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Trump is now pro abortion, pro immigrant, and pro drugs


Former President Donald Trump said he expected a ballot measure in Florida to legalize marijuana to pass in a new TruthSocial post.

Trump framed his position as one consistent with his "Make America Safe Again" agenda, writing that criminalizing marijuana would "waste Taxpayer Dollars arresting adults with personal amounts of it on them."

He added, "no one should grieve a loved one because they died from fentanyl laced marijuana. We will make America SAFE again!"

The marijuana ballot measure, if passed, would "allow adults 21 years or older to possess, purchase or use marijuana products and marijuana accessories for non-medical personal consumption."

The state Supreme Court ruled in April to allow the measure on the 2024 ballot.

The post came after Trump's campaign had to clarify his stance on another ballot measure in Florida, one that would guarantee a constitutional right to abortion in the state.

Florida currently has a six-week abortion ban and on Thursday, Trump told NBC News that the limit is "too short."

"It has to be more time," he added.

His comments drew fire from the anti-abortion rights movement, with figures like Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America president Marjorie Dannenfelser saying in a statement, "I spoke with President Trump this evening. He has not committed to how he will vote on Amendment 4. President Trump has consistently opposed abortions after five months of pregnancy. Amendment 4 would allow abortion past this point. Voting for Amendment 4 completely undermines his position."
Hunter Biden caused this
>Trump is shown cutting deals with the mafia to build his skyscrapers, taking amphetamines to lose weight
>weed causes violent crime
>Former President Donald Trump said he expected a ballot measure in Florida to legalize marijuana to pass in a new TruthSocial post.
>Trump framed his position as one consistent with his "Make America Safe Again" agenda, writing that criminalizing marijuana would "waste Taxpayer Dollars arresting adults with personal amounts of it on them."
The 'Party of Law and Order', folks. Hypocrisy. Not even once
Kama kama kamelian caused this. Trump is only trying to keep up with her changing hues
I know it's a completely foreign concept to a Trump fag, but not everyone is a mindless kneejerk contrarian with no core values.
you can't nail jello to a wall
>Society is getting so soft and too tolerant against crimes or illeagl activities.
>Should be much more strict against crimes
orange jello will get nailed in jail
You should stop getting your news from TruthSocial.
yes you can.
When the 'first attempt' didn't even require a nail for jello to remain attached to a wall, not only is >>1337353 right, but a saying is destroyed.
>paraphrasing lyrics from a song by Culture Club
Whose lead singer Boy George is gay. Says so much about >>1337305
>Dems are now anti-weed legalization
Never used the stuff myself, so I don't have an opinion on the whole decriminalization/criminalization issue.
Lynchburg in Tennessee considers alcohol a drug, thus it's illegal there. Strange though, how they allow to exist there the biggest contributor to the local economy Jack Daniel's distillery, eh?
>fentanyl laced marijuana
There's no way that's a real thing right? Why would narcos waste time and money to spike weed for no reason?
good, americans are already high on TDS, may as well make them pay for weed too so they can stop being so retarded.
I've known some Californians who mixed crack with their blunts. They called it "Coco puffs"
Most libtards are knee jerk contrarians though, they were the original antivax when trump announced it claiming it was human experimentation.
They were antimaskers claiming it did nothing then did a 180 when biden took office. I'm sorry but if you think trumpfags are the ones being contrarians you've been living in a cave
What I do with my knee is none of your business
Lotta shills coping hard in this thread
it is when you become legally livestock, Since leftists want to paint the orange man as worst then hitler. Here's what he'll do, first he'll retroactively imprison everyone whose a far-left type on twitter reddit facebook ect for treason, hatred and attempted murder.
He'll then pass the criminal labor act to force the new criminals into hard labor inexchange for not being imprisoned though they will be kept at a camp away from electronics. At that camp people will be going missing and sent across the world as livestock once their term has ended.
People treated the jan 6 individuals as worst then nazis, now it's retaliation you will be sent to a camp for life and only leave once you've been turned into a meal.
save your breath faggot
oh so you're using a slur how eh ? very progressive of you, being xenophobic towards gays. Your home ought to be repossessed and your parents anal raped to death with an american produced chair.
i call you a faggot all the time faggot. don't act brand new
you filthy racist sexist bigot. fuck off and get anal raped.
you're supposed to say "no homo" after the man rape stuff
How can it be homo if american males aren't human. It'd be closest to bestiality then anything.
>get anal raped
With intrusive thoughts such as these, it says so much about those who like an orange man so much that chose as its running mate - emphasizing the word 'Mate' - that which wears eyeliner. Wore women's clothing. Fucks couches. No wonder schizo sand everything like it is weird. Schizo is malding at this. Let's see it prove that by it replying to this post. It's a faggot that is - like JD Weird - a Friend of Dorothy if it does. Freud would have a field day over those who have such intrusive thoughts about others.
>anal raped
More intrusive thoughts by the faggot. Freud was right about the likes of these things that have such intrusive thoughts after all. They're obsessed. They're weird.
if leftists were at all serious about their slacktivism they should be gathered up thrown into a grinder and have their sloppy joes sent to feed africa.
the females can be anal raped and kept for milk, the males tenderized into delicious hamburgers
Even worse intrusive thoughts by the faggot. It's becoming all the more weird.
Weed is legal in my red state, queer.
>its post is removed to death in certain ways no one else would so much as think of saying in the first place because they don't allow intrusive thoughts to exist in their minds
By the retard allowing such intrusive thoughts to exist in its brain cell, no wonder in Soviet /news/ mods shut up you, faggot.

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