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Donald Trump gives the game away and confirms he's in favor of a national abortion ban by voting against a women's rights amendment in Florida.


A day after indicating some support for a referendum to protect abortion rights in Florida, Donald Trump said Friday he’s actually going to vote against it.

“Nine months is just a ridiculous situation, where you can do an abortion in the ninth month,” the Republican presidential nominee told Fox News Friday of the referendum.

If passed, Amendment 4 would amend Florida’s constitution to restore abortion access until fetal viability ― typically around the 6-month mark. Florida currently bans abortion beyond the sixth week of gestation, with limited exceptions.

Abortion late in pregnancy is extremely rare and often happens because the fetus would not survive after birth or because of serious threats to the mother’s health.

Trump, a Florida voter as of 2020, then claimed that blue-state abortion laws allow for the homicide of newborn babies ― a lie he often repeats.

“Some of the states like Minnesota and other states have it where you could actually execute the baby after birth, and all of that stuff is unacceptable,” he said. “So I’ll be voting no for that reason.”

Trump reiterated that he thinks that Florida’s current ban is too restrictive, even though he boasted as recently as last year that “without me there would be no six weeks, 10 weeks, 15 weeks” bans.

In recent months, Trump has increasingly tried to appear moderate on abortion ― a matter that’s proven to be a losing issue for Republicans since the fall of the Supreme Court precedent under Roe v. Wade in 2022. Vice President Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign has repeatedly told voters not to take his more relaxed stance on the issue seriously, pointing to his long record of opposing abortion access.
In response to Trump’s remarks Friday, Harris said he’s clearly aligned himself with the anti-abortion movement.

“Donald Trump just made his position on abortion very clear: He will vote to uphold an abortion ban so extreme it applies before many women even know they are pregnant,” she said.

“Of course he thinks it’s a ‘beautiful thing’ that women in Florida and across the country are being turned away from emergency rooms, face life-threatening situations and are forced to travel hundreds of miles for the care they need,” she continued.

When Trump suggested he’d vote in favor of the Florida amendment Thursday, saying he’ll be “voting that we need more than six weeks,” his campaign quickly backtracked.

“President Trump has not yet said how he will vote on the ballot initiative in Florida, he simply reiterated that he believes six weeks is too short,” campaign press secretary Karoline Leavitt said in a news release.

Measures like the one in Florida have passed in numerous other states since the fall of Roe. In all seven states that have put abortion questions before voters, including red states like Kansas, Kentucky and Montana and swing states Ohio and Michigan, voters have sided with abortion rights.
the 1990s awb didn't result in any meaningful change in the murder rate and assault weapons aren't use in a substantial number of murders and mass shootings don't make up a statistically significant number of murders in the US
also 85%+ of abortions done in the US are recreational/done for sexual pleasure
All lies backed by falsified data
you gotta sea lion every time?
rape and incest make up so few abortions they are listed under other. over 85% of abortions are done to healthy babies who were the result of consensual sex who pose no risk to the mother's health
They're a schizo who has had the proof rubbed in their face multiple times. They're a compulsive liar and won't argue in good faith.
Just ignore them, or at least don't give them any replies
'US midterms: Why a Republican 'wave' never happened'
'Pollsters and pundits for weeks warned of an impending "red wave" - an electoral Republican rout which would deliver a harsh rebuke of Joe Biden and the Democrats.
As the sun rose across the US on Wednesday, however, it became clear that the "tsunami" Republicans had hoped for never materialised.
While the party has made modest gains and remains favoured to win the House of Representatives, the Democrats have performed better than expected. Why?'
'Initial voter data suggests that turnout was at a historic high for a midterm in many parts of the country - a fact that some attribute, in part, to a Democratic base that was driven by young people motivated by issues like reproductive rights.'
'"Generation Z voters actually did turn out," Jon Taylor, a political science professor at the University of Texas - San Antonio told the BBC.
"Had the Supreme Court not overturned Roe v Wade back in June, the Democrats wouldn't have had that to energise voters, given the dynamics of issues related to crime, immigration or inflation. It actually helped the Democrats stave off that Red Wave."'
'Some Republicans, on the other hand, have explicitly said that their party's failure to turn out their vote in adequate numbers led to them falling short of expectations.'
>Republicans ensuring that 'Red Wave' didn't happen
...and perhaps we know why. We know an old saying: 'Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it'
Two years is an eternity of things to remember for that which is orange and senile. But not for women voters: and not just Democrat ones.
>Republicans Against Trump in 2020
What makes MAGAtards think they disbanded then: and didn't just consist of male Republican voters...?
And that's a lie again, why are you lying?
Also why are you acting like an incel by giving incel talking points about women's health?
>Concern for her own health
lol nope. abortion isn't healthcare in 94% of cases.
>immediate sametranny seethe after the peer reviewed study was posted, like always
actual crackhead bot posting
Once again you're lying, you're really bad at hiding your disdain for women because you can't get laid.
actual foreign bot seething that Republicans will vote against Trump in November, as they made Trump & GOP lose two years ago as they did in 2020, thus make >>1336831 have a melty. I will experience schadenfreude at not only the foreign bot's fail
its literally in the link I posted. IDK why you are being intentionally retarded. do you think other people can't click on links?
learn a new word there crackhead bot?
actual crackhead bot posting
So why did the Republicans lose the midterms two years ago?
>Lying about what you posted
Did you not expect people to read through the data and to just take your word for it?
they didn't. GOP took the house. the senate map wasn't great, its better this year, and dems gerrymandered the shit out of most of their states.
GOP won the popular vote by 2.7%
is this another time where you pretend you are retarded and add up subsections? or is it on where you pretend you cannot read?
table 2, show concerns for her own health only make up 6%. this isn't even something that is up for debate. abortion fetishists have abandoned this argument decades ago and just try to go with the
>not your business
argument because every fucking study shows the majority of abortions are done to healthy babies who were conceived via consensual sex and do not present a health risk to the mom.
shows that 85% of abortions fit the pattern I described, but either you can't read or you can't click on the link because there is no access in china
You were proven wrong and are now trying to double down after being exposed.
This is honestly why you'll lose this election pushing a national ban on women's health.
Assuming you don't stage another coup like in 2020.
Which we all know you will.
>the senate map wasn't great
...and it's looking worse for the GOP since.It'll be lethal for them in November. Good.
It doesn't matter. He's a moron and a fascist and now he's also got dementia. What he says is meaningless. His zealot fanbase isn't going to turn out by the tens of millions. Assuming he's not replaced by the RNC he will lose in November. And we'll have sane but weak people in office for 4 years. Stop debating the issues. Thats all horse shit. Its all about spouting nonsense so the ignorant masses will support you, and right now those masses are not impressed with a rambling nutjob.
>he's also got dementia.
It's really telling that age has fallen off the map as an issue even with all of Trump's unhinged rants.
Shows how far right the media is where they'll just push whatever Republicans tell them too instead of applying the same standard to both sides.
How is abortion even a discussion topic? How many abortions is the average women having each year?
Are you a child? or are you not American?
Its been an issue because Evangelicals want it to be. And thats it. Well, also shitty republicans pandering to them for votes made it an issue. Its not a real issue in the sense it needs to be on the ballot or whatever. The politicians wanted to make it an issue so they have something to argue about which distracts many Americans from the real problems which will never get solved. I hate American politics. Its all horse shit designed to make us think corporations aren't actually controlling everything. And when angry trailer dwellers get a "win" like Roe vs Wade being overturned and no one can pass a law legalizing abortion, they keep voting Republican, which is what the RNC wants. Even though most of those people are actually voting against their interests.
It's entirely about controlling women.
Conservatives don't care if they kill or torture women in the process, it's all about control.
>How is abortion even a discussion topic?
Oh, I dunno:
You tell me.
>It's entirely about controlling women.
>Conservatives don't care if they kill or torture women in the process, it's all about control.
Conservative here, it has actually nothing to do with controlling women. We consider an unborn child a human life and dont think you should be allowed to kill it on a whim. Especially since, in the year 2024, there are a dozen ways to avoid falling pregnant in the first place.
>Conservative here
Way to admit your post is full of lies.
>You were proven wrong and are now trying to double down after being exposed.
nope. you are lying because china's firewall prevents you from viewing sites
>This is honestly why you'll lose this election pushing a national ban on women's health.
abortion isn't healthcare
>Assuming you don't stage another coup like in 2020.
there was no coup in 2020
GOP is taking the senate this year. commies would need to hold montana and ohio and win the white house
you literally linked your own post, retard
women care more about murdering their kids in cold blood for sexual gratification than anything else
come back when you've felt a woman's touch
The r3ddit trannys and bots are out in full force in this dead board.

Hey jag off mods, lets get IDs on this board.
>Let's turn /news/ into /pol/
Fuck off
>the senate map wasn't great
And it won't be for the GOP as a whole in November. What happened two years ago, due to Republican voters ensuring a red wave didn't happen. Republicans Againat Trump will be a thing this year as they were in 2020: and they'll consist of women voters. GOPtards will be taking copium.
Interesting projection, it doesn't change the fact that a National Abortion Ban is designed to punish women's health.
>there was no coup in 2020
There was.
How can you be wrong on everything?
Good luck in jail.
Since >>1336977 isn't American, it doesn't think.
Everyone else knows the GOP will fail in November. And MAGAtards will seethe. Good
>How can you be wrong on everything?
oh dear, the left still cannot meme
Are you done samefagging?
(30th post - that isn't random, now an appropriate namefag, thus in Soviet /news/ mods jag off you - after OP article)
Hey, crackhead foreign bot not giving out (you)s again
>JD 'Couchfucker' Vance
>JD 'Weird' Vance
oh dear, the right can never meme
The fact posts calling out the /pol/ spam is censored is pretty damning.
>>When Trump suggested he’d vote in favor of the Florida amendment Thursday, saying he’ll be “voting that we need more than six weeks,” his campaign quickly backtracked.
>“President Trump has not yet said how he will vote on the ballot initiative in Florida, he simply reiterated that he believes six weeks is too short,” campaign press secretary Karoline Leavitt said in a news release.
Sounds like the Old Rambling Felon isn't getting enough naps and has to be reigned in by his handlers.
The only supporters he has left are shills and morons too dumb to realize he'll say whatever he thinks people around him want to hear. He doesn't have any actual convictions.
>The only supporters he has left are shills and morons too dumb to realize he'll say whatever he thinks people around him want to hear. He doesn't have any actual convictions.
He's currently the favorite to win the election. So, uh, yeah.
no one cares about your favorite to win the election.
Polling though, Harris is kicking Trumps ass in most swing states and neck and neck in the others.
Ole Donny's spazzing out and supporting abortion and immigrants getting green cards. Hes not going up.
>He's currently the favorite to win the election
TruthSocial isn't a legitimate source on who is favored to win the election.
Up to 7th July, a rightist party were the favorites to win. Then the electorate threw them under the bus of a leftist party. A few days earlier, a center-left party destroyed conservatives
>the favorite of rightists that think it'll win in a major election
So, uh, _no_ .
By who? The 538 guy? He's under the pay roll of JD Vance/'s Boss too.
Don't reply to the schizo.
He's lying anyway, his site has Harris up.
>85%+ of abortions done in the US are recreational/done for sexual pleasure
Your brain on trumpism
No, he's actually just super schizophrenic. Don't reply to him. It just makes it worse.
>Trump is winning Arizona
>But the super MAGA senate candidate is down 15 points.

This shit confuses me.
Now if only people didn't reply to his threads.
Where is amogus?
80% of abortions are done on black women so I don't know why you're complaining
Paying taxes so that someone who doesn't have private insurance can get health procedures done isn't controlling healthcare. There is nothing you from paying for private insurance in a single payer system
reasonable post
>This shit confuses me.
Because they are messing with the polls. Public facing polls are funded largely by the media and do what the media tells them to do.
>build a narrative

>Paying taxes so that someone who doesn't have private insurance can get health procedures done isn't controlling healthcare.
It is controlling nonetheless.
Who cares.
something like 66% of the country, even in red states, which by electoral standards is a supermajority
This. it may be murdered babies but I am pro-eugenics. Any one who has an unwanted child is clearly irresponsible and won't start acting irresponsible just because they were forced into parenthood, and irresponsible parents raise shitty kids who end up becoming malcontents and a burden on society and it would be objectively better for all parties involved if that person's life was ended before it started. Screech all you want, I don't want my own wanted son to have to share his scarce academic resources with some tart's unwanted crotch spawn that will bully him at best, or corrupt him at worse
she's relatively weak candidate against relatively strong candidate in relation to repub national candidate.
>won't stop* acting irresponsible

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