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Trump's latest attempt to engage in election interfere and censorship has failed as the biopic film about his life will be released before the election.


A controversial film in which former President Donald Trump is depicted an unflattering light in his early career as a New York real estate mogul has now secured a U.S. distribution deal to be shown in American theaters this fall.

The film "The Apprentice" — which was notably given the same title as the ex-president's reality TV show — debuted at the 77th Cannes Film Festival in May. And as the film's producers were seeking U.S. distribution, attorneys representing the former president threatened litigation to block the biopic from being shown in a cease-and-desist letter. But now, NBC News is reporting that the film will be released in American movie theaters on October 11 – just weeks before the 2024 election.

In an official statement, Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung said the biopic was "pure malicious defamation," and hinted at potential legal action against the producers of "The Apprentice."

“We will be filing a lawsuit to address the blatantly false assertions from these pretend filmmakers,” Cheung said. “This garbage is pure fiction which sensationalizes lies that have been long debunked.”

The source of the controversy surrounding the film is one particular scene in which a younger Trump is shown sexually assaulting his first wife, Ivana, in 1990. The scene stems from a claim she made in their divorce proceedings that Trump raped her. She later walked that statement back in 2015, saying instead that she felt violated in a more general way during their marriage. She passed away in 2022 and was buried on Trump's Bedminster, New Jersey golf course.
After receiving the initial cease-and-desist letter, the biopic's producers insisted that "the film is a fair and balanced portrait of the former president," and that they want audiences "to see it and then decide" for themselves. Cheung insisted that "The Apprentice" belongs "in a dumpster fire" and "doesn’t even deserve a place in the straight-to-DVD section of a bargain bin at a soon-to-be-closed discount movie store."

Sebastian Stan is cast as a young Trump, and Jeremy Strong (who played the Kendall Roy character in the award-winning HBO series "Succession") portrays Trump's loyal mob-connected consigliere, Roy Cohn. Vanity Fair special correspondent Gabriel Sherman, who covered the Trump administration for the outlet, wrote the script. And Iranian-Danish filmmaker Adi Abbasi directed the film.

Previously, Abbasi shrugged off the threats of litigation, noting that while Trump's reputation as a litigious plaintiff is well-known, his "success rate" is relatively low. He added that "The Apprentice" could also be an enjoyable watch for the ex-president, and that he doesn't "necessarily think this is a film [Trump] would dislike."

One of the film's top backers is conservative billionaire Dan Snyder, who was under the impression that the biopic would be a flattering portrayal of the former president's previous life as a real estate investor. But after a February screening, he was reportedly "furious" about how Trump was depicted.

Aside from the controversial scene that prompted the cease-and-desist letter, the film also shows several unflattering portrayals of the former president. Trump is shown cutting deals with the mafia to build his skyscrapers, taking amphetamines to lose weight and undergoing liposuction and plastic surgery.
>The source of the controversy surrounding the film is one particular scene in which a younger Trump is shown sexually assaulting his first wife, Ivana, in 1990. The scene stems from a claim she made in their divorce proceedings that Trump raped her. She later walked that statement back in 2015, saying instead that she felt violated in a more general way during their marriage.
Libshits btfo by reality yet again
Is this the wife Trump had murdered to keep her from testifying against him, and then had her body buried on a golf course, or was that the 2nd wife?
Libshit headcanon is absolutely wild
> scene in which a younger Trump is shown sexually assaulting his first wife, Ivana
This is going to raise the esteem of Trump among Black voters
No defense? Surrender accepted.
Yeah, just 'happened' to fall down some stairs and die right before she was to go to court against Trump.
At least this explains why she was forced to walk back her previous statements, Trump was going to murder her, and he ended up doing that when she finally was going to put her word on record in court.
Why would I? Do you waste time arguing with crazy people on the street who are yelling that the world is ending in 2 weeks?
But enough about republicans and Trump
>Trump biopic showing him raping his first wife to be released before election
Anything that destroys that orange subhuman's credibility further? Good.

>Sources say Snyder, a friend of Trump’s who donated $1.1. million to his inaugural committee and Trump Victory in 2016 and $100,000 to his 2020 presidential campaign, put money into the film via Kinematics because he was under the impression that it was a flattering portrayal of the 45th president. Snyder finally saw a cut of the film in February and was said to be furious.
>Do you waste time arguing with crazy people on the street who are yelling that the world is ending in 2 weeks?
What a wild piece of irony it is watching CHUD cucks trying to memory hole the fact that the "everything is happening in 2 weeks" meme came from them.
>continues to claim that Trump raped her for 25 years
>never disputes that claim, but lets lawyers explain that she didn't mean 'rape-rape' only when Trump starts running for president
I'm thinking Trump definitely raped her.
I'd say Kamala should bring up all the women Trump raped at the debate, but given the state of conservatism in America, it would make Trump more popular.
I'd say Kamala should bring up all the women Trump raped at the debate, but the stage probably wouldn't be big enough.
scamala won't be president
It could have been her fault. What was she wearing?
Trump already lost
All this stuff is public though, everyone should already know that Trump is a rapist already
>Im making a claim with zero evidence
That never happened
>haha, checkmate
You’re weird
>no defense? Surrender accepted
Their eyes glaze over if you mention Sidney Powell if that's what you mean.
>What was she wearing
It was more than his fault. Why didn't he have self control? Only subhuman retards don't have that.
Then so has the world, see you in the theaters of war.
>4th July: Starmergeddon
>7th July: La Pen thrown under the New Popular Front bus by the French electorate
Thus certain Americans will want a piece of that: electorally destroying rightards. And again sfter 2020.
>Trump already lost
>5th November: also Bonfire Night in Britain. Public theatre of a GOP at war with itself
>what has happened elsewhere: the right destroyed. The third domino will fall: and certain people will be glad of that
>Bonfire Night: 5th November
Some people just want to watch the right wing world burn.
You won't do shit.
>>7th July: La Pen thrown under the New Popular Front bus by the French electorate
She won 142 seats which is the best performance her party has ever had. In 2008 they got just 8% of the vote. With the current trends Nationally Rally will win an outright majority in the next cycle.

Maybe do some basic research before flapping your cockholster.
...and yet National Faily still lost. Who gives a fuck about 'trends'? Rightards lost on 7th July just as conservatives did three days earlier. Trumptardism will die when Harris wins, because certain Americans want some of that making rightards inferior action that France & Britain now has. That's the trend since 2020. The only trend that matters. The only thing that matters: watching the right wing world burn. Make Rightards Seethe Again. It happened four years ago, thus impotent rightards reduced to seething on 6th January 2021: manchildren reduced to being Karens because things didn't go their way, so they complained to the management: some sharters in the mart there smearing their crap on the walls there. One Karen carrying a flag saying 'Don't Tread On Me' got trampled to death, and by her own retarded ilk: death by Irony. Watching rightards seethe again will be great when they fail again. And there'll be less than fuck all they'll be able to do about it. Rightards will fail. Good.
I'm not reading all that schizo babble.

NF just had their best ever results in France.
AFD just today had their best ever results in Germany.
Italy is now solidly populist.
Trump is doing better than in '16 or '20.

Trends are not good.
Who reads rightard babble? Who gives a fuck for irrelevant rightards elsewhere? 2020. Trump will lose in November, and MAGAtards wil seethe. That's all that matters.
>Who reads rightard babble?
You, in replying to my post.
>Who gives a fuck for irrelevant rightards elsewhere?
You >>1337404. You brought up unrelated right-wing movements without prompt and are now saying that despite talking about them and how happy you are they didnt win, you dont actually care at all.

>I'm not reading all that schizo babble
But you did. By replying to >>1337434
If you didn't despite needing to reply, then nobody reads rightard babble
>She won 142 seats which is the best performance her party has ever had. In 2008 they got just 8% of the vote. With the current trends Nationally Rally will win an outright majority in the next cycle
Nobody gives a fuck for right-wing movements that you talk about because you give a fuck for them and are butthurt that others are happy they didn't win. You need meds for that stroke that'll be induced by all that seething you're doing over those you like losing and others are happy about. Or not, and have a stroke. I'm happy our side are winning and that makes rightards seethe. Good. And should Kamala winning make rightards die of terminal seething, even better. It'll certainly be the death of MAGAtardism.
No one will ever be as miserable as you are.
>we're winning!
And yet the populist right marches on, growing from strength to strength. In 10 years France has gone from not having a populist right at all to you, impotently, celebrating the narrow defeat of the right.

Tick. Tock.
No one will be as happy as we who love seeing rightards fail. Like National Faily or they would have won againat New Popular Front. Or the Conservatives being destroyed by what became known as Starmergeddon three days previously. Certain Americans want some of that making rightards seethe by losing action too.
The third domino will fall as MAGAtards fail. Tick-tock Tick-tock, Don Old Fart: and not just the end of your political career.
>Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung blasted the movie
I always chuckle whenever I come to the part in the article where they tell us what Steven Cheung says, cause its like Trump looked for the most well spoken twitter user and hired them.
I was on the fence but now I'm voting Drumpf
Ivana stood by the rape allegations for 25 years, faggot
she never took back the accusation. Trumps lawyers just claimed she did right before she died.

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