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The founder of Telegram was arrested on dozens of criminal charges because he ran an encrypted messaging app
He's being accused of pretty much every type of crime that telegram users may have committed.
This has totally nothing to do with the Ukraine war and is a totally just action.
Telegram messaging app CEO Durov arrested in France, Billionaire founder and CEO of the Telegram messaging app, was arrested at the Bourget airport outside Paris on Saturday evening, TF1 TV and BFM TV said, citing unnamed sources.
Telegram, particularly influential in Russia, Ukraine and the republics of the former Soviet Union, is ranked as one of the major social media platforms after Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram, TikTok and Wechat. It aims to hit one billion users in the next year.
Based in Dubai, Telegram was founded by Russian-born Durov. He left Russia in 2014 after refusing to comply with government demands to shut down opposition communities on his VK social media platform, which he sold.
Durov was travelling aboard his private jet, TF1 said on its website, adding he had been targeted by an arrest warrant in France as part of a preliminary police investigation.
TF1 and BFM both said the investigation was focused on a lack of moderators on Telegram, and that police considered that this situation allowed criminal activity to go on undeterred on the messaging app.
Telegram did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment. The French Interior Ministry and police had no comment.
After Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Telegram has become the main source of unfiltered - and sometimes graphic and misleading - content from both sides about the war and the politics surrounding the conflict.
The app has become preferred means of communications for Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskiy and his officials. The Kremlin and the Russian government also use it to disseminate their news. It has also become one of the few places where Russians can access news about the war.
TF1 said Durov had been travelling from Azerbaijan and was arrested at around 20:00 (18:00 GMT).
Durov, whose fortune was estimated by Forbes at $15.5 billion, said some governments had sought to pressure him but the app, which has now 900 million active users, should remain a "neutral platform" and not a "player in geopolitics".
Russia's embassy in France told the Russian state TASS news agency that it was not contacted by Durov's team after the reports of the arrest, but it was taking "immediate" steps to clarify the situation.
Russia's representative to international organisations in Vienna, Mikhail Ulyanov, and several other Russian politicians were quick to accuse France of acting as a dictatorship.
"Some naive persons still don't understand that if they play more or less visible role in international information space it is not safe for them to visit countries which move towards much more totalitarian societies," Ulyanov wrote on X.
The only thing I got from this article is that Dubai is a lawless free-for-all zone when it comes to internet regulation. Durov will be fine. He can afford the best whiteshoe lawyers in Europe. Billionaires don't go to jail.
Are you guys buying the dip?
>implying anyone wants to buy /news/ schizo
If it's cheap it's cheap
Good job, nato. Ukraine just won
>The Kremlin and the Russian government also use it to disseminate their news
So Putin didn't have a problem with Telegram. He certainly needed it for foreign dissemination of propaganda via his RT after what had been done to it in US & UK: denied its right to exist in those countries' airwaves. He needed Telegram.
Do you know who also uses Telegram? Furries Thus Putin doesn't have a problem with them or he would have ensured Telegram's elimination of that which disseminates furry propaganda. Therefore those who want Telegram to continue to exist don't have a problem with Furries either.
>hurts furries
>hurts russia
Why are we supposed to be angry about this again? It sounds like fucking over Telegram is pretty based
>Do you know who also uses Telegram?
According to this article, Zelensky
>Do you know who also uses Telegram?
Putin. >>1334177 doesn't have a problem with furries, or he would want Telegram removed from the internet
Yes that was already mentioned in the post i replied to, chatbot
> >>1334177 doesn't have a problem with furries, or he would want Telegram removed from the internet
Hmm. Your not a very good chatbot
do you like telegram?
most importantly it hurts telegram investors
Why are there two threads up for the same exact article?
Everyone has a problem with furries. Shut the fuck up and fuck off.
>Putin allows Telegram to exist, which allows dissemination of furry propaganda to exist on the same
Putin doesn't have a problem with furries or he would deny them of the right to exist on Telegram by denying Telegram the right to exist on the internet. Destroyed opinion, much?
Your opinion is quite the retarded take
I use signal
Someone got buttmad over op image and made a second article using the exact same URL
Well, by allowing Telegram to exist, Putin doesn't have a problem with furries so your opinion is taken out and thrown into the trash
That is such a stupid take lmao
Where do you come up with this stuff?

I'm reading the dude's history and he was forced out of vk when the Russian Ukraine war started in 2014 and left the country and fled to Saint Kitts and Nevis

I don't think Putin has any control over what this dude does, retard
Telegram is headquartered in Berlin and Dubai, not Russia.

Yet another newstroon btfo!
>furries post on Telegram
>if Putin had a problem with this he would remove Telegram and thus furries that post on such
>Putin allows Telegram to exist
>retard thinks this is someone's 'take' when it's simple facts: by allowing something that is evil to exist, Putin doesn't have a problem with evil furries. One wonders why Putin allows evil to exist on this part of the internet
The stupid >>1334280's opinion is taken out and thrown into the trash by reality
>Putin's propaganda disseminator RT needs Telegram
Or Putin would refuse to use Telegram. So why does he need to share the same site with furry material on it?
Are you a bot or just very hormonal?
It's hard to tell with you people when you spew such rubbish and are stupid about it
>Putin uses the internet
>Furries use the internet
Hahahahahah Putin uses the same thing furries do and he allows it to exist!
Putin is a furry!!
Good riddance.
So why does Putin need to be on a site that furries use?
>The founder of Telegram was arrested
You're next, Muskrat
Yeah this is probably true.
People in the EU hate musks commitment to free speech
>People in the EU
specifically EU politicians
>People in the EU hate musks commitment to free speech
And yet they didn't hate that social media site before Xitter became a self-hung albatross around Muskrat's neck. Curious how that happened, eh? Karma. It's a thing.
>the EU so powerful they forced a company much bigger than Tesla - certainly Xitter - to have USB C in their latest iPhone
>People in the EU hate musks commitment to free speech
>specifically EU politicians
Probably more like culture warfare as progressives try to shut down something that fundamentally is at odds with their ideology: free speech
>what the EU did to a company far bigger than what ensured Muskrat fould buy Xitter
>rightard doesn't like another source of its precious 'Freeze Peach' being eliminated
Funny you bring up the USB c thing. Forcing USB c allows people more freedom because they aren't locked into proprietary device connectors.
Forcing people to stop talking about things is the opposite and makes society less free.

They are both things, but ideologically they are diametrically opposed.
>What the EU made Apple do
>The EU could make Musk remove 'Freeze Peach' from its site. Did I say 'Could'? What they told Apple to do: or else. The operative word being 'Forced'. Their power to do so, which Apple - the richest company on the planet: richer than Tesla - had no choice but to obey
>a few whining about they being denied their 'Freeze Peach' on another site
>Musky sells Xitter: it becomes what it was prior to being infected by Elon, Twitter with strict TOS rules, thus is no longer hated by EU
>Muskrat humiliated
>rightards denied another avenue of their precious 'Freeze Peach'
Nice headcanon. I bet you write great furry erotica for people who are into that sorta thing.
Have you tried posting it to telegram?
>great furry erotica
>furry erotica
There goes >>1334335 being weird again. Such intrusive thoughts indeed.
How many people will liberals arrest for supporting human rights?
How many is enough?
The persecution of rightards will continue until opinions improve.
Hey he finally admits that people have poor opinions of their political persecution strategies
If rightards don't want to be persecuted, they don't have the right to persecute those not exactly like them. That means via actions, thoughts and even words. Otherwise rightards deserve all the persecution they get, including they being denied their right to 'Freeze Peach'.
Don't like taking it, you don't have the right to dish it out in the first place.
amazing everyones fucking retarded.
Well, this guy surely is: >>1334359
The right to speak freely is necessary for a free democracy.
The right to freebase fentanyl while living in a tent behind Starbucks earning a living by commiting petty theft is not a necessary right.
>amazing everyones fucking retarded
Well, >>1334411 >>1334412 the Musk shills are
Go smoke some more fentanyl and die, shill
>Supporting the first amendment makes you a "musk shill"
Interesting argument, fascist
Democrats just wouldn't be democrats anymore if they didn't support destroying constitutional rights
>Durov still arrested. Good
Go smoke Elon's flesh cigar and die from asphyxiation, Muskrat shill
How many elderly men have you beaten in your misguided attempts to "smash fascism", fascist?
Republicans wouldn't be Republicans anymore if the so-called 'Party of Small Government' did exactly that and admitted they never had the right to interfere with other people's rights in the first place. Women's bodily autonomy, for one. Trump and Section 230 for another. And this:
And there's also this:
Hypocrisy. It's hardwired into the DNA of Republicans. So much for Free Speech, eh Muskrat?
>How many elderly men have you beaten in your misguided attempts to "smash fascism", fascist?
Oh, I dunno:
>Donald Trump May 'Turn Off the Internet' if Elected, Former Staffer Says
...you tell me.
>the so-called 'Party of Small Government' did exactly that
>Women's bodily autonomy
Didn't they literally just remove federal laws regarding it and move it to the states to decide? Isn't that literally the definition of small government?
Aren't you literally a retard?
Yes, to both.
do you think putin has a favorite fursona?
Lmao, nice non sequitur, fascist.
I guess that means you've beaten more elderly people than you care to admit
I don't speak faggot, samefag
If Trump plans to trample liberty, he would have to deal with more than just the left. I'm highly doubtful you understand anything going on around you. I stopped watching television about 20 years ago when I noticed it was affecting me mentally. It's gotten much worse since then. You should stay away from hypnotists on the left and open your mind up so you can see. You do know operation mockingbird is a real conspiracy, not a theory.
Theres a difference in your "woman's bodily autonomy" and uncivil antihuman murder for pleasure in a hedonistic socialist backed assault on this nation's core principals.
The constitution never stated women had the right to free abortions from the federal government.
Trump left abortion to the states.
Your just factually mislead.
Oh, I don't need to lay a finger on anyone, least of all Don Old Fart when it's basically beating itself.
Jimmy Carter's Secret Servicemen must have the easiest job in the world compared to those of an old man that got almost more than beaten by that fired from an AR-15 fired by a white man.
'Beating Elderly People? No need, when there's schadenfreude from a self-beating old man to be had.
Very good post.
Quads no less.
The newstard is probably angry right now smoking some more fentanyl trying to decide on his next incoherent drug-addled retort
They deleted his fucking thread lmao
The buttmad newstroon who was raging over this thread and made a duplicate had his thread deleted lol.
Lmao even.
>anonymous sources say
You creatures are legitimately mentally ill.
Facts about hypocritical Republitards make the mentally ill creature >>1334519 seethe
>anonymous sources say
You genuinely need to be medicated.
>>1334524 genuinely needs medication
>beep boop beep
The why are you replying to >>1334526 if you think that's a bot?
One million percent this.

Dude should've moved to Russia and announced his allegiance. At least Russia wouldn't have acted so scummy.

There are government bots trying to cover it up... stay safe guys
You creatures are legitimately mentally ill
Your accusation is literally a confession and everyone who visits this board knows it
>Your accusation is literally a confession and everyone who visits this board knows it
>You creatures are legitimately mentally ill
Turnabout is fair play. The only creatures that are legitimately mentall ill are you >>1334630 and >>1334519. Disagree and you hypocrites don't have the right to have opinions.
He should have just stayed in the UAE or relocated to Russia for a while. He knew this was coming.

Its politics, its got nothing to do with the other shit. Western Social media makes Russian taken video from Ukraine basically impossible to find. Even on X. Its so fucking easy on telegram though.
so true
So wait.
>CIA/FBI/NSA all use telegram to commit crimes
>telegram guy arrested for criminal activity on his app
>CIA/FBI/NSA all use telegram to commit crimes
Such as?
If there were easily accessable proof, they wouldn't be using telegram, my guy.

Just look at the history of clandestine operations by these three letter orgs though, and tell me that you know with certainty they aren't doing anything through telegram.
Burger spy agencies exist. Therefore, they commit all crimes. QED.
great! now shut down Dis*ord and those freaks won't have anywhere to hide!

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