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Step 1: Have a schizo post a retarded theory on Twitter
Step 2: Have a drunken Fox News contributor repeat the unsubstantiated theory on air
Step 3: Have a criminal Attorney General start an investigation based on those schizo rumors
Step 4: Pretend this is a legitimate investigation, despite not having any proof


Officials in a North Texas county debunked claims made by a Fox News host that migrants were registering to vote outside a state drivers license facility west of Fort Worth — an unsubstantiated claim that appeared to spark an investigation by Attorney General Ken Paxton’s office.

Both the Parker County Republican chair and election administrator said there was no evidence to support the Aug. 18 social media post made by television personality Maria Bartiromo, who previously promoted conspiracy theories about the 2020 election.

Paxton’s office announced it was opening an investigation into “reports that organizations operating in Texas may be unlawfully registering noncitizens to vote” Wednesday.

In announcing the investigation, the attorney general’s office said investigators confirmed that nonprofits had booths set up outside of license offices to offer voter registration assistance, though it did not state specifically where these offices were located.

The attorney general’s office statement did not say any laws were broken.

The Department of Public Safety, which managed the state’s drivers license offices, said in an email obtained by The Texas Tribune that voter registration groups would not be allowed to recruit new voters outside those locations — a response to allegations that so far have not been proven true.

Neither the attorney general’s office nor the public safety department responded to questions about the investigation.
There is no evidence that large numbers of noncitizens vote or are registered to vote. A 2019 attempt by the state to scour voting rolls for noncitizens was abandoned after it jeopardized legitimate voter registrations and prompted three federal lawsuits.

Gabriel Rosales, Texas state director for the League of United Latin American Citizens, said he viewed Paxton’s investigation as an act of intimidation to keep Hispanic voters from voting, adding there was nothing wrong with people providing voter registration assistance outside of drivers license offices.

"I don't think it violates anything by having them out there," Rosales said. Republicans " see the writing on the wall,” he said. “They know that if the Hispanic vote comes out, they lose.”
Bartiromo’s claim first made on social media cited “a friend,” who cited a friend’s wife who said there was a massive line of immigrants obtaining driver’s licenses at a DPS office in Weatherford and said there was a tent outside the office where those immigrants were registering to vote. She later repeated similar claims on her Fox Business television program.

In reporting Paxton's investigation, she acknowledged Parker County GOP chair Brady Gray's statement that refuted her claim last week on her show.

Bartiromo is no stranger to spreading controversial allegations with little or no proof. She was among the first on Fox News to repeat a baseless conspiracy theory that Dominion Voting Systems had rigged its voting machines to take votes away from Donald Trump during the 2020 presidential election.

Those allegations were the basis of a $787 million defamation lawsuit settlement between Dominion and Fox News. As part of the suit, it was revealed that the source of Bartiromo’s Dominion claims was an email from a Minnesota woman who, in addition to what she described as a “wackadoodle” theory about Dominion, wrote that she was a time-traveler who talks to the wind, and that former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was actually killed as part of a weeklong human hunting expedition.

The woman’s claims were forwarded to Bartiromo by Sidney Powell, a Dallas lawyer and longtime election fraud conspiracy theorist who pleaded guilty last year for her role in an attempt to overturn 2020 election results in Georgia. A day after receiving the email, Bartiromo aired an interview with Powell that echoed many of its claims about Dominion. Text messages made public as part of the Dominion suit show that some of Bartiromo’s producers believed she was susceptible to conspiracy theories, and that GOP activists were using her to advance their agenda.
Gray refuted Bartiromo’s claims that immigrants were lined up outside the DPS office in Weatherford. He said on social media that his party investigated the claim.

“While we are everyday registering more voters in Parker county, there has been no large submission of registrants consistent with the claim,” he wrote on X. “The DPS office has confirmed that there have been no tents or tables and no one registering voters on their premises, and that if it were the case they would be told to leave, as it is not allowed.”

Parker County Elections Administrator Cricket Miller also denied the incident and said communication between DPS and her office confirmed there weren't even any tables or booths set up outside the DPS office.

Gray, in an interview with The Texas Tribune, reiterated there was no evidence of voter registration fraud in Parker County.
>Step 1: Have a schizo post a retarded theory on Twitter
>Step 2: Have a drunken Fox News contributor repeat the unsubstantiated theory on air
>Step 3: Have a criminal Attorney General start an investigation based on those schizo rumors
>Step 4: Pretend this is a legitimate investigation, despite not having any proof
isn't that how obongo got the fisa warrant to spy on trump's campaign?
Maybe democrats should stop committing crimes.
>isn't that how obongo got the fisa warrant to spy on trump's campaign?
Hey look, its Republicunt step 1 but on 4chan.
good post
Don't fall for his whataboutism to distract from the fact that Paxton and the Republicans are fascists.
Not reading all that lmao even. tl;dr or tongue my anus
fascism isn't real
>Maybe democrats should stop committing crimes.
Your nominee is a felon.
nah, nyc court isn't real
you sure are a seething schizo
That's what happens when corrupt leftists go after their political opposition.
just filter them out and stop responding.
without actual people those threads just flame out with the occasional bot bump post
I don't, the problem is other people stupidly engage the spammer.
They really should ignore them.
if he posts the majority of this board's content, the real solution is to get rid of him or this board
>get rid of him or this board
>Get rid of the board instead of the spammer
Well you just exposed yourself with that one.
good post
>no every thread that isn't literal chinese propaganda posted by communist discord trannies is spam, reeeee
>Spammer mad that he's been called out
good post
Must be nice to just deny reality when it's inconvenient for you

>Democrats are corrupt because they hurt daddy trump when he broke the law!
he's very angry this week for some reason lol
>The /pol/ shill mass reported the post calling out the spam.
He's afraid
>Must be nice to just deny reality when it's inconvenient for you
even NPR said the nyc court was bullshit
>post gets deleted because its a tranny conspiracy theory
>change IP and ban evade to samefag your deleted post
reddit is not sending their best
>even NPR said the nyc court was bullshit
Interesting projection there.
Going to mass report everyone else who calls you out?
of course he is, he feels like it's his board to shit all over

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