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Elon Musk’s Daughter Fires Back After He Says She Was ‘Killed’ By ‘Woke Mind Virus’
Vivian Wilson, who legally changed her name and gender after her 18th birthday, took to Threads to say that her father is distorting the facts around her transition
JULY 25, 2024 1:56PM EDT


In a disjointed two-hour conversation streamed live on X (formerly Twitter) on Monday, Jordan Peterson and Elon Musk discussed topics ranging from Christian imagery to the “carnivore diet.” But it was Musk’s comments about his estranged trans daughter, Vivian Wilson — whom he deadnamed and misgendered repeatedly — that caused the biggest stir.

Now, Wilson, 20, has started to tell her side of the story.

Musk had painted himself as a victim of Wilson’s gender transition and legal name change (she took the surname of her mother, Justine Wilson, in 2022), claiming that he had been “tricked” into signing paperwork that allowed Vivian to go on puberty blockers. Referring to Wilson with male pronouns and by her birth name, Musk lamented that his “son” had been “killed” by “the woke mind virus,” admitting that this family affair inspired his turn toward far-right politics in recent years.
Thursday, Wilson pushed back against Musk on her Threads account, first challenging a Monday tweet in which he had again deadnamed and misgendered her and claimed that she was born “gay and slightly autistic.” Musk said he had known this from the time that Vivian was four years old, as Vivian “would pick out clothes for me to wear like a jacket and tell me it was ‘Fabulous!'” and loved musicals.

“There’s a lot of stuff I need to debunk which I will get to don’t worry, but I want to start with what I find the funniest which is the notorious ‘slightly autistic’ tweet,” Wilson wrote in a post on her Threads account, sharing a screenshot of the Musk tweet with her deadname covered up.

“This is entirely fake,” Wilson wrote in a second post. “Like, literally none of this ever happened. Ever. I don’t even know where he got this from. My best guess is that he went to the Milo [Yiannopoulos] school of gay stereotypes, just picked some at random and said ‘eh- good enough’ in a last-ditch attempt to garner sympathy points when he is so obviously in the wrong even in his own fucking story.” (Yiannopoulos is a right-wing troll and operative who claims to be “ex-gay” and says he regards homosexuality as “an addiction.”)
Wilson wrote: “I want to make one thing absolutely clear. I disowned him, not the other way around.” Indeed, when legally changing her name and gender in 2022, she told a California court that she no longer wished to be related to Musk “in any way, shape or form.” By that point, Musk had already tweeted criticism of preferred pronouns and said he might support Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who had signed the state’s controversial “Don’t Say Gay” law that year, if he ran for president in 2024.

Wilson went on to say that her father’s account made no sense, since four-year-olds aren’t aware of such concepts. “This entire thing is completely made up and there’s a reason for this,” she wrote. “He doesn’t know what I was like as a child because he quite simply wasn’t there, and in the little time that he was I was relentlessly harassed for my femininity and queerness.” Wilson then brushed aside Musk’s insistence that she’s not a woman, noting that she’s legally recognized as female. Musk himself, she said, is lost “in a ketamine-fueled haze, desperate for attention and validation from an army of degenerate red-pilled incels and pick-mes who are quick to give it to him.” (Musk has talked openly about taking ketamine for therapeutic purposes.)

Wilson’s Threads account, which had around 30 followers before her comments on Thursday, quickly accumulated several thousand more followers. Some signaled that they supported her against Musk, with one writing, “hope you’re not too bothered by what he says about you.” Wilson replied, “I’m not lol. I’ve just started to find it funny at this point. Calling me dead on a podcast with JORDAN PETERSON of all people while basically admitting you have zero reading comprehension by saying you were ‘tricked’ into signing documents that you read over multiple times is basically a parody of itself. Like it’s honestly camp.”
Elon Musk can't stop LOSING!
Wilson had already posted a few reactions to the Peterson interview as Musk’s comments about her began to make the rounds. “I look pretty good for a dead bitch,” she wrote in reply to a headline about Musk saying she had been “killed.” (Another post with the same wording is now pinned on her profile.) “I didn’t know I was dead, this is news to me,” she replied to a clip of Musk’s comment. She also uploaded a video of herself assuring followers she was “fine, actually,” and “formulating a response.” Wilson asked for patience as she figured it out. “Hold your god damn horses for five more seconds, okay? I promise it’s getting worked on.”

Musk did not immediately address his daughter’s remarks on Thursday morning. On X, he shared video from the 1992 Olympics opening ceremony and retweeted an AI-generated image of himself in Roman military armor posted by a cryptocurrency promoter. The caption reads: “Now is the time to fight the anti-human woke mind virus with everything!”
>he shared video from the 1992 Olympics opening ceremony and retweeted an AI-generated image of himself in Roman military armor
This is why the rich should be taxed into the ground.
>Mentally disturbed boy inducted into sexual grooming cult lashes out in HRT-fueled rage at his estranged father.
Sad, many such cases, unfortunately! Prayers for Elon and his son, get well soon!
He's learning that all the money in the world is no match for what's good and right. He sacrificed his own daughter's honor just for Trump and his supporters. What a horrible character.
I agree
>daughter is actually alive
He said his son was killed. Where is his son, hmmm?
I think I would be more heartbroken about my child trooning out than dying. That's a fate worse than death for a father
>Pa is extremely rich
>You will be completely and utterly set for life as long as you don't go ballistic and distance yourself
Why is this so hard for rich kids? If I were born into a family like that you better believe I'd be an absolute angel of a child
So you admit trans women are actual women?
You going to suck your dad's dick too? For money? What a good little prostitute.
Who said anything about sucking dicks? All that bbc porn really has melted your brain.
At least you’ll never have kids to worry about
Sorry tranny jeet, already married to a blonde woman with blue eyes and we're planning to have our second next year. Keep dilating though. Or shitting in the street and wiping your hand with your ass, whichever it is.
lying ass incel. lmao.
i hope nobodys children is ever stolen by transgenderism and grooming ever
Ooooooh Nooooooo!!!
The Reddit tranny is debonking pops!
I'd be embarrassed to be his father myself and probably wouldn't post about it on Twitter, but whatever.
He should've thrown the troon in a desert prison for a year with nothing but air dropped supplies. Bet little faggot Elon Jr. would've been over wanting to play out his fantasy after that.
Elon's such a CHUD. I don't see how he can even be against trans and it's base reasoning of "cut off my penis, and destroy my hormonal system or I'll kill myself."
I don't know why CHUDs don't trust science. If they don't mutilate themselves, play dress up and kill themselves slowly, they're going to kill themselves.
CHUDs are terrible people. I am a moral person. Genital mutilation is the moral highground.
Seriously. What kind of a horrible parent wouldn't want their child to be a laughing stock and would be against their child mutilating their body? Something has to be done.
I thought so too
Thanks, sisters.
lol Stinky poopoo CHUDs are on suicide watch at this large consensus!
>Stinky poopoo CHUDs
MAGA bros... how do we respond to this epic roast without sounding big mad?
It's funny how CHUDs don't even know how to engage with people of superior moral character such as myself.
Look how the piece of shit writes.

>>like, literally even
>>like, I can't wtf
>like, like (snort) like ya know?

Elon's better off with it dead.
No parent should ever have to watch their child troon out.
>“I was in fourth grade. We went on this road trip that I didn’t know was actually just an advertisement for one of the cars — I don’t remember which one — and he was constantly yelling at me viciously because my voice was too high,” she said. “It was cruel.”
Did you know that Biden's daughter's diary entries are true now?
Always was, but it was always a bad attack angle. Being a kiddie diddler is a boon within democrat circles
That settles it. I am not voting for Joe Biden.
>The state of California says I'm a woman and I don't concern myself with the opinions of lessers
Lol what a stupid fagggot.
I'm still voting for Scranton Joe, myself.
Conservative head cannon is wild.
Troonbot headcannon is wild
I thought so too
Those two psychopaths deserve each other.

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