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Former Republican pollster Sarah Longwell on Tuesday told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" that Vice President Kamala Harris has one distinct advantage in her quest to peel one-time GOP voters away from former President Donald Trump.

Longwell, who has been working to convince ex-Trump voters to back Harris in this fall's election, told host Mika Brzezinski that she's seen a "tremendous openness" to Harris's candidacy from some Trump voters who are now intrigued by what she stands for.

Additionally, said Longwell, many of the voters she's talked with are simply "bored" by Trump's shtick.

"They're bored with the drama, they're tired of the insults, they're tired of the lies about the election," she said. "They want to know what is somebody going to do for them. They want to know how somebody is going to handle the economy, handle inflation, and they're interested in a new pitch and that's what Kamala Harris has for them."

Panelist Jonathan Lemire added that he's heard that many Republicans are "exhausted" by the former president's antics and just want to turn the page.

Longwell added that Trump was doing no favors by constantly suggested that the United States will completely cease to exist in four years unless he is elected to a second term.

"A lot of it is the contrast that they see with her message, which is being optimistic and uplifting, and Donald Trump's being doom and gloom," she said. "And that exhaustion is in there, they're just like, 'I'm tired of this and I like the idea of something new.'"
>Longwell, who has been working to convince ex-Trump voters to back Harris in this fall's election, told host Mika Brzezinski that she's seen a "tremendous openness" to Harris's candidacy from some Trump voters who are now intrigued by what she stands for.
lmao. Grifter gonna grift
There were those tired of lies and hypocrisy in the Republican party: Republicans Against Trump in 2020.
>22 Aug
Did I say 'Were'? I'm glad Republicans Against Trump are still here to correct me.
Every Democrat accusation is a confession.

Don’t care, still voting Trump.
can't you come up with your own witticisms instead of blatantly plagiarizing them
Every Trumptard accusation is an admission. Every rightard is a hypocrite and a liar, and therefore an inferior subhuman.
Don't care, still voting Democrat.
The communists are not sending their best and brightest today. Must be a sale on paid shills to flood an anime message board
should we reply to him and give him his rupee?
Rightist faggots aren't sending their best. They do it for free. Being shills as well as being faggots.
>he is trying to undermine he media and trying to make up his own facts. And it could be that while unemployment and the economy worsens, he could have undermined the messaging so much that he can actually control exactly what people think. And that's our job.
your alternative facts aren't real
You guys understand that the democrats have been in charge for the last 12 of 16 years, right?
Still ridin' with Biden.
of course. and the only dip in economy was Trump's "Covid surprise"

> now intrigued by what she stands for.

Because no one knows what she stands for, retard. But having a background in hard left shit won’t be much help.

Why is everyone so fucking stupid?
You mean when almost every blue state in the country shut down all of their small businesses? Yeah, that was wild. Remember when comrade whiter wouldn't let people buy seeds at walmart because gardening isnt an essential activity? Good times.
>he doesnt stack seeds
Spineless fagoo. Righties shitsplaining their own failures. They can’t help themselves but act weak
Good post
Oh wow, you're right. It's good when democrats ban things. You should have bought it before they banned it. Im definitely voting for kamala now.
Tightie righties forget seeds grow from the ground and not from their corporate masters at walmart. Republicans want their voters to remain poor and stupid.
here anon, learn about america
>OMG upvoted
Go back
You creatures are utterly retarded.
>the kneejerking reactionary is reacting again
As expected
You can't really say people are skimping for walmart when you closed all the other stores.
Every demoKKKrat accusation is a confession.
Good post
Republicans are faggots. Just look at JD 'Weird' Vance. All their accusations are admissions.
See >>1338199 then >>1338195
Every Rethuglican accusation is an admission. Trump the Pedo. The faggot supporters of a pedo are its enablers.
>let's just repeat everything republicans say about us, but say it's about them
you're pretty bad at this faggot shill. tell them to update your script so you don't have to steal
Immitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness
Why are you calling people faggots as if it's an insult? Aren't you Dems supposed to be the faggot lovers? If trump was a gay pedo he would be winning over california big time
why are you surprised someone is calling you a faggot, faggot
Notice how the right wing holds others to a higher standard than themselves.
>"How DARE you use 'faggot' as a pejorative, even though I accuse people I disagree with of being trannies every third post I make on this board!"
It's the other way around, faggot.
The Trump voting schizo is a queer that will never own a gun. And will never be a man.
>no u!
you don't have much of an imagination do you
Apparently I just understand alinsky better than you.
right wing faggots love their buzzwords infinitely more than they love making sense
>Farmers are all right wing
Then why do they love surviving off of gibs from the government?
They don't. Your terrible economic policies don't give them a choice.
>look honey what I posted on an anime message board. And bring your boyfriend too.
Looks like the right wing faggot is losing again
I'm surprised faggot lovers like you are trying to use that term as an insult, and then acting like you aren't just blatantly copying republican behaviour in the lamest way possible
Also I'm not holding you to a higher standard, I will call you a faggot nigger retard all day and have no issue with it. What I'm pointing out is your own hypocrisy in supporting the pro-lgbtqwxyz side while using faggot as an insult. Maybe you need an IQ above 60 to understand my point though
It's okay buddy. You'll learn to use the board someday.
You think republicans invented the term faggot? shut up faggot
Good post. Have my (You)'s that you refused to give to the malding leftist
He will keep losing and blame it on dems cheating
Everyone in this thread is a slvt for BBC
Been tired since
>they hate us for our freedoms
>here is a color chart so you know how frightened you should be
>a vote for kerry will embolden the terrorists (this one worked)
>parading joe the plumber like a jerry's kid (because that's how they see everyone else)
>mission accomplished / support our "oops"

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