biden’s candidacy — reassigning high-profile fundraisers from coast to coast to the Harris camp — it is also trying to cement his legacy.
The new CNN poll finds voters widely supportive of both Biden’s decision to step aside and his choice to remain in office through the end of his term. But Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters are closely split over whether the next nominee should continue Biden’s policies (53%) or take the country in a new direction (47%). Desire for a new direction is largely concentrated among younger voters and voters of color.

Biden himself is expected to turn his attention in the coming days and weeks to the legacy of his one-term presidency. But, as one source told CNN, with the decision to drop out of the 2024 race only days old, such discussions have not begun in earnest.

Asked by a reporter what the country should expect during his address as he disembarked Air Force One on Tuesday, Biden responded: “Watch and listen.”
Trump better RUN and HIDE because Biden is going to absolutely DEMOLISH him tonight in his speech!
>career parasite gets put out behind the woodshed after he outlives (literally) his usefulness as a benchwarmer
Democrats copemaxxing at dangerous levels!

>Trump Demands Equal Airtime in Light of Biden’s Planned Address
Shouldn't Harris get equal air time for Trump's rambling 90 minute rant at the RNC? And also force Fox News to carry her rallies since they immediately cut her off?
Absolutely! So true!
Fake pre-recorded bullshit. Lying to everyone again. Dementia Joe needs to resign today and give Kamala the presidency, because she isn't senile.
What kind of bot is this?
Harris can do a 90min rant at the DNC. She always had the opportunity.
Interesting how it began when that one chud got banned
Not on Fox "News". They were airing her speech and the minute she mentioned Trump, they cut her off.
Republicans hate free speech.
Theyre a private company, they can do what they want, bigot ; )
It probably benefitted her more than Trump.
Listening to Kamala speak is a terrible punishment.
Only if you're a Republican, did you fall out of a coconut tree?
>But Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters are closely split over whether the next nominee should continue Biden’s policies (53%) or take the country in a new direction (47%).
top kek at >biden is a good president but half of all dems disapprove of his job as president
if he isn't fit to run, he should resign. he has dementia. dems are just keeping him in office because they are trying to keep the biden stink off harris because this way they can just blame the government being shitty on biden being a retard and say harris wouldn't have done the shit biden is doing

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