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Head of Latino Democratic group has his house raided for voter fraud.
For some weird reason the dude had 65 cell phones on hand during the raid that were confiscated.
He's accused of violating laws pertaining to mail ballot fraud and obtaining or possessing identifying information about other people without their consent
Longtime Bexar County political consultant Manuel Medina was among a group of Latino Democrats whose homes were raided Tuesday as part of a voter fraud investigation by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.

Agents “forcibly entered” Medina’s home early Tuesday morning, waking up his family, including two young daughters, and proceeded to search the home for about seven hours, according to court documents. They seized documents, 65 cell phones and “41 computers (and) digital and other storage devices.”

Medina chairs Tejano Democrats, the largest Latino Democratic political organization in Texas, and is the former head of the Bexar County Democratic Party. He is currently working on the campaign of House District 80 Democratic candidate Cecilia Castellano. Castellano’s home was also raided Tuesday.

He blasted the effort as a politically motivated attempt to hurt Castellano, whose Republican and pro-school vouchers opponent Don McLaughlin has been endorsed by all of the state’s top Republicans, including Paxton. McLaughlin is also the former mayor of Uvalde and led the city at the time of the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School.

Medina said he knows of at least 13 search warrants that have been executed over the last few months to people involved in the House District 80 race.
“It's clearly evident there's a coordinated effort by the OAG to influence voter registrars, senior advocates and campaign workers on contested races for the state legislature,” Medina said. “It's meant to suppress the vote of young voters and seniors who only vote by mail, two constituencies that are overwhelmingly Democrat.”

Paxton has not outlined the specific claims his office is looking into. He said on Wednesday that his office had executed multiple search warrants on Tuesday in Frio, Atascosa and Bexar Counties as part of an investigation into alleged election fraud and vote harvesting during the 2022 elections. He said a two-year review had “provided sufficient evidence to obtain the search warrants.”

The announcement came on the same day that Paxton said his office was looking into allegations that groups could be registering to vote noncitizens outside of Department of Public Safety offices. The insinuation, made without any evidence, picked up on a similar claim about Parker County in North Texas by Fox News host Maria Bartiromo, which the Parker County Republican Party Brady Gray chair quickly refuted. Gray later added that he supports the attorney general investigating the broader claims, saying he could only speak for what he researched in his county.

The warrant instructed agents to search for “financial, business, organization and/or election-related items and records.” The election-related items included applications for ballots by mail and lists of voters.
Imagine thinking anything Ken Paxton does is in the public interest
You should stop supporting voter fraud
You should stop supporting a felon like Ken Paxton
I don't live in Texas, and what I don't support is voter fraud being committed or supported by politicians.

You should consider adopting a similar disposition
Not reading all that lmao even. tl;dr or tongue my anus
wow democrats sure as mad as shit their corruption has been proven. reminder this illegal alien only got caught because he was doing other crimes since dems intentionally set up the voting system so its super easy to do voter fraud and not get caught intentionally because dems always do voter fraud
Good post
Any time fren
>Implying you are literate
I am don't understand how Republicans read something like this and conclude "Joe Biden is commiting millions in voter fraud" . Is it bad reading comprehension or purposely having bad faith interpretations of what you read?
the only reason the guy got caught was for an unrelated financial crime. the dems set the system up so they can do this all the time and never get caught
Texan Trump loyalists launch a voter fraud investigation against a Democrat so that they can say the Democrat was being investigated for fraud
Why does the beaner have 65 cell phones and 41 computers?
club penguin
It didn't require millions of votes to swing the election. Just a few thousand in a handful of cities.
Career criminals who commit extensive numbers of crimes generally carry large numbers of cellular devices to make this type of activity harder to track
Even the people who invented this conspiracy theory think you're a gullible moron for still believing it.

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