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kind of bullshit since weed addicts aren't people and weed causes violent crime
> "Marijuana user or not, Paola is a member of our political community and thus has a presumptive right to bear arms," U.S. Circuit Judge Kurt Engelhardt, an appointee of Republican former President Donald Trump, wrote for a three-judge panel.

Conserving American traditional values of protecting nig fag pothead guns
If weed is healthy magical cure all, why would his firearm rights be infringed?

Why is anyone losing firearm rights over nonviolent crimes?
Nonviolent doesn’t mean “less bad”
Paste the article you anti-2A newfag
Nonviolent crimes aren't violent. A firearm is only relevant if there's violence. If nobody is being violent the presence or absence of a firearm is irrelevant.

Misdemeanor would mean a petty crime while a felony would be a serious crime. Violence is totally separate.

All gun grabbers should be shot.
Based, sometimes even a blind squirrel finds a nut.
>marijuana is a drug: now legal and taxed in some states
>Lynchburg considers alcohol a drug: it's illegal there. Irony of ironies, the largest contributor to the local economy is the Jack Daniel's distillery there. Elsewhere alcohol is legal and is taxed
'Never trust a man who doesn't drink' - John Wayne
The Duke used guns. Hitler was teetotal. Hitler thought he had the right to have ideas above his station. The only time he used a gun was a Walther PPK on 30th April 1945: to deny himself the right to think. The Allies drank in celebration.
All things in moderation. Except having retarded opinions: as in none whatsoever. Trump is teetotal: perhaps overcompensation for not partaking. What Ronald Reagan said: 'Trust but verify'. He liked wine. What John Wayne said.
not in the rules, faggot
weed causes violence. there are dozens of studies showing it
do you ever get sick of repeating yourself faggot
it's board culture.
And "Shall not be infringed" is in the Constitution, you anti-gun cuck
>weed addicts aren't people and weed causes violent crime
'But because buyers could purchase the kits without undergoing a background check, ghost guns quickly became a weapon of choice for criminals — putting Polymer80 in the crosshairs of law enforcement and policymakers across the country'
So criminals have the right to keep and bear arms, and their rights must not be infringed?
weed addicts aren't people and background checks should not be a thing. anyone caught with wed should get the death penalty
ever get bored of being a queer?
Criminals aren't people. Yet there's the link to an article which states that criminals will no longer have the right to obtain kits for 'ghost guns', posted by the OP of the thread >>1336754 which has as the 'headline' of that thread 'jewish abortion loving billionaire has destroyed gun company with frivolous lawsuits'.
So do criminals have the right to keep and bear arms, and their rights shall not be infringed, or does that company no longer have the right to exist?
you bore us
don't care, queer
I didn't say criminals aren't people you ESL retard. I said weed addicts aren't people. learn 2 read
>I didn't say criminals aren't people
So do criminals have the right to keep and bear arms, and their rights will not be infringed?
united states v rahimi would indicate that the government does not have the power to permanently ban someone from owning a gun, only temporarily. the rahimi decision kept mentioning the statute in question said temporarily.
So criminals can't be banned from owning guns: certainly 'ghost guns'?
So someone sentenced to live in prison has to eventually be allowed a gun?
scotus hasn't ruled definitively on it. they likely will rule pro gun when they do
>thinking its opinions in /news/ will somehow bring Polymer80 back to life again
There was a certain company formed in 1947: just two years after more than just a certain country's commercial & industrial collapse: LS in Japan. They made model kits. Planes, ships, cars etc. Then in the 1970s they started producing that which made them legendary: 1:1 scale gun model kits. Very popular among certain modellers in the US and beyond, thus their biggest market outside of Japan througout the 1980s. Right now, unmade LS gun kits commamnd high prices on eBay due to their rarity: especially after LS went bankrupt in 1992. Most of their plane, ship etc kits live on as most of their molds - of a quality almoost equal to that of their new owners - were bought by Tamiya. The molds of their gun series were bought by Academy, but those are almost impossible to find. In the 1980s and beyond 1992 there emerged another Japanese company: Tokyo Marui.
The moral of this story: All good things come to an end. I've accepted that LS will never exist again. Someone should do the same re. Polymer80.
what the fuck are you talking about crackhead bot?
>>1336789 is a retard that can't read, thus understand morals in stories. Or about reality
tl;dr: I've accepted that LS will never exist again. >>1336789 must do the same about Polymer80
ever get bored of being a troll from reddit?
>weed causes violent crime
And not forgetting:
>weed addicts aren't people and background checks should not be a thing. anyone caught with wed should get the death penalty
And their enablers? Those who want weed decriminalized?
>anyone caught with wed should get the death penalty
Including those who have affairs with those who are married?
I love how often you give yourself away as an obvious redditor. Anybody who isn't overcompensating knows that /ptg/ is run by /r/the_donald refugees. But you weren't even one of them, you didn't come here until years later.
>weed addicts aren't people and background checks should not be a thing. anyone caught with wed should get the death penalty
Including those who want weed legalized?

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