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In a virtual event last week that was billed as a “Latino Town Hall,” presidential candidate and anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. unveiled his plan to overhaul addiction treatment programs. Speaking during a live recording of the Latino Capitalist podcast, Kennedy described opioid, antidepressant, and ADHD “addicts” receiving treatment on tech-free “wellness farms,” where they would spend as much as three or four years growing organic produce.


How to pay for these farms? Kennedy had an answer. With money generated through a sales tax on cannabis products, Kennedy said, “I’m going to dedicate that revenue to creating wellness farms—drug rehabilitation farms, in rural areas all over this country,” he said. “I’m going to make it so people can go, if you’re convicted of a drug offense, or if you have a drug problem, you can go to one of these places for free.”

On the farms, he said, residents would grow their own organic food—which would help them recover from addiction, “because a lot of the behavioral issues are food related. A lot of the illnesses are food related.” The idea that addiction is connected to consuming non-organic food is not backed by robust science—but it’s in line with many other unfounded claims that Kennedy has made in the past about pesticides and non-organic food causing chronic disease, behavioral problems, and autism.

Cell phones and other screens, he said, would be prohibited. “We’re going to re-parent people and restore connection to community,” he promised. “We have a whole generation of kids who are dispossessed, they’re alienated, their marginalized, their suicide rates are exploding; the second largest killer for young people is drug addiction.” Kennedy has suggested in the past that 5G cell phone technology could cause health problems.

The range of people receiving such treatment could potentially include wide swaths of the population, since the wellness farms wouldn’t just be for people addicted to illegal drugs, but also for people who are taking antidepressants and ADHD medications. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 11 percent of Americans ages 12 and older take antidepressants, and about 4 percent of Americans between the ages of five and 64 take medication for ADHD.

>I’m going to create these wellness farms where they can go to get off of illegal drugs, off of opiates, but also illegal drugs, other psychiatric drugs, if they want to, to get off of SSRIs, to get off of benzos, to get off of Adderall, and to spend time as much time as they need—three or four years if they need it—to learn to get reparented, to reconnect with communities.

Last year, Kennedy posited during a Twitter spaces event with Elon Musk that antidepressants could be to blame for school shootings.

The Kennedy campaign didn’t respond to Mother Jones’ request for comment on the remarks that Kennedy made during this event.
Democrats, everyone.
I want to lock up leftists on wellness farms too.
Retarded idea but the resulting trauma dump comics would be glorious.

Weird bait considering everyone knows he's basically a plant put in by trump to pull votes from biden. Did you not see that leaked call between him and trump?

UNC’s psychiatry department in its medical hospital system (including the med school) in the triangle owns a farm where they send their schizophrenic patients, depressed patients (especially post-partum depression), other patients suffering from other psychoses. The patients live and work on the farm, and the staff see significant results. What RFK is proposing is not new, but it is radical since funding is limited and completely reliant on rich donors who believe there is more to healing than pharmacological cocktails.
Not related to his newest retardation, just something I'm curious about: Why doesn't he just give up the fanatical Zionism act? If he openly took a stand against Israel, it would make a lot of disaffected people (including me) interested in voting for him, and he'd lose very few votes because most of the fanatical Zionists have no reason to be discontent with the two major parties.
Because people like that aren't allowed in politics, besides a couple for token opposition. Certainly not a presidential candidate.
>Because people like that aren't allowed in politics
Over half the Democratic caucus refused to show for Netenyahu.
>where they would spend as much as three or four years growing organic produce.
So he wants free slave labor, somehow only better than Trump's plan to murder them.
Other political affiliations Democratic (until 2023)
Democrats, everyone.
The other half were jewish Democrats.
>voter registration suddenly matters
What a retard
Jr is a textbook libertarian, dumdum
>its true if I believe it hard enough
I mean fuck it, this doesn't sound like the worst thing a politician has come up with, and I genuinely think he thinks it'll be good for people, so that's already a step ahead of most of the subhuman filth in our government. idk if he has my vote for just this, but as someone who thinks everyone should either homestead or own a small shop, I definitely like this idea.
>His stated positions and policies are just democrat propaganda!
Get a brian, moran
>Government Wellness Farms
Somebody doesn't actually know what libertarianism is, ruh roh
He's a politician you fucking mong. He served as a Democrat and only left the Democratic party to run his Independent campaign.
>"Wellness Farms"
I mean, if you're into deep-throating the doublespeak...
Every congressman has an AIPAC guy that has to approve everything they say
Liberals think libertarian literally means cartoon villian style CEOs of corporations running the government and there are weekly Purge events without any rule of law
And that moron Trump who thinks for a moment that a single Democrat could possibly vote for Kennedy :')
The jewish vote has abandoned you. Democrats will pay for stalling arms shipments to Israel in her time of need. Know your place.

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