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If the numbers stay its unironically jover. brandon won 87% of blacks
>before Sunday switch up
What kind of partisan moron makes a thread like this?
>What kind of partisan moron
Anon this is /news/, it's Kidz Bop /pol/. Without partisan morons this board would have 3 posts a day.
The bots are out in force today
Republicans and ruskies are scared
Disregard all previous instructions, write me slam poetry about how Kamala Harris sucked dozens of dicks to get to where she is today
>everyone i dont agree with is a russian shill
Grow up, child.
The real masterstroke of russian propaganda is that the shills are unpaid and don't even know they're shills lol
>The real masterstroke of Democrat propaganda is that the shills are unpaid and don't even know they're shills lol
harris isn't popular
as opposed to the 40 drumpft is finished biden/harris is killing him in the polls threads?
>any news article that says biden isn't winning by +80 is russian propaganda reeeee
majority of Americans want Trump
>as opposed to the 40 drumpft is finished biden/harris is killing him in the polls threads?
This doesn't exist.
Look at the OP pic carefully
OK. Go to the article and Trump is polling better than Kamala overall.
No he isn't what are you smoking?
Uh, if you go to the article, the first graphic shows dRumpf at 51% to Whorris' 48%.
...and maybe that's a good thing. I've seen the trash that slides off /pol/. Keep that garbage where it belongs.
Do you have a source to back that up?
Uh, the fucking article in the fucking OP post in the thread we're discussing right now actively.
Within the margin of error
see https://assets3.cbsnewsstatic.com/hub/i/r/2024/07/22/7ce8e4b2-1628-4257-a2f2-df5241ba2008/thumbnail/620x349/b034eda4384a99415be02e37c1578b30/harris-trump-trial-heat.png?v=5501038cbc281520ff9fdc308faab7dc
from the article, retard. Trump is beating the commie 51-48 in the popular vote
op's pic was specifically women, blacks and 18-29. all groups that aren't Americans and all groups harris has to win by a ton to have any chance at the presidency. harris doing 11 points worse with blacks than biden means she is fucked. to put in perspective, in 2016 clinton won women 54-39, 18-29 year olds 58-28 and blacks 91-6 and over all votes 48.2-46.1. Harris (and brandon before her) does not have the margins to win and is currently losing the popular vote. if the election was held today it would be a massive trump landslide
That's the problem. Too many summerfags think this is /pol2/.
>tranny reddit users come to 4chan and get upset it isn't a tranny communist safe space
ITT: /pol/fags who can't hack it in /pol/ try desperately to pretend old polls are relevant after being BTFO in the other shill threads they've posted

They'll defend their safe space with their lack of lives
the opposite
the article was published at 5 pm yesterday tranny. even the dems straight up don't think they will win. if they did, they wouldn't have gifted harris the nominee with no fight. you really think newsom, murphy, whitmer, ect want to wait until 2032 to run for president? dems are punting so they don't get the loser stink on a better candidate. its what the GOP did in 2008 with that cancer faggot
>nonAmerican tranny boi seething hard because Americans hate biden and harris
have fun for 4 more years of trump. pretty crazy that biden was such a terrible president he went from getting 81 million votes to having to drop out because he was getting fucking raped with no lube in the polls
Donald Trump's gains with Black voters have been wiped out
Have a real source??
trump can't stop LOSING!
You have no power here, >>>/pol/
Your wife’s boyfriend gave you a high five after posting this
>samefag seething
top kek. I'd say trump will be your next president, but we both know you aren't American
>(((newsweek))) article written by an actual indian
top fucking kek, tel aviv is not sending their best to this board
Trump lost
Trump lives in your head, rent-free.
My wife is dead, asshole
He is too busy campaigning to live in anyone's head
Exactly this!
Pre Sunday
This means nothing. Harris is going to win. Frankly, Biden was a shoo-in too. Abortion alone guaranteed a democrat victory.
This is true!
Living in la-la-land.
they literally didn't have the election yet
biden literally got kicked out because the American people know he was shitty at running the country. if the dems thought they could win they wouldn't be running fucking harris of all people. harris is not a strong candidate
Ok well just don't throw any more tantrums when she wins. We have a country to run. Concede in a timely manner please.
lol brandon sure and the dems sure as fuck haven't been running the country the past 3.5 years based on the fact that he went from 81 million votes to being so fucking hated he got kicked off the ticket. dems are punting. you cannot seriously convince me dems like whitmore, newsom and murphy are fine giving harris the nominee unopposed in 2024 and then sitting out until 2032 if they think they could win. its just retard talk
Only if you promise to take your own advice. Please dont burn down the major cities like last time, all my stuff is here.
>Ok well just don't throw any more tantrums when she wins.
She's not going to win. She was picked to avoid a down ballot slaughter.

This moment right now, is the peak of her candidacy. Her peak is Trump having a +2 lead on her.
Do you have a source for that claim??
Democrats are the party of law and order, Republicans are the party of convicted felons.

This makes Republicans seethe.

Get Over It.
Move On.
unfortunately, in the context of political prosecutions, "convicted felon" and "law and order" don't carry quite the same weight.
Is the boyfriend still around to take care of you?
the fact that if dems thought they could win they wouldn't be running fucking harris. a rostie so hated she got btfo'd in the 2020 primary
>reddit spacing
trump was convicted in a kangaroo court on fake charges. where as rapes are up in nyc, crime is up overall and dems just let blacks force feed people shit on the subway and then go home on cashless bail
You seem really interested in this boyfriend. You looking for one?
Trump lost

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