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Conservative activists in Georgia have worked with prominent election deniers to pass a series of significant changes to the procedures for counting ballots in recent weeks, raising alarm about the potential for confusion and interference in the election certification process in a key swing state this fall.

Since the beginning of August, the five-member state election board has adopted rules that allow local election boards to conduct a “reasonable inquiry” into election results before they are certified, and to allow any local election board member “to examine all election related documentation created during the conduct of elections prior to certification of results”. The same rule also requires local boards to reconcile any discrepancies between the total number of ballots cast and the number of voters who check in. If it can’t reconcile the numbers, the board is authorized to come up with a way to figure out which votes count and which do not.

At its upcoming meeting in September, the board is also expected to approve a measure that would require local officials to hand-count ballots to check the machine tabulations. Experts have warned that hand-counts are unreliable, costly and time-consuming.

Georgia law requires county officials to certify an election no later than 5pm on the Monday following election day (the deadline will be one day later this year because of a state holiday). Legal experts have noted that state law is clear about that deadline and that none of the recent rules change that.

But at the same time, observers are concerned new changes are seeding the ground to give local county commissioners justifications to object to the certification of the vote.
“State law clearly states the certification deadline. They can add on whatever they want, but cannot go against the existing state law that says it has to be certified by a specific date,” said Julie Houk, a voting rights attorney at the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. At the same time, she added: “What’s going to happen when they have not completed a review of those thousands of records? Are the board members going to say ‘we can’t certify’ even though it requires them to?”

“What’s going to happen if certain board members or boards determine that now that we have all the records we’ve demanded, we can’t get through them in time to certify?”

The changes have caused considerable alarm in one of the most competitive battleground states this presidential cycle, which is expected to be extremely close. Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump in 2020 by 11,799 votes, a razor-thin margin.

Georgia’s state election board, charged with making election rules consistent with Georgia law, was not really paid attention to until this year. But in recent months it has moved forward with a blitz of changes. Earlier this year, Republicans essentially forced out a member who had rebuffed proposed changes and replaced him with someone who has been more sympathetic to the changes.

That new member, Rick Jeffares, has previously posted in support of Trump’s election lies, though he recently told the Guardian he believed the former president lost in Georgia in 2020. He also said that he had proposed himself for a job with the Environmental Protection Agency in a second Trump administration.

The new rules enacted by the board have been shaped with input from the Republican party and a network of election denial activists. The precinct reconciliation rule adopted on Monday, for example, was presented by Bridget Thorne, a Fulton county commissioner who has run a private Telegram channel filled with election conspiracies.
She said during the meeting on Monday she had worked with a number of people on the proposal, including Heather Honey, a prominent activist in the election denialism movement.

Input on rules has also come from the state Republican party, the New York Times reported. Julie Adams, who is connected to a network of election deniers and has refused to certify two elections this year as a member of the Fulton county election board, has also had input on the rules, ProPublica reported.

Trump has publicly praised three of the Republicans on the board who have constituted the majority to enact the new rules. During a rally earlier this month he called them “pitbulls fighting for honesty, transparency and victory”.

Three lawyers tied to Trump also spoke out in favor of the new rules on Monday. They included Hans von Spakovsky, a lawyer at the Heritage Foundation who served on Trump’s voter fraud commission, Ken Cuccinelli, who had a top role in the Department of Homeland Security under Trump, and Harry MacDougald, who is defending former justice department official Jeffrey Clark in the Georgia criminal case dealing with Trump’s efforts to overturn the election.

John Fervier, the Republican chair on the board who voted against the rule, said he was also concerned about refusal to certify elections.

“We’ve seen boards, or board members recently, that refused to certify because they didn’t see X, Y or Z documents. I think this just even opens the door more to that,” he said.

During Monday’s meeting, those who supported the rule insisted that local county commissioners could refuse to certify an election if they did not believe the tally was accurate.

“One individual board member does not have authority to overrule other board members,” Thorne said. “Board members would have the right to disagree if they wanted to disagree. But hopefully by having this process in place, everyone will be confident and go ahead and certify.
MacDougald, one of the lawyers supporting the proposal, suggested that a judge could not force a majority of election board members to certify a result they believed was incorrect. “The board members have the right to vote on certification, that necessarily gives them the right to vote against it,” he said.

“Unless a board member has full confidence in the administration of the election, that it was done without error, they should not certify the election,” von Spakovsky said at the meeting.

Election officials have expressed concern about the new rule that prevents them from counting any ballots in a precinct if the number of voters checked in doesn’t align with the number of ballots cast. These small discrepancies often occur because of human error – a voter might check in and leave with their ballot or a voter concerned about their mail-in vote counting might decide to cast a vote in person. These small discrepancies are almost always smaller than the margin of votes and are explained in a reconciliation report to the secretary of state after the election.

There also could be problems with the portion of the rule that empowers local boards to come up with a way of tabulating the votes if the discrepancy, no matter how small, can’t be explained.

“Let’s say I’m at a poll that has 500 ballots. And we go through and determined one of those 500 voters should not have cast that ballot for whatever reason,” said Joseph Kirk, the election director in Bartow county, Georgia, which is about an hour north-west of Atlanta. “How do we know which ballot to take out of the box? They’re anonymous.”

Even if the election result is eventually certified, any discovery found during the new investigatory phase could become fodder to continue to challenge the election results. In 2020 and 2022, Trump and allies seized on human errors to falsely argue that they were only the tip of a corrupt system.
The Georgia Association of Voter Registration and Election Officials, an organization that represents election officials across the state, called on the board to stop making changes, warning that continuing to do so would cause confusion.

“Any last-minute changes to the rules risk undermining the public’s trust in the electoral process and place undue pressure on the individuals responsible for managing the polls and administering the election,” said W Travis Doss, the group’s president and the executive director of the board of elections in Richmond county, Georgia. “This could ultimately lead to errors or delays in voting, which is the last thing anyone wants.”

Donald Trump is telling supporters he already has November’s election in the bag and that the only way he can lose is if the Democrats “cheat,” raising alarms about the prospect of another Jan. 6-like event fueled by election subversion.

“Our primary focus is not to get out the vote. It’s to make sure they don’t cheat. Because we have all the votes we need,” Trump claimed Wednesday at a rally in the battleground state of Arizona, whose electoral results he sought to toss out in 2020 based on false claims of widespread fraud.

If the thought of another insurrection sounds alarmist, consider what happened four years ago. Months before the 2020 election, Trump warned that it would be “rigged.” In December, days after the Electoral College cast its ballots for Democrat Joe Biden, Trump announced a “wild” protest on Jan. 6, and his allies launched the “Stop the Steal” movement, promoting false claims and conspiracy theories asserting the election was stolen by means of rigged voting machines and fraudulent ballot-stuffing.

Washington officials and law enforcement will be on high alert this time around, so another deadly riot breaking out at the U.S. Capitol doesn’t seem likely. But that doesn’t mean the threat of more violence is zero.

Trump and his GOP allies have been preemptively blaming an election loss on undocumented immigrants — and suggesting the only thing that can stop them from throwing the election to Democrats is new legislation restricting noncitizen voting, even though it’s already illegal and rarely happens, and even though there is no chance of such legislation becoming law.
fake news. there was no coup. I've never hear anyone who didn't have trump derangement syndrome talking about or caring about this fag shit
Trump will be cheated out of absolutely everything he comes across in life. It isn't only elections he will be forced out of. The world is trying to no scope him and anything that ever mattered to Trump in his nearly 80 years of life.

They have a problem with Trump existing. We'll see how the almighty one responds but I think he should declare war on everyone. A great world war upon this one giant and cursed shit hole that we live in.
Maybe the left should stop cheating then.
>It is 11:41PM in Russia
Makes sense.
>muh russia
Still voting Trump~
Russian shills can't vote in US elections
are the russians in the room with you right now?
top fucking kek at how much the
>this post was made at indian and jewish time
posts made you seethe
>Using stock /pol/ phrase
Could you make it more obvious?
you sure are seething that no one changed their mind over your propaganda thread
>N-n-n-no u...
Why would Trump be changing the rules to rig the election for himself then?
Guess we'll see. Republicans filed 52 challenges in total after 2020 and every single one of them was dismissed "without merit".
They'll do better judge shopping this time around, count on it.
This is incorrect. They won suits in Wisconsin, PA and GA and litigation continues to this day.
Because corruption exists. Perhaps you should think that through before taunting the sleeping giant with what might wake him from his slumber in a bad mood.
There are multiple.
the fact that you aren't showing us what you're talking about is proof enough that you're a dishonest faggot. not that there wasn't ample proof before that
maybe you were talking about these charges?
I'm not here to educate you. I'm here to mock you for being low-info.
well i suppose i'll just keep proving you wrong if you can't prove yourself right


>County records reviewed by the Associated Press (AP) found that the defendant was a Republican when he registered to vote from his Lighthouse Point residence.
he didn't and you are making it up and seething
Why not? You want everyone else to.
at least he admits what he is
>he thinks its a debate
>he thinks I care about "winning" on an anonymous forum
Touch grass.
at least he admits he's a loser
Your life is so meaningless you care about winning arguments against faceless, nameless, people on the internet.

You have redefined the meaning of loser.
at least he's triggered
You dont even have your own slang.
Jive-ass dude don't got no brains anyhow! Shiiiiit
>He said I dont have any slang! I'll show him!
>*LARPs as a 1970's black dude from Harlem*
You have to see it to believe it.
i think he's embarrassed
>expecting a non-american shill to recognize a reference from an American movie
They should start punishing the republican lawyers for filing frivolous lawsuits
That's the Republicans and their voter suppression schemes.
I wish there was a coup for real.
it was real though.
Is anyone worried that all this fearmongering is just making way for a DNC coup?
What's up with the Trump and projection?
Do you just pull these buzz phrases out of a hat?
Why not? They already pulled one against the candidate their voters chose.
He is referring to Trump, who finally admitted that he lost the 2020 election.
That's Trump though.
Think about it
>Trump won't accept election results
>He's a dictator
>We need to stop him no matter what
Why do you think they are saying this?
You subhumans really have turned projection into a lifestyle.
>Trump loses the election
>He stages a coup to stay in power
>WhY Do pEOple ThINk He'S a DiCTAtor?
No one believes you but your fellow cultists
Who was it that staged a coup? Trump..
>Muh coup
People who care about democracy really don't like it when you stage a coup, like Trump did.
When was that?
You didn't seem to have a problem with overturning the votes of millions of Biden voters this month.
I must have missed when Trump failed to leave office when his term was up.
Biden quit the race. How can you be so stupid as to not understand that?
What you missed was Pence refusing to go along with the coup attempt and that foiled Trumps attempt to steal power and stay in the White House. So he had to leave because he did not have the militaries backing like most dictators do when they seize power. Because Trump is an asshole who insults military, why would they back his power play?
biden was forced out against his will
good post
What an amazing fantasy you've concocted.
Where's the fantasy? All of those things happened.
>biden was forced out against his will
According to whom?
Trump's coup failed, that's why.
according to right wing faggots who project because their coup failed
>biden was forced out against his will

Trump said for months before the election that there would be fraud. After he lost, he refused to concede. He asked his attorney general to send fake letters to states claiming they found evidence of election fraud. When Barr refused and half of the justice department threatened to quit if Trump went through with the plan. When it became clear that Trump wasn't going to be able to flip the election through legal cases, Barr or by calling up election officials on the phone and pressuring them, he had his legal team organize a fake electors scheme where he recruited dozens of private citizens in all of the swing states he lost to forge documents and lie on them to claim they were the states chosen electors. His plan was to send these electors to congress and when January 6th came around he would use the confusion over which electors were the real electors so Pence could nullify the electors and send the election back to the house for a vote where the Republican majority would proclaim him the winner of the election. Trump gathered a crown of supporters on January 6th and told them to "fight for their country" and that "Pence needed to do the right thing and only count the real electors". After this speech he sent them all down to the capitol during the exact time they were certifying the election. An hour after the rioting began Trump was informed that Pence refused to toss out the election. Instead of tweeting his followers to stop rioting and go home he tweeted "Pence failed us". He didn't send a tweet asking for his supporters to go home until 3 hours after the rioting started despite his children and his staff begging him to do so while he sat on his ass and watched them on TV. All of this is objective fact.
Yes I did in 2016.
>literal schizophrenia
>No argument against objective facts
I accept your concession
>i win because it was real in my mind
to one of his advisers, samefag tranny. over 30 members of dem leadership including obongo forced him out because trump humiliated him at the debate
It's good to know that a black man being in the White House and Leader of the Free World - the absolute pinnacle of human ambition - for eight years makes a retard mad. Better still, there's less than nothing he can do about said black man being president for eight years.
>No argument
I accept your concession.

>to one of his advisers, samefag tranny. over 30 members of dem leadership including obongo forced him out because trump humiliated him at the debate
You just lost credibility. Voting Harris now.
see >>1329265
>/pol/ propaganda thread
>Citing the right wing website that covered up the leaked Trump e-mails
Because winners cheat. Trump will win because he cheated. You will seethe uncontrollably. BEND THE KNEE
>Winners cheat
Why is this a conservative mindset? They champion Trump because he cheats the system and fucks over others.
biden's advisor who was interviewed is /pol/? god india is not sending their best with you shills
you're /pol/ and you're lying

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