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Barbie has announced two new additions to its growing line of diverse and inclusive dolls: a blind Barbie and the first Black Barbie with Down syndrome.

Mattel announced the two new dolls on Tuesday as part of Barbie's 2024 Fashionistas Line, an inclusive range of dolls with over 175 varieties of skin tone, eye color, hair color and texture, body types, disabilities and fashions.
There is literally zero excuse to be poor in America at this point. Just short Matel and Disney stock. No sympathy at this point
Transgender barbie with Ken bulge when? I say its about time!

We should troll Matel into actually doing it. Flood them with seemingly sincere complaints from the trans community demanding inclusion. And let's not stop with trans. I want to see a morbidly obese Barbie with accessories like a walker or scooter. I want recovering eating disorder Barbie with a visible rib cage. A dominatrix Barbie would be hot as fuck too, but that might be pushing the envelope a little too far.

For Ken, we should have a "Cruising Ken" doll dressed in a netted black tank top, short shorts, and navy cap. Or how about a furry Ken?

The possibilities are truly endless...
Transgender Barbie comes with the Girls' Locker Room playset, accessories sold separately.
Being chuck full of disease and illness is not a good thing and shouldn't be glorified or promoted. Tongue my anus
>Black Barbie with Down syndrome.
Weird choice considering the DEI homos want to kill all Down syndrome babies.
Then again, no one ever accused extremists of having common sense.
I heard it comes with an AR-15, a raging hate for whites and Christians, and a few little kids with blow apart action.
It makes sense when you understand theyre marketing to investors not customers. The more victim group boxes they can check, the more their DEI score goes up, and the more (((investor))) cash gets shoveled their way. Line goes up.
>blind Barbie
it's just a normal Barbie with a cane...

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