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The Center for American Progress on Tuesday released an analysis of the tax plans in Project 2025, a right-wing manifesto whose authors have close ties to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, showing that conservatives aim to lower taxes on corporations and the rich while raising them on working- and middle-class Americans.

The liberal research and advocacy group, which published the analysis as part of a series of in-depth articles on Project 2025, found that the right-wing plan would raise income taxes for the median family of four by about $3,000, cut taxes by at least $1.5 million for a household earning more than $10 million per year, on average, and cut the corporate tax rate to 18% from 21%, an already historically low rate instituted by Republicans in 2017.

The analysis, authored by Brendan Duke, a senior director of economic policy at CAP, shows that, of households with a married couple and two children, only those earning more than $170,000 per year would see a tax break under the Project 2025 plan.

"This analysis lays bare how the extreme, conservative Project 2025 plan is more of the same from conservative leaders—delivering handouts to the wealthy and corporations on the backs of working people," Kobie Christian, a spokesperson at Unrig Our Economy, an advocacy group, said in a statement.

The Project 2025 plan would consolidate seven tax brackets into just two—15% and 30%—on the grounds that it would "simplify" the tax code. However, CAP says that the existing number of tax brackets don't create any additional complexity and are easily dealt with by tax-filing software. Moreover, 70% of tax filers only deal with the two lowest tax brackets—10% and 12%—"so they effectively are already in a two-bracket system," Duke wrote.

CAP's findings about the impact of Project 2025's tax proposals on median earners are in keeping with those of the Democrats on the U.S. congressional Joint Economic Committee, who released a similar analysis earlier this month.

CAP included projections of the impact that Project 2025 would have on median income earners in each state and in the District of Columbia. Only in D.C., a high-earning area, were median earners projected to pay lower taxes under the right-wing plan; in all 50 states, their taxes went up.

It's unclear how popular the Project 2025 tax plans would be. Polling from Navigator Research, a progressive polling firm, in February showed that the vast majority of Americans favor increasing taxes on the rich and large corporations.

In addition to the immediate tax plans laid out above, Project 2025 also puts forth a long-term plan to replace all income taxes with a value-added tax—a flat, regressive proposal endorsed by some U.S. House Republicans. In addition to the injustice of such a plan, it may also be impractical. CAP found that it would require a value-added tax—similar to a sales tax—on everything, even essential items such as groceries and healthcare, of at least 45%, if it were to replace lost government revenues, and warned that this would cause inflation.

Project 2025 policy agenda is a 920-page manifesto written by right-wing groups including the Heritage Foundation. The plan has drawn intense media attention in recent months and has proven unpopular with the American public, leading Trump, who was president from 2017 to 2021, to repeatedly try to distance himself from it. However, 140 of his former administration officials helped create the manifesto.

Stephen Moore, a Heritage Foundation fellow and an outside economic adviser to Trump, helped write Project 2025 tax plan, according to Duke. Moore drew scrutiny this week for questioning the need for the child tax credit.
Doesn't matter, he's gonna get BTFO in November.
You'd think the left could come up with a new song and dance in the half century they've been using this one.
The radical transforming of the government by replacing career civil service employees with appointed political cronies is much more worrying than the tax thing.
Career civil service employees are a literal cancer on western civilization.
You'd think the right would abandon their economic policies after decades of proof that they are ruinous.
Good extremist minority opinion
It's pretty much everyone sane's opinion. It's why trump won in the first place.
It's interesting that the fascist right is smearing scientists and engineers who keep the government informed and working as the bad guys when you want to replace them with unqualified corporate shills.
I don't want them replaced at all.
Then why call them "a literal cancer on western civilization." As you wrote here >>1336283?
that is what biden and harris are alrady doing,
>Center for American Progress
actual chinese propaganda
Liberals at their best when they use humor to make a point for even life threatening issues
>Ever see a document that can kill a small animal and democracy at the same time?
Stay on topic, ADHD sama, We know you look wrong and you have to change the subject. You are proving that Donald Trump’s policies are bad for the economy because democrats just proved it
Trump is running on a policy? All I hear is name calling and doomsday. 1929 crash, crime, ww3.
>Republicans want to raise my taxes
Once again, every Republican post is way lower IQ than the non-Republican posts. Why do only stupid and uneducated people vote Republican? Is there a correlation? Are they being grifted? The average person thinks a Republican is a total moron
Sweaty, I want them removed.
You and your friends aren't average people.
>Why do only stupid and uneducated people vote Republican?
Republicans are both better educated and earn more than Democrats.

Next cope?
Why is it whenever Republicunt shills post a link, it always disproves whatever they're trying to claim?
lmao when I asked for your next cope you werent actually supposed to respond with a cope xD
>arguing with a shill
Just filter/ignore
They're not arguing in good faith, and trolling at that level doesn't deserve a reply
I keep telling you all to ignore their shill threads so they have to resort to samefagging too.
What statement is incorrect?
Reality has a liberal bias
Funny how the working class isn't falling for Vance's lies that he's not part of the group fucking over the working class.
>What statement is incorrect?

>Trump +8.5
Its almost as red as Texas you retard.
Uh oh.

Uh oh!

>Ha! Vance is unpopular with workers in Ohio!
>No, they are winning that state by a landslide
>b... but whatabout these other places
I refuse to believe you're this stupid.
>2 results found
That was weak, even for a shitty goalpost move attempt
see >>1336359
The post I was replying to. Which is Vance catching heat at a speech to firefighters in: Ohio.

You brought it up.
Boston, Ohio?
Or maybe you're just a shitty shill who saw that Vance was from Ohio and assumed that was where he was speaking?
Which flavor of retarded are you? I'd like to know.
At first I thought he was strawmanning, but the fact he doubled down on being wrong about Ohio makes them think he say (ohio) in the video, and being a third world, assumed that's where Vance was speaking.
Because trumpfags never send their best to /news/.
I made a mistake. Nevertheless:
>Republican gets boo'd in Boston
Wow. Epic. Newsworthy.
>Republican gets boo'd by unions
Not a good sign when Republicans are trying to pretend they're pro-union.
If you ignore the fact that Trump was vehemently anti-union throughout his first term, stacking agencies with appointees hostile to labor and trying to break federal employee unions.

But this is par for the course since Trump's Project 2025 is also extremely anti union.
>Unions are massively pro-Dem
Wow. Epic. Newsworthy.
I'm surprised they had the balls to actually post again after being so breathtakingly stupid.
This just proves how gullible and retarded Republicunts are in general. They don't investigate, latch onto the first thing they see that justifies their schizo beliefs, and can confidently stand up and pretend its reality despite literally just looking at a link that proves them wrong.

Every single thing they say has to be doublechecked because they're too stupid to know what reality is, and they have the gall to pretend they can participate in discussions like an equal.
Or, I just made a mistake and admitted I had done so as soon as I realized it?

>words words words!
>realized it
more like had their face shoved into it like a puppy who shit on the carpet.
I'm finding it hard to believe someone that stupid can survive without a caretaker
I don't have a fragile ego so admitting a mistake is pretty easy.
a little over eager for a victory there anon
You do realize the tax plan will force everyone in the country to pay their fair share of taxes, including all those illegal immigrants who are living here tax free yet are provided for with our tax dollars?
oh look, this lie again
Why would they do that? The people it's meant to serve don't give a shit about the state of the economy, it doesn't impact their personal livelihood.
>Working class is pro democracy
Wish the media would report that.
You are never gonna take my guns away, I don't care if there is daily school shootings and millions of children die, you are still not taking them away
>non sequitur
The /pol/ppets are afraid
are you retarded? that was clearly you samefagging
>I don't care if there is daily school shootings
there aren't. most school shootings are fake and were made up
and the ones that are real only happen at black schools
and last year there were only 3 school shootings and on was done by a tranny
>and millions of children die
that is abortion, you are thinking of abortion
and by the way, its literally just black kids being murdered by guns
So it doesn’t matter who wins. I’m fuckes either way. Meet the new boss same as the old boss and was the previous boss. Jesus fucking Christ end the world already.
>non sequitur intensifies
The /pol/ppets are afraid
>pointing out your bait was bait is non sequitur
raw story is chinese propaganda. Center for American Progress is chinese propaganda. you are not American.
Good post
>Talking about how if Project 2025 is actually implemented the Rich get richer and the working class suffered
No. We're talking about Trump's economic plan that will be yet another disaster for the economy.
Nah, they work in theory and in practice. They work a priori and a posteriori. Can't be said about leftism.
How can you be delusional? Trickle Down Economics has failed every time it's been implemented.
Kansas left a smoking howitzer proving it's a abject failure because the rich are greedy and don't reinvest.
>Trump's Project 2025
lies like this make you seem desperate
but anon, we have decades of proof that mass immigration from the third world is a ruinous economic policy
This is true
Not a lie though.
Those rich people will have more freedom to develop their businesses, build new offices, increases the salaries of workers and hire more people
Free market capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than socialism
This is why we need tax cuts for the entrepreneurial class
And trickle down economics has debunked this theory.
Give money to the workers, not the rich.
Fuck workers, as someone that was born into a rich family, "workers" are more evil than any rich person
Can't until machines completely replace all "workers" so you can all die in the sewers where you belong
>He gets the real affirmative action.
This is why the estate tax should be a thing, you deserve nothing.
project 2025 is not trump policy
weak bait
>Project2025 was written by Trump's top advisors but is somehow not his policy
fascists always lie about what they're obviously doing
>Trump's staff wrote Project 2025
>Trump has extremely close connections to the head of Project 2025 and the shill tank that made it.
>Trump's VP pick wrote the forward for the book by the head of Project 2025
Only a fool would believe Trump's lies that he's not going to implement everything from Project 2025
>Shills haven't got a new script yet so they are still running on their old Project 2025 settings
I see the illiberal left still can't meme
Project 2025 is real and hasn't gone away
Denounced by Trump months ago.

>he actually believes the things Trump says
So the standard you're applying is that Trump supports or endorses whatever you say he endorses and not actually what Trump says?

You're a lunatic.
How does that kool-aid taste? Salty?
>You're a lunatic
Now you're just projecting.
Answer the question.

What standard applies? Is it what a politician says they support or is it what you say they support?
Oh so now we're treating Trump like he's a normal candidate and not a notorious convicted felon who lied more than every other president combined? Let me laugh even harder.
So its what you say he supports?
It's what his actions say he supports, which you would know if you weren't a paid spokesman for him desperately trying to downplay his crimes.
>his actions
Its what he says he supports?
Actions speak louder than words.
Anon. What standard are we applying?
His record over the past 10 years speaks for itself.
Ah, so its "the vibe"
No, it's his narcissistic megalomania.
> it's his narcissistic megalomania.
So now we're back to the standard being your opinion.
>don't believe your lying eyes and ears
Truly hilarious, Anon, keep it coming
>Trump's Project 2025
are Democrats still pushing this fake news?
>the party that doesn't support racial discrimination and believes all humans should be treated equal regardless of skin color are just like the heckin Nazis!
The democrats are not the only ones pushing it and it isn't fake.
Yes, your opinion is subjective and is informed by bias.
>I'm not a Democrat, I'm a leftist who shills for Democrats and will vote for Harris!
okay, fine.
still fake though
That's great but it doesn't make Trump any less of a lying narcissist. That's a confirmed fact, not my opinion.
95% of all people are more leftist than you are, and it's not fake.
once again, the way trump and his shills are handling project 2025 is the standard fascist playbook. threaten to dismantle the government and lock up or deport political enemies, explicitly pave the way with your cronies, gaslight people and say they're being hysterical, and gloat once it works. there's no point in arguing with fascists, you just have to make sure they lose
actually I'm pretty moderate. And it is not Trump's project.
>b-b-but some of the conservatives associated with it have talked to Trump before!
yes, conservatives talk to each other. That doesn't mean they all agree on everything, we have free will unlike you.
>i'm a moderate
>but i think you're a subhuman
you need to practice your lies faggot shill
>yes, conservatives talk to each other.
Better stick to facebook with the other boomers since your entire worldview is based on grievances and conspiracy theories.
Didn't trump say he wanted nothing to do with project 2025 on his truth social ?
trump also said we should strategically bomb a hurricane
>I'm a moderate
>but [insert strawman]
>lol stupid conservative boomers and their conspiracy theories!
>now let me tell you more about how Trump is actually the secret mastermind behind this sinister plot to turn America into Nazi Germany!
thank you for standing up to conspiracy theories
>yes, conservatives talk to each other. That doesn't mean they all agree on everything
There were Republican voters who ensured a prayed for 'Red Wave' wasn't a trickle two years ago. Gee, I wonder why?
someone tell me how trump is involved without telling me about people who work for him
Someone tell me how i move my hands without telling me how my nervous system functions
I'm in the 35% bracket and I support this
>Trump can flip flop
>And lie
He also said he was going to vote against the abortion ban in Florida.
Then 180'd.
So Trump is going reverse robin hood the people by stealing from the poor and giving to the rich.
Why do people vote against their economic interests?
There's more to life than doing what's on your interest
Not being surrounded by brown people would be a good start.
>The liberal research and advocacy group, which published the analysis as part of a series of in-depth articles on Project 2025
>Blue think tank says red think tank is badwrongungood
do you have a falser equivalency
>Not being surrounded by brown people would be a good start.
it would be an excellent start.
Your own link shows that college graduates of all fiscal levels are more likely to vote Democrat than Republican
>also puts forth a long-term plan to replace all income taxes with a value-added tax—a flat, regressive proposal endorsed by some U.S. House Republicans.

This is the only part that matters and is absolutely based. This means rich people will pay a higher share regardless as they can consume more as they have more money. It also shifts the burden of processing these taxes onto business and allows the IRS to be massively downsized. It catches every illegal immigrant and foreign visitor too.

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