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*airhorn noise
what is this autism?
It's jamaican resetti nigga, stop posting
'But because buyers could purchase the kits without undergoing a background check, ghost guns quickly became a weapon of choice for criminals — putting Polymer80 in the crosshairs of law enforcement and policymakers across the country'
I guess this is why the OP daren't post the article: he thinks the rights of criminals must not be infringed. And as 'weed addicts' are criminals:
>weed addicts aren't people and weed causes violent crime
OP thinks criminals should have the right to keep and bear arms.
This is an instance - and prime example - of how, in quote mining, it can collapse in on you.
take your meds, ban evading spaming tranny
> ghost guns quickly became a weapon of choice for criminals
gunna need a source on this statement
>muh op article
does it have actual numbers or is it just made up shit? because bloomberg owns the trac
>This is an instance - and prime example - of how, in quote mining, it can collapse in on you.
lol you are one retarded tranny, crackhead bot.
>But because buyers could purchase the kits without undergoing a background check, ghost guns quickly became a weapon of choice for criminals — putting Polymer80 in the crosshairs of law enforcement and policymakers across the country
>gunna need a source on this statement
Just ask the OP: he put that source which has that statement there.
/news/ is dumpster tier making /lgbt/ seem sensible.
This is easily solved when the tranny mods implement IDs

Also, niggers tongue my anus
do you not know how to read?
>muh op article
does it have actual numbers or is it just made up shit? because bloomberg owns the trace
we need flags. 100% of the biden posters are not American
>or is it just made up shit?
>OP posted the article's link
If it has that which is apparently 'made up' according to >>1336771, then the OP has made up shit, certainly about thinking its opinions in /news/ will somehow reverse what's happened to a company it loves so much it must be protected.
so you don't actually have a source on that statement. got it. also polymer80 didn't lose any of those lawsuits. they went bankrupt due to the cost of litigation. this is why the PLCAA because the dems did this shit to gun companies in the 90s to try to kill them
>so you don't actually have a source on that statement
So what? Other than you seething over what's happened to your beloved company. The fact it no longer exists and you don't like that gives me schadenfreude.
>they went bankrupt due to the cost of litigation
Good. This fact makes you have a melty - otherwise you wouldn't give a fuck about what's happened to that company, just as I don't - certainly because there's less than fuck all you can personally do about what's happened to that company: least of all your opinions here will never bring back that now nonexistent company back to life again? Even better.
>So what? Other than you seething over what's happened to your beloved company. The fact it no longer exists and you don't like that gives me schadenfreude.
so you don't have a source and are happy a jewish billionaire who used to have cops stop and frisk blacks used his riches to destroy a company that was doing nothing illegal?
>Good. This fact makes you have a melty - otherwise you wouldn't give a fuck about what's happened to that company, just as I don't - certainly because there's less than fuck all you can personally do about what's happened to that company: least of all your opinions here will never bring back that now nonexistent company back to life again? Even better.
you know other companies make 80% lowers and 80% frames, right crackhead bot? literally google it and you will find a ton. you can't stop the signal. you aren't even American
he seems really mad
>so you don't have a source and are happy a jewish billionaire who used to have cops stop and frisk blacks used his riches to destroy a company that was doing nothing illegal?
And that makes you have a melty over that which will never exist again? Yes.
>what it thinks it knows
Well, the rest of us on /news/ know that you're having a melty over what's happened to Polymer80. And who you 'claim' will continue doing the same to any other related company that thinks it has the right to have ideas above its station, thus you will continue to have melties? This gives me schadenfreude.
The persecution of 'ghost gun' kit manufacturers - and their fanboys - will continue until attitudes improve.
that jewish billionaires can use frivolous lawsuits that they fucking lose to shut down a company? yeah
good post
>And that makes you have a melty over that which will never exist again? Yes.
what the fuck are you talking about? there are multiple other companies that produce the same or similar products.
>Well, the rest of us on /news/ know that you're having a melty over what's happened to Polymer80. And who you 'claim' will continue doing the same to any other related company that thinks it has the right to have ideas above its station, thus you will continue to have melties? This gives me schadenfreude.
>The persecution of 'ghost gun' kit manufacturers - and their fanboys - will continue until attitudes improve.
seriously, are there people who read this and don't think it is either chat GPT or an indian man with google translate?
jews ended your edge streak?
>seems really mad
>that jewish billionaires can use frivolous lawsuits that they fucking lose to shut down a company? yeah
So Jewish billionaires can use lawsuits to shut down a company? The persecution of that which >>1336792 is a fanboy of will continue until... well, that which >>1336792 is a fanboy of continues to cease to exist via lawsuits by Jewish billionaires and >>1336792 has 24/7 melties over.
too bad shitlibs, I can 3d print a 100% lower.
>also polymer80 didn't lose any of those lawsuits
Why does the article say they did?
>having to pay millions of dollars in a settlement isn't a loss
Also, what is this? They link it.
'Over the past two years, Polymer80 and its founders have reached legal settlements with Los Angeles, Baltimore, and Philadelphia, agreeing to pay a combined $7.5 million and to stop selling ghost gun kits in California, Maryland, and parts of Pennsylvania. A court in Washington, D.C., ordered Polymer80 to halt sales in the nation’s capital and imposed more than $4 million in penalties, saying the company had made false and misleading claims about the legality of its products'
Searching for, say, Smith & Wesson and clicking on the first link, their site appears immediately:
Searching for 'Polymer80', the second link is the Wikipedia entry for that. Top of the 'External Links' section, clicking on the 'Official website' link brings... nothing.
'Kelley [CEO of Polymer80] indicated that the closure may only be temporary, saying he would be back “in some way shape or form.” But as of August 28, Polymer80’s website was down, and its phone appeared to be disconnected. Attempts to reach the company by email were unsuccessful'
>the closure may only be temporary
Seems a 'settlement' was more than just a loss: of the entire company. Gee, I wonder why Smith & Wesson's site is not only easily, but immediately accessible?
'As of January 2022, SWBI had a market value of around $880 million, with revenues a little over US$1 billion'
>no 'Controversies' section in S&W's Wikipedia entry
No flies on Smith & Wesson. Clint Eastwood used one of their .44 cal. Model 29s. In this instance, this is reality using an Automag on that which thinks 'settlement =/= loss', as per that used by Harry Callahan to eliminate the villains in the 4th Dirty Harry movie Sudden Impact.
Gun schizo = the rapists in that movie.
>settlement =/= loss
I'll take 'Which of these two companies is still operating and has an immediately accessible website?' for $1 billion, Alex.
So which of these two companies currently has revenues of $1 billion and has an immediately accessible website?
But which of these two companies still exists to this day and has an immediately accessible website to prove it does?
So? I bought a dozen or so already like everyone else I know. You're happy about losing freedom to the government? Are you a facist?
>You're happy about losing freedom to the government?
Its hilarious that schizo can type that and pretend that anyone takes them seriously
Which can be accessed immediately to find a dealer in the US where an American can buy their products?
>abortion bad because dead babies
>anyway isn't it awful this regulation-free mass murder device company shutdown?
gun schizo continues to show they don't understand the US Constitution, probably because they're a mentally retarded third worlder who never shot a gun
And the gun schizo can't understand why an established gun company in the US continues to sell guns
The gun schizoi still can't understand why Smith & Wesson, Colt, Remington etc continue to sell guns in the US. As long as those brands exist, that's all that matters.

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