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Trump has epileptic seizure on stage, drops the 'N' word following a Roman salute and then shits himself out the ass before he goes on a rambling tirade about people better than he is. If you look at a close up of his phone, you can see Jeffery Epstein saved as a favorite.
In a sharp critique, former President Donald Trump has launched an attack on Vice President Kamala Harris, condemning her conduct towards former Vice President Mike Pence. Trump, known for his blunt rhetoric, described Harris's treatment of Pence as "horrible," intensifying the already heated political discourse as the nation edges closer to the 2024 election.

Trump’s comments come at a time when Harris is under increasing scrutiny from both sides of the political aisle. The former president’s remarks appear to be a strategic move to galvanize his base by framing Harris as disrespectful and unprofessional in her interactions with Pence, who served as Trump’s loyal deputy throughout their term in office. This narrative plays into a broader Republican effort to paint Harris as unfit for higher office, particularly as speculation continues about President Joe Biden’s future and the possibility of Harris stepping into a more prominent role.

The incident that seems to have sparked Trump’s ire occurred during the 2020 vice-presidential debate, where Harris and Pence clashed over a variety of issues, including the administration’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and the economy. Harris, who was assertive and unyielding during the debate, challenged Pence repeatedly, leading to tense exchanges that were widely discussed in the media.
Trump’s portrayal of Harris’s conduct as "horrible" is likely an attempt to resonate with voters who view Pence as a respectful and disciplined public servant. By contrast, Trump aims to cast Harris as overly aggressive and disrespectful, a characterization that could have implications for her public image as she continues to navigate the responsibilities of the vice presidency.

This latest salvo from Trump is part of a broader pattern in which he frequently targets Democratic figures, particularly those seen as potential threats to his influence or political aspirations. Harris, as the first woman and the first person of color to hold the office of vice president, has been a frequent target of conservative criticism, often framed around her performance in office and her debate style.

Trump’s critique also highlights the deep partisan divide that continues to shape American politics. His supporters are likely to embrace his comments as further evidence of Harris’s unsuitability for leadership, while her defenders may view them as yet another baseless attack designed to undermine a historic figure in American politics.

As the 2024 election looms, these kinds of attacks are expected to intensify, with both parties seeking to define the other in the most negative terms possible. For Trump, who remains a dominant force within the Republican Party, taking aim at Harris serves to keep his base engaged and focused on the perceived shortcomings of the Biden administration.

In the months ahead, how Harris responds to these criticisms could play a significant role in shaping public perception as she navigates her role as vice president and potential future as a leading figure in the Democratic Party.
did he make any remarks on the people that shouted "Hang Mike Pence"?
Nope. While Mike Pence and his family were being evacuated from the riot he sent to the capitol, instead of tweeting for anybody to go home he tweeted "Mike Pence failed to have the courage to do what was necessary to save our country". This was an hour after the rioting started and after the initial windows and doors were breached at the capitol building. From the very first breach to Trump's tweet telling everyone to go home 187 minutes passed. Trump sat on his ass and did absolutely nothing for 3 hours while Pence and his colleagues hid from violent rioters threatening to hang him. At the absolute very least, Trump gave zero shits if Pence was maimed or killed in the riot.
He was actually watching on TV with glee when the coup was happening.
> Trump has epileptic seizure on stage, drops the 'N' word following a Roman salute and then shits himself out the ass before he goes on a rambling tirade about people better than he is.
We’re shifting the Overton Window!!!
Weird. I thought he tweeted for everyone to go home, which was promptly deleted by twitter as they locked his account so you goblins could spend the next four years crying bout muh coup.
Where do you people get this shit from?
You will never gonna take away guns in america, not without unimaginable bloodshed
No one is trying to take your guns, Jethro.
>Trump has epileptic seizure on stage, drops the 'N' word following a Roman salute and then shits himself out the ass before he goes on a rambling tirade about people better than he is. If you look at a close up of his phone, you can see Jeffery Epstein saved as a favorite.
Why do you he pajeets do this?
Don’t care, still voting Trump
He's going to get even fewer votes than last time
The failed coup was pretty hilarity inducing
I forgot only right wingers get to embellish to the point of absurdity on this board. I'm sorry this thread hurt you anon
There are no leftists on this board you far right reject
When did you become indoctrinated? Were you a edgy teen or was it before that by your parents?
Experts agree that Trump is going to win

Your dad left because he knew you were a disappointment. He’s happier with his other family.
Yet the mods let you spam your invalid right wing faggotry day after day. If you don't want to be criticized for your lies you can go back to pol
I don't post threads here like you, faggot. I'm just here to make fun of you and call out your projection
How much estrogen are you on, my man?
When in doubt, obsess over trannies
This sounds like the new demoKKKrat slogan
>called out on their obsession
This sounds like they're weird
Is this the official unhinged retard thread?
This is a thread in a board with unhinged rightards
It’s been littered with bots and trannys from their discord servers.

The overlap of troons and TDS is staggering.
you might want to double check your work
Okay, I checked. That's literally what happened.

Do you think lying about it is going to get kamala elected?
do you think i take anything you say seriously faggot
Why on earth would I care what some deluded, spiteful mutant thinks of me?
mutant? interesting translation, but that's not really an insult in english
It's not an insult. It's a statement of fact.
so you live in the xmen universe?
You goblins are exhaustingly stupid.
if you want to sound like you speak english just watch some of our tv shows ok
The freaks they have posting on /news/ are in a league of their own. You make the midastouch squad look like functional human beings.
except the candidate you want to be President:
This article is from 2019
>ummmm 2019 was like soooooo long ago lol who even remembers 2019?
threadly reminder that if we raised the voting age to 25 our country would be saved.
>I'm 20 years old and I don't even understand what this thread is about anymore because it's not in the form of a Tik Tok video
I accept your concession
Experts agree that you are a fag.
Fun fact.
The existence of the condorcet paradox and arrow's impossibility theorum prove mathematically that it is impossible to guarantee a completely fair democratic election.
Given that, im In favor of only allowing those who pay more in taxes than they receive in federal aid be able to vote.
Don't care about the age or demographic or anything else. If you are productive member of society, you can vote end of story
That's the only reasonable way to run a democracy. Which is exactly why it will never happen.
You're not describing a democracy. You're describing a plutocracy. Peasants get no say in how the world works and you build a government which incentivizes the ruling class to permanently bar the serf class from ever rising to any positions of power. Without any irony or self-awareness whatsoever you're saying we should become 17th century England.
I honestly believe we would have a better country if those who did not pay income tax were not able to vote.
Even in your surf scenario, there is extreme pressure on the rich class to have many people paying taxes besides themselves, it lessens their financial burden. If even incentivizes politicians to get as many people in their constituency working as possible so that they can get those votes
For context here quick googling shows that paying income tax is very age dependent.
Not allowing people who don't pay taxes to vote would remove very young people and very old people. 11% of those 22-55 wouldn't be able to vote.
That leaves 89% of those 22-55 who can vote, and some share of young/old who contribute to society.
Sounds pretty good to me
>honestly believe we would have a better country if those who did not pay income tax were not able to vote.
i.e. a massive peasant class barred from voting and politically regulated into permanent poverty because there's no way the ruling class would ever allow them to rise up and attain any sort of wealth or position of power to usurp their political will. 17th century England is what you're describing. You want to live in a medieval plutocracy.

>Even in your surf scenario, there is extreme pressure on the rich class to have many people paying taxes besides themselves, it lessens their financial burden.
That makes no sense. You give one specific class of people all the power to make all the decisions, most certainly resulting in them voting for policies that exclusively benefit themselves. There would be no financial burden. All of the benefits and infrastructure and spending they would give to themselves. There would be zero incentive for them to ever share this power with peasants. Millions of peasants with no power or say in their country and all authority concentrated in a group of elites. You're describing 17th century England.
>You give one specific class of people all the power to make all the decisions
That class of people are those who pay tax. Which is something like 80% of the US. It's not just rich people. And it's not in the benefit of rich people to make themselves the only taxpayers because then they would no longer be rich. You get that, right?
>That class of people are those who pay tax. Which is something like 80% of the US. It's not just rich people.
Well, no, that's not what you said. You said people who pay ENOUGH tax. Meaning that if a single mom or poor person working low skilled labor makes $2000 a month and pays $400 of that in income tax but gets $500 a month in food stamps and rent assistance they get zero say in where their tax money goes despite the fact that they work and generate wealth and productivity for the economy.

>And it's not in the benefit of rich people to make themselves the only taxpayers because then they would no longer be rich. You get that, right?
Either you've been brain-broken by conservative trickle down propaganda or you have no clue how taxes work. Firstly, it absolutely benefits them. They pay in all the taxes but then they get to decide where all that money goes - good schools for their neighborhood, good police for their towns, good public services and colleges for them and them only. Why would they ever let poor people start making more money and then have to share political power with them? This exact dynamic has happened before in history. Its called medieval England. Rich people pay the most in taxes right now and are in no danger of not becoming rich because they get priority in literally every financial transaction. They get the best interest rates, the best ability to leverage assets to grow more wealth, the benefit of being able to leverage debt to their benefit and, under your system, they politically answer to nobody but themselves. If they vote to pay 100% of the taxes then give 100% of it back to themselves in the form of infrastructure and resource priority nobody could stop them. You want to live in medieval England where peasants work their lives to pay for the kingdom and the nobles and get nothing in return.
he got 12 million more votes in 2020 than in 2016. people liked what they saw in his first term.
>people liked what they saw in his first term.
I guess it sucks that people didn't like what they saw more. He lost.
>people liked what they saw in his first term
Republicans didn't, though
Didn't then, don't now
I thought you didn't want to vote for an elderly person.
yeah, he lost. but he got 12 million more votes than in the first election. I was responding to the poster who stated he would get even fewer votes.
I'm writing in Biden
>popular vote
They’re the same thing

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