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wtf is this real?
its white
>its white
So not only is OP a faggot but a lying antisemite
no one knows because he didn't paste the article text
>he didn't paste the article text
And reading the nypost article, I know why the faggot OP daren't: it doesn't mention Jews, and the model isn't of a synagogue
the ribbon is white you fucking, ESL retard. you can see the ribbon in the fucking photo and its white. OP said it was blue. jesus christ JIDF
no, he's right, OP is a lying antisemitic faggot.
>Model of Jewish house of worship wins blue ribbon
And OP is a lying ESL faggot, retard
>you can see the ribbon in the fucking photo and its white. OP said it was blue
So not only is the OP faggot a retard, you're ESL
But then, the OP being a faggot is you as well. The post logs. What say you, mods?
having trouble there crackhead bot?
its a fucking porn set, it says it in the URL you ESL retards. and Eric Whittacker, the guy who owns the porn company is jewish
foreign crackhead bot having trouble with colors and posting article, but would definitely have trouble if it did post the article
>Eric Whittacker
>>1334232 is ESL with not only names but their origins (searching using phrase 'origin of name Whitaker', first thing which comes up):
'Whitaker is a masculine name of Old English origin. Both a given name and a surname, it has a long Anglo-Saxon heritage and is thought to have originated from a placename in England. Whitaker means “wheat-field” or “white-field,” evoking images of the rolling hills of the countryside'
Those with the name Whitaker are clearly more American than >>1334232 will ever be.
>Whitaker means “white-field
So Anglo-Saxons were Jewish?
notice when you ignore crackhead bot she starts giving >(you)s out like candy because her owners don't feed her if she doesn't get engagement
notice when foreign crackhead bot is denied its right to (you)s it has a melty because it can't prove to its owners/paymasters it's not getting the attention it craves like the food it isn't given for not fulfilling it's quota of trolling
it is pretty fun, but I'd rather everyone just ignore them until the next tantrum.
I'd say until they left, but we're not that lucky
Pointing out samefagging is pretty fun
good post
nope, keep seething
calling out >>1334247 & >>1334490 keeps the samefag seething
again, 2 different posters. you are bad at this
>even Stevie Wonder can see that >>1334247 and >>1334490 are the same poster, it's so obvious
>>1334527 you are bad at this, but I know of someone who is good with post logs. What say you, mods?
Are you really going to threaten the right with doxing? Perhaps you should make sure you show up yourself and get what your after if you do.
>threaten with doxing?
Nah. Schadenfreude from proving a rightist retard wrong is better than what you're suggesting
crackhead bot is literally a chatgpt bot
look at crackhead bot giving >(you)s because if it doesn't get engagement it doesn't get fed
My apologies, I understand now. Good luck validating your hypothesis.
>crackhead bot is literally a chatgpt bot
So why are you agreeing with >>1334535 replying to >>1334531 if >>1334531 is a ChatGPT bot as you claim it is?
did you >(you) yourself twice, crackhead bot?
why are you replying to a bot?
when you point out the >(you)s thing it has a melty and stops posting >(you)s correctly
but why do you reply to just an algorithm that you think isn't an actual human? seems a waste of time to me.
bumps the thread which then causes the bot to bump bunch of other threads in rage
but don't you think that communicating with something you think isn't human is bizarre? how can a mere algorithm feel emotion? what do you personally get out of basically talking to nothing? you don't think your behavior, the act of talking to nothing will somehow change things to how you want them to be by trying to argue with that which has no effect on reality by your doing so?
its funny to make it melt down and its even funnier if, like a lot of "AI" its just an indian with google translate
top kek
Why is /news/ the way it is? These threads are always the same shit every thread. Why are you guys like this?
because most /news/ posters are paid democrat discord trannies who never use 4chan other than /news/ and they hate every thread that is not communist propaganda
one guy derails every single thread, guess which one
muh boogie man

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