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Several of the speakers who endorsed presidential nominee Kamala Harris at the 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago were conservative Republicans, including former Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), former Trump White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham, ex-Mike Pence national security aide Olivia Troye, and Mesa, Arizona Mayor John Giles.

Like other pro-Harris Republicans, Giles believes that former President Donald Trump is fundamentally anti-democracy. And the Mesa mayor is warning that Trump and his MAGA allies will fight the election results if Harris wins in November.

The Guardian's Peter Stone, in an article published Tuesday, points to Giles as one of the people who is sounding the alarm about the extremes Trump is willing to go to.

If Trump loses, Giles predicts, MAGA Republicans "will throw everything at the wall and see what sticks."

The Mesa mayor warned, "They'll claim everything went wrong if they lose. I'd be surprised if Trump doesn't try to foment insurrection if he loses the election."

Stone cites Turning Point USA and True the Vote as some of the "MAGA stalwarts" who have been "spreading conspiracy theories about election fraud in order to lay the groundwork for charging the election was rigged if Trump loses."

Former Rep. Dave Trott (R-Michigan) told The Guardian, "Trump continues to encourage his supporters like Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA to question the integrity of our elections. He has no evidence or basis for claiming fraud and is only perpetuating these lies so he has a plan B to disrupt democracy in the event he loses."
David Becker of the Center for Election Innovation and Research is worried as well, telling The Guardian, "A lot of false claims are masquerading as efforts to change policy to improve election integrity when in actuality, they're just designed to sow distrust in our system if Trump loses. This is all designed to manufacture claims that if Trump loses, the election was stolen and to sow discord, chaos and potential violence.”
I wonder if Trump would prefer lethal injection or the electric chair.
>Several of the speakers who endorsed presidential nominee Kamala Harris at the 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago were conservative Republicans, including former Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), former Trump White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham, ex-Mike Pence national security aide Olivia Troye, and Mesa, Arizona Mayor John Giles
Republicans Against Trump indeed.
Serious case of TDS. You’re going to be pissed when Trump gets elected.
Serious HDS by Trumptards in /news/. Many such cases. These faggots will be terminally malding when Kamala Harris gets elected.
Trump is going to win November 2024 and there's nothing you can do about it.
is that why he has a contingency plan for when he loses
Trump has no chance to win. He's less popular now than when he lost in 2020.
Don Old Fart will lose November 2024 and there's nothing you can do about it. Trumptards tried to do somehing about it in 2021 when that orange retard lost in 2020 and 800+ of them are in prison after being in court, charged and convicted of terrorism. Many such cases.
>Serious HDS
My Huge Dick Syndrome has always been an issue and I appreciate it if we didn’t talk about it.
>conservative Republicans, including former Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), former Trump White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham, ex-Mike Pence national security aide Olivia Troye, and Mesa, Arizona Mayor John Giles.
Kek. Imagine writing this.

Lincoln Project getting desperate
Literally every single poll says the complete opposite of that.
The DNC is pushing hard to convince themselves that the Brap woman is likable.
why do your sexual perversions always need to come up during political debates
The left is all about dickbutt, mutilating genitalia, and abortion fetish
You people are weird
The right is all about intrusive thoughts. It proves they're weird.
You nominated an 85 iq indian, larping as a black woman, after rejecting the vote of every single democratic primary voter. She is currently calling for five trillion dollars in new taxation.
i'm glad your strategy toward her makes you so supremely unlikeable
If you dysgenic freaks liked us, we'd know we were doing something wrong.
i can tell you never go outside
You've been looking at Rassmussen polls for too long
Good. Good.
>Still pushing 2016 talking points
/pol/ never recovered after Russia abandoned them.
>2016 talking points
And you are the other side of that coin, retard.
The difference is Russia is still allied with Trump.
> Guardian

Queer fan fiction.
>rightist media
fan fiction for faggots
Imagine being this far right

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