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Pennsylvania’s two most populous counties cannot throw out otherwise timely and eligible mail-in ballots because they are undated or do not have the correct date on the outer envelope, a state court ruled on Friday.

The Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania, siding with voter advocacy groups, found that tossing ballots because they did not comport with a 2019 law requiring voters to date and sign the outer envelope would violate a State Constitution clause guaranteeing “free and equal elections” and pose a “substantial threat of disenfranchisement.”

The ruling could play a critical role in November in the battleground state, which polls now show to be a tossup between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald J. Trump. Election officials disqualified nearly 16,000 mail-in ballots for irregularities during April’s primary election. Almost half were disqualified because of issues like missing signatures and wrong dates on outer envelopes.

The ruling applies only to Philadelphia and Allegheny Counties. Whether it will extend across the state will most likely depend on county officials and guidance from the office of the secretary of the commonwealth, who leads Pennsylvania’s Department of State.
“This ruling makes clear a voter’s minor error of forgetting to date or misdating a ballot envelope cannot be a cause for disenfranchisement,” the department said in a statement.

Gov. Josh Shapiro hailed the court’s decision in a statement posted on social media, calling it “a victory for Pennsylvanians’ fundamental right to vote.”

The state Republican Party, which had intervened in the suit in support of the state law, known as Act 77, is likely to appeal the ruling to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. The party’s state chairman referred a request for comment to its office in Harrisburg, which did not immediately respond.

In 2022, the same Commonwealth Court ordered the counting of undated mail-in ballots after David McCormick, a Republican primary candidate for the U.S. Senate, filed a lawsuit during his close race against Mehmet Oz, the TV personality also known as Dr. Oz.

Voting by mail in Pennsylvania rose roughly tenfold between the 2016 and 2020 presidential election cycles to 2.7 million ballots, which amounted to about 39 percent of all ballots cast across the state. The rise followed the passage of Act 77 in 2019, which allowed all Pennsylvanians to cast their votes by mail.

The law also prohibited county officials from processing or counting mail-in ballots until the morning of Election Day. That slowed vote counting and results, which contributed to some protests in downtown Philadelphia in 2020.

Officials across the country have been scrambling to figure out how to count ballots with only months before the election. In Georgia, local officials are trying to make sense of new rules about certification from the state election board.

Nebraska is in the middle of a court battle over whether the votes of people convicted of felonies should be counted. Like in Pennsylvania, the Nebraska dispute hinges on whether a new state law comports with the State Constitution.
Fet ready for more voter fraud. Because ballots without any verification need to be counted.
It's not fraud if it's legal, chuds.
Honest question, how do you go about seeing if something is true, a misunderstanding or a lie? What's your process?
If the ballot is received before the final due date, it does not matter what date is written on the ballot. This works for taxes and other federal forms. Just get the ballot in in time.

>GOP doesn't want anyone voting, ever.
The date on the ballot doesn't even really matter, because its either
A: Mailed in, where it has the date it was received stamped on it automatically
B: Turned in, where its collected daily by a voting official who dates the batch.
Its just a technical detail that Republicunts want to exploit to reduce turnout, and higher turnout definitively hurts Republicunts.
You look what someone says versus the reality of what they are describing.
For example, mail-in ballots are a wellspring of voter fraud because there is no chain of custody. During the 2020 election many ballots were found submitted from the dead, or from people who voted twice (lived in one state, voted, moved to another, voted again).
A single vote is all that is needed to win an election. So you would think that such a flawed system would be tightened to ensure that no such thing could ever occur again. Instead, Democrats are loosening the restrictions required to determine whether or not a vote is valid before the 2024 election.
The only plausible explanation for this behavior is that they want relaxed rules so that it is easier to cheat.
If every vote can be tied to an individual voter there isn't any fraud.
>During the 2020 election many ballots were found submitted from the dead, or from people who voted twice (lived in one state, voted, moved to another, voted again).
Completely false. A handful of ballots like that were found, they were pretty much all Republican voters, and they were all caught/punished
It may affect the estimates provided election day, but thats why states have more than one day to count/confirm all their votes.
So, you're in favor of voter ID laws? Really easy way to make sure each ballot is connected to its respective voter.

Shut up already faggot. It's a Saturday, why don't you have anything to do
>So, you're in favor of voter ID laws? Really easy way to make sure each ballot is connected to its respective voter
It's what the Conservative government in Britain started doing last year: people who go to polling stations with their polling card - sent to them several weeks previously based on info in the Electoral Register (It is compulsory to be on that: with a £1000 fine for those who aren't), need to produce photo ID to prove they are who is the name that is on the polling card. Only then are they given a ballot paper for them to use to vote with.
Do you approve of that?
>So, you're in favor of voter ID laws?
I'm in favor of Republicans continuing to push for frivolous voter ID laws while pretending to be the party of small government, like they've been doing for the last 30 years.
Sure am.
Voting can either be secure or convenient. Not both. I would much prefer a voting process that is cumbersome, but unquestionable.
Which one would you prefer?
Voter ID laws has nothing to do with being big or small government.
The security of the methods by which we determine who creates and enforces the laws of this country is frivolous to you?
Can you even imagine how people voted for the last 200 years?
What does that have to do with the elections of today? We did it wrong then, we must do it wrong now?
Very ironic from the supposed conservative party.
As time improves so do we improve the way we do things.

Look around the world, even places like India have strict voter ID and registration requirements and despite there being over a billion of them they get the election done in one day.

And dont even get me started on voter rolls, Texas just finished their audit and removed 1 MILLION names from their voter rolls. I shudder to think how many would be removed from states with poorly controlled rolls (CA, IL, MI etc).
We arent conservative.

We are Republican.
It's funny you mentioned Texas purging their voter rolls of democrats and college students
>However, election experts point out that both federal and state law already required voter roll maintenance, and the governor’s framing of this routine process as a protection against illegal voting could be used to undermine trust in elections. The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 already governs how states should keep their registration rolls accurate and up-to-date, and also includes protections to avoid the inadvertent removal of properly registered voters.
You are a far right extremist 4chan user who parrots conservative thinktank talking points on a dead news board and never goes outside.
Frankly, I don't give a damn who wins this election. With the death of the petro-dollar, this country is screwed either way.

I simply want elections that cannot be questioned. 2016 was marred by constant theories of Russian meddling. 2020 was marred by constant theories of fraud and "shadow campaigns".
We face enough trouble without having to worry about the veracity of our politicians' mandates to power.
>It's funny you mentioned Texas purging their voter rolls of democrats and college students
Partisan take. In reality here are the people removed:
>6 500 non citizens
>6 000 felons
>457 000 dead people
>463 000 suspended voters
>134 000 voters who had confirmed they had left the state
>65 000 voters who had failed to respond to a notice of examination
>19 000 voter who had requested a cancellation of their registration
Lmao meds.
As polling cards are sent out via info in the Electoral Register, it's certainly secure. In Britain, letters are periodically sent to households telling them to give info on changes in circumstances: new births, family members leaving/deceased or if the person on that particular polling card semnt there has changed address or a new occupier is at that address, so as the Electoral Register database can be amended because of the new info given in that letter which is returned. Otherwise, if there are no changes in that household, to ignore that letter, thus no changes to that part of the database.
How about an Electoral Register - which is compulsory to be on - in the US?
Let's keep trying to fix that which isn't broken because of your concern trolling
The compulsory bit leaves a sour taste in my mouth, but I would be in favor of it nonetheless.

I don't care where your political compass points, elections need to be secure and trustworthy above all else. Unless, of course, you don't intend to actually maintain a republic and seek to regress to some form of totalitarianism.
Actually not dead voters who were wrongly removed are already complaining you know.
Post some examples then.
They already were trustworthy. The sore losers of the last election are the only people who are saying they aren't.
read the linked article
>The groups, which include ACLU, Texas Civil Rights Project, and the Campaign Legal Center said some of the 6,500 potential noncitizens Abbott highlighted in his press release could have been mistakenly flagged. "We are alarmed by the large number of voters removed on this basis, indicating that eligible Texas voters have likely been erroneously identified as potential noncitizens and purged from the rolls,” they said in the letter, which also requested related documents from the Secretary of State’s Office.

>Voter watchdogs such as Alice Clapman, senior counsel at the Brennan Center’s Voting Rights Program, said they want to know more about those voters, because Texas has wrongly flagged people as noncitizens before.

>Erroneously flagging legal voters as noncitizens can occur when outdated information is obtained from naturalized citizens or if someone mistakenly checks the wrong box at the DMV, Clapman said.

>In 2019, Texas officials flagged 95,000 voters whom they identified as “noncitizens” and accused broadly of voter fraud. After review, it turned out that many of the people identified on the rolls were naturalized citizens. The scandal resulted in the secretary of state resigning. The state abandoned the effort after numerous lawsuits, which resulted in the state setting new guidelines for future voter roll clean-ups.
2016 faced the exact same problem only the aisles were reversed.
The left was just as bad about it as the right was about 2020.
Well, that in Britain has been maintained by Conservative governments, so it can't be all bad. It's how the Conservative government of Boris Johnson got what he referred to as a 'Thumping' majority of 80 in late 2019. Trump referred to Johnson as 'A Teriffic Guy', so he - and how he won, via a database that is compulsory to be on and all previous Conservative governments did nothing to eliminate so they approved of it too - got that seal of approval.
So do you prefer a Conservative government to be in power, certainly one Trump approved of by referring to their PM as 'A Teriffic Guy'? He didn't disapprove of that which ensured Johnson became PM: an Electoral Register which is compulsory to be on, which Conservative governments have done nothing to eliminate thus by definition approve of
>could have been
>have likely been
>"it happened before, surely it happened now!"
Conjecture and nothing more.
>dems were sore losers in 2016 just like republicunts were in 2020!
nah, thats a retarded schizo claim
take your meds
I imagined the entirety of the "Russian meddling" fiasco then?
What leads you to believe that this database was the sole reason Johnson won his election?
If you're using Conservative here to describe a right-aligned partisan government, then no.

If a compulsory database of voters did exist in the US, it would need to be beyond the control of any political party and maintained by as un-biased an organization as one could find.

A tall ask, I'm aware. But, again, this trend of the losing side questioning the veracity of the election they lost as a means of throwing a wrench into the incoming administration MUST stop.
No it didn't. Russians buying facebook ads is a lot different. However, in 2017 Trump's own handpicked voter fraud panel couldn't find any evidence of widespread fraud, just like in every other election.
No you're purposely conflating the russian meddling with election fraud, which is a common conservative-promoted misconception.
>The Right loses, gets mad about it, claims that there was wide-spread election fraud.
>The Left loses, gets mad about, claims that the election was stolen by the Russians.

Both sides lost an election and then threw around accusations of illegitimacy.

Again, you're claiming that I have some kind of allegiance here and I keep saying that I do not.
Partisans, on any side of the aisle, must stop claiming that elections they LOSE are compromised.
>this trend of the losing side questioning the veracity of the election they lost as a means of throwing a wrench into the incoming administration MUST stop.
Indeed: Trump in 2020.
Meanwhile, he who Trump referred to as 'A Terrific Guy' had no problem with Postal Votes: which all Conservative governments since the introduction of such as a method of voting in advance in 1948 have used as well to ensure their being elcted too. Thus by definition Trump approves of Mail-in Ballots if his 'Terrific Guy' Johnson vas elected by that which included Postal Votes. After all:
If it's good enough for the GOP...!
Russian interference is not the same as "the election was stolen by Russians.
'em on the 'log
5 little chuddies is objectively a better children's video.
Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with teaching children colors and counting with feraljak eating bugs, but 5 little chuddies is a much cuter video with more engaging audio
That's not going to stop Republicans for forcing their strawman and false equivalency.
This is just so illegal time traveling Dem votes can rig the election against Republicans.
Because it's racist, clearly.

Nevermind that New York tried to make it so illegals can vote, but woopdeedoo, free and fair elections amirite?
>so illegals can vote in local minor elections
>Nevermind that New York tried to make it so illegals can vote
Yeah, for like school superintendent, not state elections. Did you know this or are you leaving it out on purpose to be a dishonest fuck?
>Because it's racist, clearly.
Good that you admit voter ID is racist.
Good post
Why are Republicans so determined to find reasons to toss out mail-in-ballots? No other group does this where a document is completely null because you put the date as yesterday instead of today.
Isn't the issue here the date is tomorrow instead of yesterday?
Why should illegal immigrants be allowed to vote in the United States in the first place, you stupid cunt?
>it's not happening
>it's happening, but it's not that bad
>it's actually a good thing!
They only vote in local elections
>>it's happening, but it's not that bad
You are actively endangering our country by letting foreigners have the same rights we do, just so democrats can cheat in elections.
>no non-citizens are voting in federal elections, but schizo is still going to sperg out about it because they don't have any actual election fraud to complain about
Keep crying, schizofag
>You are actively endangering our country by letting foreigners have the same rights we do
Local administrations are free to set their own policies vis a vis who can vote. Who are you to tell them what to do? Letting foreigners vote for school boards for the schools their citizen children and grandchildren attend is just logical. The kids can't vote. The parents and grandparents have the interests of their kids at heart. And the parents and grandparents are taxpaying members of the community that have an interest in how their money is spent.

Obviously noncitizen immigrants shouldn't have a say in foreign policy or our military, but that's federal.

>democrats can cheat in elections
1. Local offices are often nonpartisan
2. Nothing stops republicans from appealing to immigrants
3. Changing the rules isn't cheating. Seems like Republicans just have a skill issue.
>You are actively endangering our country by letting foreigners have the same rights we do
I'm glad you care so much about protecting the rights of Americans. So how about Senators for DC, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, and U.S. Virgin Islands, along with full electoral college representation for each?
>they're voting in elections
>just not elections that matter
>no election fraud exists btw
>Letting foreigners vote for school boards for the schools their citizen children and grandchildren attend is just logical.
Shooting illegal immigrants at the border would be logical. Letting them consume public resources and vote in elections is not. Otherwise we get shit like >>1337021
Sounds like the local schizo doesn't have an argument, but thinks if they continue to throw a fit over non-citizens not voting in federal elections somehow they'll trick another retard into voting Trump.
Except this is 4chan, and they don't understand they're slowly morphing into the /news/ version of CWC
>just let non-citizens vote on election day
>a day where we also have federal elections
>surely nothing could possibly go wrong, no way someone would abuse such a system.

>Nothing stops republicans from appealing to immigrants
Is this bait?
>they'll trick another retard into voting Trump.
Nate silver has Trump up 10 points in his model.
>just give bank tellers your money to deposit
>they could deposit the money in their own accounts and you wouldn't know
>surely nothing could possibly go wrong, no way someone would abuse such a system
Yes, bank fraud happens literally every single day. That's a magnificent own goal, dipshit.
>just pretend you're right in every thread
>you're lying all the time, but its not like they know
>surely nothing could possibly go wrong, no way someone would abuse such a system
When you start thinking 4chan is one person, its time to take a break.
>surely nothing could possibly go wrong
Yes. It's not like non-citizens will somehow magically end up registered to vote for elections they can't qualify for.

What's next, no local elections at all because someone might end up registered to vote for the wrong jurisdiction?

Do you even vote? You should have some fucking idea how this bullshit works, dumbfuck. Have you ever gotten a ballot for the wrong city or county? Fuck off.
>Doesn't know how bank fraud is actually happens
>Doesn't know what a receipt is
They should have taught you how to balance a budget in 6th grade, m8.
Dont get mad at me for making a shit analogy.

>It's not like non-citizens will somehow magically end up registered to vote for elections they can't qualify for.
Texas just removed 6 500 non-citizens from their voter rolls. Alabama found over 3 000 and so on and so forth.

> Have you ever gotten a ballot for the wrong city or county? Fuck off.
Yes. In 2020 my parents got sent a ballot with my name on it. I haven't lived at home since 2014.
>Yes. In 2020 my parents got sent a ballot with my name on it. I haven't lived at home since 2014.
Brother, shit like that happens because it was legal for you to vote there.

You are complaining about it somehow being possible for people to get registered to vote for elections it never would have been legal for them to vote in. Different problem with a fundamentally different cause.

>Texas just removed 6 500 non-citizens from their voter rolls
I've seen this movie before.
See you in a year or two when the secretary of state is forced out again.
>Believing Texas state officials
>about anything
>In 2020 my parents got sent a ballot with my name on it. I haven't lived at home since 2014.
Sounds more like you never updated your address with the state.
>Yes. In 2020 my parents got sent a ballot with my name on it. I haven't lived at home since 2014
>In 2020 my parents got sent a ballot with my name on it. I haven't lived at home since 2014.
>Sounds more like you never updated your address with the state
Which is why in Britain, those responsible for sending out polling cards several weeks before an election periodically send out letters to households with instructions to do one of two things:
1- If there's no changes to that household - number of occupants etc - just ignore that letter, thus that part of the database of the Electoral Register is unchanged
2- To state any changes in that household - new births, those deceased, those who have left that household - so the Electoral Register can be amended
>who have left that household
Perhaps it's time the US had a similar database, thus election notifications are sent out to all those who are in that database.
There's a very good reason why it's compulsory to be on the Electoral Register in UK: with £1000 fine for thos who arent (a similar fine for those who don't complete & return the ten-yearly Census form). Thus everyone has the opportunity to vote: just as they did on 4th July.
The fact it's compulsory to vote in Australia. Just a thought...!
No one gives a shit about bongland
In the US, normally its you who are required to notify the state of any address changes within 30ish days. Sounds like you went to college and never updated your permanent address like you should have.
If that ballot had gone into someone elses hands, they decided to turn it in, and for some freak reason they were able to forge your signature, then you'd be told you already submitted a mail in when you went to vote in person and you'd be able to submit a provisional that would override the mail in after it was processed.
So despite your fuckups, as long as you actively voted you'd be fine, although I'd guess you didn't vote between 2014 and 2018 since they'd have you registered at a different precinct and would have reminded you to update your address if you did vote.
>The fact it's compulsory to vote in Australia.
american right wingers would never agree to have compulsory voting even if it guaranteed only citizens voted.
No one gives a shit about Trump. Good.
Good post
it's weird how they're trying to move the goal posts when, fundamentally, illegals should not in America in the first place, thus would not be able to vote in any kind of election whatsoever.
It's like you don't know this country was built on illegal immigration.
It wasn't. This country didn't have any form of illegal immigration for the first century of its existence.

...But that was because our borders were completely open to anything but smuggling during that time. Because unchecked immigration is good actually. And even our first immigration law was just racist shit against the Chinese. Everything else was still unrestricted, again, because unchecked immigration is good, actually. In fact, our immigration laws were more or less gradually built up by ceding ground to racists and Christian nationalists that didn't have our best interests at heart and would gladly fuck our country and economy to sate their xenophobia. That's true even into the modern day when Trump took advantage of a pandemic he didn't even believe was a threat at the time to ban travel from just China even though it was already present in other countries. Also, when Trump blocked immigration from specific Muslim countries.

We need to start telling the xenophobes to fuck off and derestricting immigration. They'll never be won over and don't deserve to be pandered to. Fuckers were bitching about the "open border" for the entire time the border was shut for COVID. None of their concerns are legitimate or helpful or based in anything but xenophobia and listening to them only hurts this country.

Return to tradition. Open the border to all travel.
won't work, reconstruction was abandoned and white people are extremely obstinate about the country they scammed the natives out of being theirs alone
>It's like you don't know this country was built on illegal immigration.
Objectively false. Why would you say that?
>Everything else was still unrestricted, again, because unchecked immigration is good, actually.
Its only "good" if you don't have a welfare system and its only "good" because GDP go up. There are a plethora of social ills that are associated with mass migration.

>legitimate or helpful or based in anything but xenophobia
Voters across party lines consistently say immigration is one of their top 3 issues. So no.
Were the white people invited by the native americans?
>Were the white people invited by the native americans?
No. They got invaded/displaced by a series of conflicts that spanned ~200 years.

Interesting that you compare that process to what is happening today.
We literally taught them how to ride horses.
>Its only "good" if you don't have a welfare system and its only "good" because GDP go up.
So why do you want to get rid of welfare AND immigration?
>There are a plethora of social ills that are associated with mass migration.
Brother, we barely get enough immigrants to maintain our current population. Nothing "mass" about it. And you just conceded immigration is "good". And you finding foreigners scary isn't a social ill. It's a personal problem.
Horses are literally an invasive species brought by white people.
>So why do you want to get rid of welfare AND immigration?
I don't.

>Brother, we barely get enough immigrants to maintain our current population
Our population is going to grow by 30 million by the end of the century.
> Nothing "mass" about it.
About ~5 million legal immigrants a year (if you count renewals) and about a million illegals per year. Thats "mass"
>And you just conceded immigration is "good"
For GDP, not so much for socity.
>And you finding foreigners scary isn't a social ill. It's a personal problem.
I am a "foreigner". It may surprise you but people who came here legally, like me, hate illegals more than you could even begin to comprehend.
>Our population is going to grow by 30 million by the end of the century.
So less than 10% in 3-4 generations? Cool. Cool.

>It may surprise you but people who came here legally, like me, hate illegals more than you could even begin to comprehend.
Oh that doesn't surprise me in the least. Pick-mes aren't exactly a novel phenomenon.

Also, cunt, I will remind you that you were arguing against expanding legal immigration in order to eliminate illegal immigration.
>So less than 10% in 3-4 generations? Cool. Cool.
You just said we dont get enough immigrants to sustain our population. That statement was incorrect.
> Pick-mes aren't exactly a novel phenomenon.
You previously argued that I was xenophobic. That statement was equally incorrect.
>against expanding legal immigration in order to eliminate illegal immigration.
>You just said we dont get enough immigrants to sustain our population
No, I didn't.
>You previously argued that I was xenophobic. That statement was equally incorrect.
No, it isn't. See below.
As I said, xenophobic.
You think this is an argument in favor of immigration? lmao
>So, you're in favor of voter ID laws?
Not that anon, but I as a non-American don't see why American people make such a big deal about voter ID laws, when there are countries like Brazil and Mexico that give free voter IDs to every single citizen over the age of 18.

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