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In between meandering bouts of dementia induced babble, popular vote losing one term president turned convicted felon Donald Trump accidentally let slip he attempted to overturn the 2020 election after his historic and humiliating loss to President Joe Biden


Former President Trump in an interview broadcast late Sunday argued he had “every right” to interfere with the 2020 election while repeating his claim the criminal election interference cases against him are politically motivated.

“It’s so crazy, that my poll numbers go up. Whoever heard you get indicted for interfering with a presidential election, where you have every right to do it, you get indicted, and your poll numbers go up. When people get indicted your pull numbers go down,” Trump said in an interview on Fox News’s “Life, Liberty and Levin.”

Trump, the GOP presidential nominee, was responding to a suggestion from host and lawyer Mark Levin that President Biden or Vice President Harris could have told the attorney general to “knock it off,” in reference to the federal election interference case.

The former president faces federal charges in Washington for his alleged actions to subvert the 2020 election results. He is separately charged in Georgia with racketeering and other state counts over an alleged scheme to overturn the state’s election results.

“Well, this is the worst case of election interference that anyone’s ever seen, certainly in our country,” Trump said during the Fox News interview. “They do this in Third World countries, they have some of it in South America, they don’t do it a lot, believe it or not. But they do it.”
“And it’s such a bad precedent because people are going to think about it differently, and they’re going to think about it differently. And it’s very sad, actually,” he added.

He went on to argue those prosecuting the cases against him are politically biased against him.

“They put people in the DA’s office,” Trump said. “This was all coming out of the Department of Justice in order to get their political opponent — me.”

Trump also said Fulton County, Ga. District Attorney Fani Willis “came up with this crazy scheme and a lot of people were hurt,” in reference to the co-defendants charged alongside him in Georgia.

The remarks come days after special counsel Jack Smith last week filed a superseding indictment in the federal election subversion case in the wake of the Supreme Court’s landmark immunity ruling in July.

The nation’s high court ruled presidents have absolute immunity for actions that fall within the core responsibilities of their office and are “at least presumptively immune” for all other official acts. Trump has repeatedly claimed he should be immune from the charges as a result.

The ruling sent the case back to a lower court to reconsider whether Trump’s actions on Jan. 6, 2021, merit special protection from criminal prosecution. Smith presented the case to a second grand jury, which had not previously heard the matter. It likewise concluded the charges were warranted against the president.
Jack Smith is taking notes?
>OP pic
>Looking older than 78. The last four years have taken their toll. Another four years of doing the same will do for him
>Whoever heard you get indicted for interfering with a presidential election, where you have every right to do it
In Soviet America, presidential election will interfere with you. And not only politically
You people are actually getting dumber by the day.
Like their orange god, Trumptards are getting dumber by the day.
Do you actually think this is an effective campaign strategy?
Do the GOP think allowing a dumb orange god worshiped by inbred retards to exist in their party is an effective campaign strategy for them?
Can MAGAtards think?
I'm starting to think the kamala coup might have actually broken some of your brains.
you can't not project
Where was the projection in that post, ranjesh?
he projected again. but he doesn't get a rupee this time
You don't seem to understand what projection is. Did they just tell you to say it a lot?
If 3 Trump voters can answer this single question in good faith, I will vote for Trump:

How would you go about verifying whether or not Trump is telling the truth?
The projection is that Kamala being chosen by a private political organization as their presidential candidate is a coup yet somehow in your same brain, Trump, a convicted felon who tried to steal an election by having his supporters forge documents claiming they were the chosen state electors and pressuring his VP to chose the fake electors instead of the real ones, didn't commit a coup and you still support him and his self-admitted fraud without question.
Ah, yes. A private political organization. That means it's okay for them to throw out the votes of millions of Biden voters and select someone else. Why have you guys been wasting all of this time and money on primaries for all of these years?
reminder that there's no point in interacting with someone who lies 100% of the time. call them a dumb faggot and keep it pushing
This should also jump start the prosecution in Georgia, maybe put Arizona over the top to indite him there too since the grand jury wanted to do that, but the prosecutor vetoed that.
keep seething that an unviable candidate agreed to step out of the race because you're now faced with competition. you cant force someone to stay in a race
It's not against the law for a presidential candidate to drop out

lmao, even
you reek of desperation
>Ah, yes. A private political organization. That means it's okay for them to throw out the votes of millions of Biden voters and select someone else.
The short answer is yes. The long answer is you have no clue what you're talking about. The Democrats nor the GOP or any political organization for that matter is bound to any kind of popular vote system. You have no clue how the DNC works. The democratic party operated within the bounds of their own self-imposed charter. They don't use popular vote, they use delegates. The popular vote is only meant to inform which delegate the party thinks has the best chance of winning. The delegates that select the candidate all selected Harris. There were no millions of votes that were thrown out.

>Why have you guys been wasting all of this time and money on primaries for all of these years?
The issue is you don't understand basic civics so explaining the answer would require invoking several years of prerequisite information that you don't have. We don't operate under a direct democracy, anon. Even in the case of presidential elections we select them based on electoral votes, not popular vote. A lot of states even operate with faithless electors meaning that if the state of Maine said "Fuck you, we're gonna cast our electors for the Democrats no matter what the popular vote is" they're legally allowed to do so.
You should also add that the people who voted for Biden also selected Harris as his running mate, so just like with the presidency, if Biden drops out, Harris would take over.
So the will of the voters was still followed.

Unlike like Trump and the Republicans planned to overrule the will of 80 million people to steal the presidency in a coup.
Is this like when a politician fake-laughs when they are confronted with a question that they aren't comfortable answering?
Don't engage in good faith with a disingenuous concern troll.
The exact same people who are clutching their pearls about muh Democrat coup were clutching their pearls about much Democrat elder abuse two months ago.
NTA but they make it so easy to dab on them that it actually becomes entertaining, like it's too easy to demonstrate just how little they know about the subject. It'd be like if an obnoxious, unfunny clown was doing magic tricks and then claming that it was real magic, wouldn't you have fun stopping and calling out all the tricks and sleight of hands that the clown is using to decieve people?
Sweaty, we all know democrat candidates are picked in the smokey back rooms like the olden days. Always have been. Always will be. You're being made fun of for being a useful idiot for rich (((white))) guys and whatever retarded puppet they have you dancing for this time.
No I'm actually laughing. Out loud, even.
>You should also add that the people who voted for Biden also selected Harris as his running mate, so just like with the presidency, if Biden drops out, Harris would take over.
So the will of the voters was still followed.
Its also worth adding that selecting Harris is the easiest, most ethical and probably most legal way to address the war chest of money raised for Biden. Ethics and legality aside I can't imagine the political uproar, especially on the conservative side, if several hundred million dollars raised under the assumption it would be going to the Biden-Harris campaign was suddenly flipped and given to a completely unrelated candidate. I don't even know if you can do that. Its like collecting money for a GoFundMe to pay for your dog's surgery then after you get all the money deciding you're going to use it to pay your car loan instead.
Not really, because at their core all they care about is engagement. Any reaction is a win.
It's like everyone forgot the 14th rule of the internet sometime in 2016.
>Sweaty, we all know democrat candidates are picked in the smokey back rooms like the olden days. Always have been. Always will be
I don't know how to engage with schizo head canon. Most of these talking points stem from a constitutional inability to accept that the people you want in power aren't there because the country doesn't agree with you. Terminally online radicals like yourself are incapable of entertaining the possibility that the vast majority of the grass touching, voting populace are absolutely repulsed by your entire political platform.

>You're being made fun of for being a useful idiot for rich (((white))) guys and whatever retarded puppet they have you dancing for this time.
Everything is a conspiracy when you don't know how anything works. You're a very shining example of this.
How can you simultaneously brag that your party doesn't have to listen to its voters and call someone a conspiracy theorist when they point out that your party rejected your voters' choice of candidates?

Hope your fraud game is on point in november, because if trump deports half as many people as he says he will, you will never win the presidency, or the house, ever again.
stop acting tough fascist faggot
Deporting illegal aliens so democrats can't use them in the census to increase their congressional representation isn't fascism, sweaty.
you'll never live down project 2025
No one cares about your retarded boogeymen.
you're calling your own policy the boogeyman? that's a great tactic
>How can you simultaneously brag that your party doesn't have to listen to its voters and call someone a conspiracy theorist when they point out that your party rejected your voters' choice of candidates?
Nothing about this argument logically follows. Saying that the private organization of the Democratic party operates under a delegate system and isn't bound to select whatever candidate wins the popular vote is not at all the same claim that "All Democrat candidates are picked in smokey back rooms". One is a claim backed by factual substance and the other is just a gut feeling with no basis in reality or a comprehensive understanding of how electoral politics works.

>Hope your fraud game is on point in November, because if trump deports half as many people as he says he will, you will never win the presidency, or the house, ever again.
Even if illegals voted in elections, which they don't, the irony is that you're essentially admitting the Republicans suffer from an electoral skill issue. Hispanic immigrants are overwhelmingly Catholic and socially conservative and are primed to vote Republican just on that basis alone yet the GOP is so brain broken by populism and hatred they can't stop calling Hispanics rapists long enough to recruit them as a voting block. Maybe if you want to win elections you should stop being so fucking unpopular.
It's not our policy, retard.
I didn't say illegals were voting. I said they pad your congressional representation via the census. This is fact.
just own up to it faggot, it makes you look better

>When examining where undocumented immigrants have settled between 2019 and 2023, Cato found that 95% of noncitizen population growth has gone to red states. By far the most popular destination was Texas, but other states leading the charge include Kentucky, South Carolina, and Florida. In concrete terms, over the four-year period, red states gained 1,275,598 noncitizens and blue states gained just 71,973. Should this trend continue, it is likely that Republicans will increase their apportioned seats in Congress and in the Electoral College.

You're repeating a far-right talking point with no basis in fact. The reality is the opposite of what you think it is. You repeat what you're told because your brain has been turned to mush by populism. Illegal populations don't benefit Democrats.
>I said they pad your congressional representation via the census. This is fact.
It isn't fact. See >>1337651
It is in fact, the exact opposite of what you claim. Either you're purposefully lying or you just parrot conservative talking points because you've been trained to use your feelings to interpret the world instead of your brain.
Then deporting them won't hurt you.
So, just to be clear, you concede that you were completely wrong about your claim. You confidently asserted it in this thread while having absolutely no clue whether or not it was true.
Not at all. Feel free to make up your own version of reality if it makes you feel better.
>Not at all.
Your claim was that illegal immigrant populations padded Democrat congressional representation. That turned out to be false. The exact opposite is true. The census data YOU appealed to in order to prove your point shows that the vast majority of illegal populations settle in Republican lead states. The data I posted definitely prove you were wrong. Either you purposefully lied or you just repeated a thing you heard uncritically because it aligned with your narrative.

>Feel free to make up your own version of reality if it makes you feel better.
I recommend taking some time to really sit down and think about your epistemic grounding and the method you use to decide truth. If you're so politically brain rot that you're incapable of changing your mind even when presented with empirical evidence that you're wrong then the way you live and operate within the world is fundamentally broken.
Whatever you say, schizo.
NTA but there is nothing disjointed or nonsensical about his post, it all checks out as a cohesive thought that could be falsified if you presented evidence to the contrary, so your label of "schizo" rings hollow and smacks of desperation
Sure thing, schizo.
Meanwhile there's proof of actual election fraud in the 2020 "election".

Now if trump could hunt down every libshit and personally anal rape them to death he would be doing the world a favor.
It was a coup by every definition, biden wanted to stay running the democrats threatened to pull votes if he did it as an ultimatum. You're a retard and deserve death for your double standards i'll be happy when you die in the civil war.
The conservatard schizo's brain broke lmao
libshits days are numbered, fascist cunt. muh muh antifa stands for anti facist so i'm allowed go out and bash people's heads in for bad opinions it's not facist.
Antifa is everyone now and you will be the first to be hunted down and eaten. Oh you'll taste delicious stuffed with garlic onions after having your insides removed of course. Bit of butter some apples, salt of course, plenty of herbs for seasoning. mhmh delicious libtards livestock is the only thing you can do to redeem your worthless life.
>Some random Trump shill on far right social media said something
Stop the fucking presses so we can sue him for defamation.
you're a retard who'd support Kamala eating kids if the CNN claims it was for a good cause. Braindead mediafag kys.
The schizo projection is strong with this one
leftist losers have no self-awareness smh please death would be a mercy to you.
frfr ong?
>Caring about what the Conservative News Network says.
malding lmao
You will be salted and dried then turned into dog treats
you will be roasted whole and fed to starving orphans in africa.
>least deranged republican't
republicans care about kids, I don't you deserve to be turned into livestock and used to fed africa you fucking shithole country. Especially the libshits they the worst by far, a crime against humanity it is that america continues to exist narcissist and losers populate it
>republicans care about kids
When they're re-legalizing child labor and cutting down on safety rules?
If they're american kids like you i'm ok with them getting pruned.
is this your new character that admits you're not american
if i were an american as cringy as you i'd want to kill myself.
well there's still time to apply for a visa
americunts think anyone wants to be in your shitty country lmao. The one time i went there it was hot AF, and just a bunch of tourist traps fleecing hungry people with overpriced hotdogs.
>Seething shitskin
Gb2 xitter
So when does he actually say he commits election interference? It sounds more like he's saying he wishes he did.
He doesn't. Leftists are just mentally ill.
>It was a coup by every definition
There is no definition of coup which includes the Democratic party choosing Harris as their candidate.

>biden wanted to stay running the democrats threatened to pull votes if he did it as an ultimatum
But, to be absolutely clear, you have zero evidence of this. This is just your feelings. Even if what you were saying is 100% correct the Democratic party is a private political organization. They can say fuck you to every voter during the primary and choose whoever they want because they're not a governmental body. You can't coup a private entity, moron.

>You're a retard and deserve death for your double standards i'll be happy when you die in the civil war.
I'm sure the irony of you calling anybody else a retard has flown clear over your head.
Enjoy your BTFO, retard. Maybe next time try researching your opinion before you regurgitate lies on the internet. It'll save you a lot of embarrassment.
>There is no definition of coup which includes the Democratic party choosing Harris as their candidate.
force a political leader to resign through threats either politically or violence.
You're a retarded subhuman.
Kill yourself. God you're so stupid I hope you get raped with chopsticks before you die.
Plenty of evidence but i guess i don't expect libshits to actually look up what the press releases regarding biden's statements were before he got deposed.
Fucking stupid, you're so fucking retarded
>But, to be absolutely clear, you have zero evidence of this.
"Biden vows to run as more Democrats ask him to drop out"
wow it took me 5 seconds. rerereretard. God retarded americans really have no idea how lucky they were to be born privileged so they can be stupid, if you were in any other country you'd be dead by now.
inb4 libshit goalpost moving, please kill yourself human scum of the earth brainlet loser imbecil born with a silver spoon. An american 20 year old has the mental capacity of any other country's 10 year old based off losers like you.
>force a political leader to resign through threats either politically or violence.
You're wrong on several points. He didn't resign, firstly. He's completing the rest of his term then not running for re-election. I don't know where in your brain you managed to make those two things the same thing. Secondly, you have absolutely zero evidence he's not running for re-election because of any threats. You just made it up. Thirdly, you can't coup a non governmental entity. The Democratic party is a private organization. If the CEO of Apple resigns at the end of his contract and the board votes in another one that's not a "coup" you dipshit. The delegates that the Democrats use in their charter to chose candidates voted for Harris. You have no clue what you're talking about. You have no clue what a coup is.

>Plenty of evidence
Yet you can't provide a single piece of it. Strange.

>wow it took me 5 seconds.
It took you five seconds to find an article that has absolutely nothing to do with your claim and provides zero evidence of it. Your claim was that Democrats forced Biden out against his will by threatening to withhold votes. The article you posted contains absolutely no evidence of that. Its like you didn't even bother reading it. I don't know if you're just addicted to lying or if you're so schizophrenic you actually can't discern objective reality.

>Kill yourself. God you're so stupid I hope you get raped with chopsticks before you die.
Your hysterical schizo rambling is fuel for my soul.

Seek psychiatric help.
Cry more Ivan.
>In between meandering bouts of dementia induced babble, popular vote losing one term president turned convicted felon Donald Trump accidentally let slip he attempted to overturn the 2020 election after his historic and humiliating loss to President Joe Biden
Look. Same pajeet OP same strategy of defecating words in the opening of the thread
Seems like you're mad people are shitposting the way you constantly do
I'm sorry the shitposting made you mad.
Did we break you? You seem unable to do anything but be a parrot as of late
>Did we break you?
>In between meandering bouts of dementia induced babble, popular vote losing one term president turned convicted felon Donald Trump accidentally let slip he attempted to overturn the 2020 election after his historic and humiliating loss to President Joe Biden
Donald Trump is not a good person. He has poor character.
Dont care, still voting Trump
Literal delusions.
That's what happened.
I'm sure it seemed very real to you.
No u
In Soviet Reality, Trump's mind is broken by you
How many votes does this republican denialism cost them?
Doesn't matter. The point is he's going to lose by an bigger margin than the last time he lost.
>The point is he's going to lose by an bigger margin than the last time he lost.
Hello, chang!
Hi Cletus, how's the cousin-wife doing?
You’re the sorta guy who watches when the wife has her boyfriend over.

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