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>Why Biden Was Really Forced Out of the Race, According to Anita Dunn
>The longtime presidential adviser blames the press and her party.
>Anita Dunn has no regrets about holding a historically early debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump — and still disputes the notion that Biden’s performance was “catastrophic” for the voters he needed to win over.

>In an interview with the Playbook Deep Dive podcast, the longtime Biden adviser recalled watching the debate while monitoring a group of undecided voters turn their dials in positive or negative directions as the event went on. And she said the results might surprise Washington.

>“Voters didn’t particularly like Biden’s performance in the first half hour. He wasn’t scoring well at all. But it’s not as though they walked out,” she said. “They very much liked a lot of the second half of the debate for Joe Biden. They hated Donald Trump.”

>But the fallout was devastating. If the campaign’s goal was to turn the race into more of a choice between Trump and Biden rather than simply a referendum on the president, it backfired.

>Still, even in the ensuing weeks, Dunn thought Biden could hold on.

>She had seen him at his political low point in the 2020 campaign — after he had lost the first three primary contests and looked like he was toast — and had helped him turn things around in South Carolina. In Biden world, the press, pundits and politicians always underestimated him.

>Indeed, Dunn and the Biden team thought they had seen this movie before. They developed a strategy to power through the media and party mob dumping on Biden, and race to the virtual convention vote, after which they bet that everyone would move on.

>But this time it was different. Unlike Biden’s core team, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama and Hakeem Jeffries were never convinced on the legend of Biden.
E Jean Carroll is Jewish?
Pretty sure he's talking about his granddaughter.
Not news.
What the fuck is this editorial OP-ed shit doing here?
Smell the desperation from the right wing nutjobs. It will only get worse the next three months.
>posts made at 1:08 pm new delhi time, 10:38 am tel aviv time
>post made at 4:43 pm new delhi time, 2:!3 pm tel aviv time
and it is news, communist shills. its an interview with one of biden's advisers
Does everyone in your country go to sleep before midnight?
We don't have to in America since we have lightbulbs and electricity.
>people care what Anita Dunn thinks
No they don't, it's literally her opinion, man
I really don't like Biden, but I still respect that (even if a little too late) he gave away power willingly, I think that's very commendable
the posts are at 3 am and 7 am. they aren't American
its literally an interview with one of biden's staff. how do you think news works if they don't do interviews?
if biden was giving up power willingly he would have done it a year or 18 months ago. he was forced out due to his dementia. he has been a power hungry piece of shit his whole life and a bottom 5 president
>its literally the opinion of one of biden's staff
its literally someone who actively works for biden describing how he got forced out because trump humiliated him in an interview
exactly, which makes it a non-story and an opinion piece. Did you think she was going to badmouth her current boss in the press?
>they aren't American
>American citizens - servicemen - at US military bases in other parts of the world
Have you served in US's military? Who are you to say to them they aren't Americans?
He's a notorious shitposter who thinks this board is big enough for democrat operatives and communist infiltrators from India and Israel to post on. Also he thinks everyone to the left of Charlie Kirk is a communist.
>inb4 "Obongo"
Don't care. Still voting for Biden.
This board is frequented by Russian intelligence for psyops tho
rage harder, schizo
Ivan is an average Russian NEET who just repeats what he saw on Channel One Russia, not an intel operative
Yes, but nonetheless he made that decision and I respect that.
This isn't exclusive to Biden, it's just something I stand by in general. If a person in power steps down from power they deserve my respect
she literally said he got humiliated in the debate, commie shill. and its labeled as news
>no they are totally American soldiers shitposting on 4chan
they are nonAmerican shills. this is why we need flags. pretty telling how pissed you fags get when post times get called out
this board is full of democrat shills from other countries. all 4chan posters are right wing and support trump
unlike you and obongo, I'm American and have an American birth certificate
he didn't make a decision. he didn't many any decisions. he has dementia and was forced out. he didn't do this willingly. if he stayed in he was going to lose to Trump in a landslide. all the swing states and a bunch of "safe blue" states had trump up in the polls
>and there are still US citizens - servicemen - in the US military in bases in other countries
So those US citizens in US military bases in other countries who don't know about 4chan aren't Americans? Either they are or they aren't.
you post entirely too much
>all 4chan posters are right wing and support trump
All within 4chan, with no exceptions?
I don't care. I'm still voting Biden.
He probably was convinced, but at the end of the day it was still his decision to make
you are a shill and you aren't American
crackhead bot, we both know you aren't American
yeah, all left wing posters are paid shills from reddit or yuros
it isn't. he has dementia. we literally saw at the debate. he probably doesn't even know he isn't running
>I'm the first to tell 1329468 I'm not military personnel at a US military base in another country
So are those US citizens - who have never heard of 4chan - who are US military personnel in US military bases in other countries aren't Americans? Either they are or they aren't.
crackhead bot is malfunctioning bad, reddit spacer really needs to fix it
can't get reddit off your brain can you
reddit spacer is the one who owns and operates crackhead bot.
reddit and drugs constantly in the space that is in someone's head and the constant need to mention them is the sign of those who are obsessed. mentally damaged, as demomstrated by their constant need to post on the internet. terminally online, it could be said of a schizo that always mentions certain things. And others that live in that person's head rent free. That's proof of obsession.
>Why Biden Was Really Forced Out of the Race

Of course he was, people were saying he has Alzheimers back in 2016 and it was obviously the Dems plan to replace him with Kamala from the start.

The Reps got played. Expecting to beat up on a senile Biden, they went with Trump instead of a younger and more capable candidate (i.e. DeSantis) and now we're going to get Kamala as President and all the retarded LeftDem policies she'll obediently implement.

Good job, dumbasses...
you literally write like chat gpt. are you using google translate?

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