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Trump calls for jail sentence for desecrating flag: ‘Stupid people’ will say it’s unconstitutional
BY BRETT SAMUELS - 07/25/24 8:42 AM ET


Former President Trump said there should be a one-year jail sentence for anyone who desecrates the American flag in the wake of anti-Israel protests over the war in Gaza outside Union Station in Washington, D.C., that included a group burning an American flag.

Trump, who has previously called for criminalizing burning the flag, scoffed at those who point out it’s not illegal to do so.

"You should get a one-year jail sentence if you do anything to desecrate the American flag,” Trump said Wednesday on “Fox & Friends” when asked about the protests.

“Now, people will say, ‘Oh, it’s unconstitutional.’ Those are stupid people. Those are stupid people that say that,” the former president continued. “We have to work in Congress to get a one-year jail sentence. When they’re allowed to stomp on the flag and put lighter fluid on the flag and set it afire, when you’re allowed to do that — you get a one-year jail sentence, and you’ll never see it again.”

In the 1989 case Texas v. Johnson, the Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision that the act of burning an American flag is constitutionally protected free speech under the First Amendment.

Republicans and Democrats have both condemned the demonstrations outside Union Station on Wednesday while Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke down the road in the U.S. Capitol to members of Congress about his country’s ongoing war with Hamas.

Protesters took down an American flag and replaced it with a Palestinian flag and at one point burned the U.S. flag before someone ran into the crowd and snatched it away.
D.C. Metropolitan Police said six protesters were arrested at the scene. At least five protesters were also arrested in the House gallery during Netanyahu’s speech, and another five were arrested while marching on Constitution Avenue.

D.C. Metropolitan Police said six protesters were arrested at the scene. At least five protesters were also arrested in the House gallery during Netanyahu’s speech, and another five were arrested while marching on Constitution Avenue.
Imagine thinking anyone cares about your rights after your behavior for the last eight years.
"My behavior"? You don't even know what I believe.
Why do you love treason, faggot tranny? Aren't you the one going off about the insurrection?
No one cares about that, either.
>Trump dindu nuffin!
>da libs caused all the bad things!
Who is supposed to believe this?
I don't support treason or flag burning, but I respect their right to do it. Go move to Russia if you want everyone to blindly worship the country.
I agree!
I thought so too
dems want to ban "hate speech" and any info on guns. dems hate the entire constitution
Everyone who lived through the last eight years. You freaks are a cancer on western civilization.
t. consumer of right wing misinformation
I thought so too!
good post
Surely you have a source!??
You underestimate the intelligence of the average conservative. They unironically think a single political party has enough money, manpower, organization and political cohesion to:

Rig an election
Bribe every mainstream media organization
Bribe every judge and juror
Orchestrate dozens of political assassination
Bribe the media every day 24/7
Flood the entire Internet with disinfo about every war in US history
Brainwash millions of children into woke trannies
Commit billions in money laundering
Cover up all of the above

All without a leader, any clear documents on these plans or any credible, high ranking whistleblowers bowing the entire scheme wide open.
What does this have to do with the right not supporting free speech?
>sealioning tranny detected
the dems hate the entire constitution
they do, because they are communists bankrolled by the rich because they hate America
>announces legislation
>introduces bill
The fact that none of this legislation passed anything or was even brought to the floor eludes you.
Lots of things elude gun schizo
Anything they link is almost guaranteed to have nothing to do with the conversation or the point they're trying to make, unless its directly contradicting what they're trying to say.
there it is, that paid sealioning tranny that doesn't know how the American government works because she isn't American
the GOP blocked it federally, but its law in democrat run states
but you don't care. you know you are wrong and are trying to waste my time and are going to say this source doesn't count because you live in tel aviv or new dehli
Do you have any sources to back up your claim?
Why do right wingers keep assuming what my views are? Why do they keep assuming I want to ban hate speech? Why do they assume I'm not a gun rights advocate? It's starting to be rude.
There's no need to bribe anyone and you're not putting much effort into covering things up.
Everyone knows what your views are.
No. Actually you don't. What do you think my views are?
>Rig an election
False. Didn't read the rest.
Fox told them to believe this
>prevent Russia from taking Ukraine
>get investment bankers out of single family home purchases
>close tax loopholes and increases taxes on billionaire income, wealth, and estate
>complete overhaul on police training
>care about the climate
>domestic abusers, mentally ill, and anyone with a history of violence can not own a gun
>become the world leader in renewable energy and sustainability
>work with india and china incentives for pollution reduction
>let the gaza drama continue while funding both sides and robbing Abrahamist scum blind until they demolish themselves entirely and then pave over their entire country
Left is best. Go blue!
>No source
>talking to yourself
Haha, what a loser!
That's fine
>>prevent Russia from taking Ukraine
Isn't this most American's views? Trump constantly talks about winning Russia easily.
>>get investment bankers out of single family home purchases
Nope. Don't care about this.
>>close tax loopholes and increases taxes on billionaire income, wealth, and estate
Nope. I think both sides have a fair point on this.
>>complete overhaul on police training
I wouldn't use the word "overhaul". Also who would be against training police officers? The leftist argument would be that there needs to be an acknowledgement about police brutality and lack of accountability.
>>care about the climate
This was always the main position before Trump and culture war fighting.
>>domestic abusers, mentally ill, and anyone with a history of violence can not own a gun
This is already the law though for mentally ill. Also I don't necessarily agree with these. I think both sides make good arguments.
>>become the world leader in renewable energy and sustainability
Are you implying people don't want America to be the leader in renewable resources? I feel like the counterargument would just be that it costs too much money which is also true.
>>work with india and china incentives for pollution reduction
Nah, China is evil and won't do anything unless you force them to.
>>let the gaza drama continue while funding both sides and robbing
Not exactly. A younger leftist would demand for "the genocide" to end while am older one would just both sides the conversation. The older one is correct as both sides are unironically bad.
>Abrahamist scum blind until they demolish themselves entirely and then pave over their entire country
I'm a Christian so this wouldn't make sense.
Cool story bro
because those are your views and banning guns is the most important thing to the dems, right after increasing their personal wealth
>>prevent Russia from taking Ukraine
there literally isn't a war in ukraine, its a money laundering scheme
>>get investment bankers out of single family home purchases
>>close tax loopholes and increases taxes on billionaire income, wealth, and estate
dems did neither of these things in the 3.5 years brandon was president or in any states because they don't want to. they just want middle class tax hikes and inflation
>>complete overhaul on police training
define this
>>care about the climate
global warming isn't real
>>domestic abusers, mentally ill, and anyone with a history of violence can not own a gun
domestic abusers already can't own guns. define the mentally ill, because that just prevents people from seeking healthcare and the mentally ill literally do not do gun crime, men of color do https://psychiatryonline.org/doi/pdf/10.5555/appi.books.9781615371099
and define history of violence
>>become the world leader in renewable energy and sustainability
so increase the cost of energy and lower the standard of living for all but the rich?
>>work with india and china incentives for pollution reduction
so give india and china tons of cash and power and get nothing in return?
>>let the gaza drama continue while funding both sides and robbing Abrahamist scum blind until they demolish themselves entirely and then pave over their entire country
we both know dems won't do that
>Left is best. Go blue!
nah, the left sucks dick and is wrong on every issue
Oh no. It's retarded.
1.i never said they were my views. You're just straw manning in bad faith l
2.Where did I say I was a Democrat?
Brainwashed. Post your new sources.
You heard it here first everyone. The people who would hunt you down at your jobs when they couldn't beat you in the streets for speaking out think you're censoring them. Good thing they have all these giant media cartels on their side to level the playing field.
Good good. Burn all traitors.
>leftists want to play the desecration of flag is free speech card
Doing a burnout on a public crosswalk painted with a rainbow flag is a felony in multiple US states.

Treating the national flag of our country the same we treat the rainbow banner of profligacy would actually level the playing field according to what leftists have already decided constitutes free speech and what doesn't.

So why would they possibly be against this?
Obviously I believe both are respected speech, although the public sidewalk burnout probably obstructs people's ability to go places which is a minor offense.
kek at this new tactic of pretending to be bored because democrat tranny shills kept getting btfo'd so fucking hard every time
we both know you are a democrat

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