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>Another Democrat former Presidential candidate in a growing chorus calls misinformation a grave threat to democracy and the first amendment an "impediment" bemoaning lack of "truth arbiter"

John Kerry called the First Amendment a "major block" to combating misinformation and fighting climate change.

The former Secretary of State took part in a World Economic Forum panel on Green Energy on Wednesday. Near the end of the panel, a member of the audience asked what can be done to push back against disinformation surrounding climate change online.

"You know there's a lot of discussion now about how you curb those entities in order to guarantee that you're going to have some accountability on facts, etc. But look, if people only go to one source, and the source they go to is sick, and, you know, has an agenda, and they're putting out disinformation, our First Amendment stands as a major block to be able to just, you know, hammer it out of existence," Kerry said.

He continued, "So what we need is to win the ground, win the right to govern, by hopefully winning enough votes that you're free to be able to implement change."Kerry also suggested this was an issue unique to democracies.

"The dislike of and anguish over social media is just growing and growing. It is part of our problem, particularly in democracies, in terms of building consensus around any issue. It's really hard to govern today. The referees we used to have to determine what is a fact and what isn't a fact have kind of been eviscerated, to a certain degree. And people go and self-select where they go for their news, for their information. And then you get into a vicious cycle," Kerry said.

In another comment, Kerry remarked, "Democracies around the world now are struggling with the absence of a sort of truth arbiter, and there’s no one who defines what facts really are." He added, "If we could strip away some of the fearmongering that’s taking place and get down to the realities of what’s here for people, this is the biggest economic opportunity."
>Near the end of the panel, a member of the audience asked what can be done to push back against disinformation surrounding climate change online
Ask Elon Musk to order his company Tesla to only make cars with internal combustion engines. So why isn't he?
Tranny tranny tranny
Who gets to decide what information is accurate and what information is "disinfo"?
Hello! I'm here to help you with media literacy and parse through the obvious conservative lies and obfuscation. This is John Kerry's full quote, which FOX News conveniently left out to clearly imply that he has some desire to get rid of the first amendment.

>"You know there's a lot of discussion now about how you curb those entities in order to guarantee that you're going to have some accountability on facts, etc. But look, if people only go to one source, and the source they go to is sick, and, you know, has an agenda, and they're putting out disinformation, our First Amendment stands as a major block to be able to just, you know, hammer it out of existence," Kerry said.

>He continued, "So what we need is to win the ground, win the right to govern, by hopefully winning enough votes that you're free to be able to implement change."

Objectively, he is correct. The first amendment is a block to be able to just hammer misinformation out of existence. Nothing about that statement is incorrect. His solution to that objective truth, as he qualifies in his very next statement, is to win elections. Nowhere in this entire speech does he ever remotely suggest that the first amendment is a net bad or that anything should be done to change or remove it. Fox News and conservatives highlighted the "first amendment is a a block to stopping misinformation" to make it seem like Kerry was suggesting something he clearly wasn't. They rely on your kneejerk emotional response to headlines because they know their consumers are too fucking stupid and lazy to actually read the full transcript. You're welcome.
First Amendment was created to deal with an environment of information scarcity. What we have now is attention scarcity. It protects free speech, but it doesn't protect free listenership. Which would probably be, among other things, the freedom to find out how bubbled or targeted you are. Something like that.
Leftists are scum. News at 11.
more simply put: third world shills don't have first amendment rights
Everybody, that's kind of a problem. Before completely blind culture war media bullshit we used to generally rely on experts and vested institutions to give us our information. Populism and internet brain rot has rendered this practice obsolete. A medical institution can literally show videos of people dying from diseases and half of the population will say it was fake and made by jews. People live in completely separate epistemic bubbles now where anybody who politically agrees with them tells the truth anybody they politically disagree with always lies. Its gotten so bad that we can no longer agree on even the most material, objective facts. Show people the statement "2+2=4" and their perception of whether or not its true will entirely depend on where they get their news from.
Well, you probably shouldn't have hyped up a mild respiratory infection into the black death so you could get rid of orange man bad. Pretending that carbon dioxide is the only pollutant on the planet isn't doing you any favors either. Your constant lying about immigrant crime is kind of off putting as well.

Maybe just stop lying all the time if you want people to take anything you have to say seriously.
that is what the post said stupid faggot
Thanks for proving my point about how media environments can make people delusional. You're the literal poster boy.

There's no conversation you and I can have if you're incapable of a basic, 3rd grade level of inference.
It's a shame the left is completely incapable of self reflection. Its one of the many reasons you should all be locked up.
>Show people the statement "2+2=4" and their perception of whether or not its true will entirely depend on where they get their news from.
FYI the only people who disagree with "2+2=4" are leftists who claim that only misogynistic white supremacists think 2+2=4:

so if John Kerry and other Democrats have their way, it will be illegal to say that 2+2=4.
i feel bad for the bottom shelf shills who will never make it out of this dead board, like the ones directly above me
>There's no conversation you and I can have if you're incapable of a basic, 3rd grade level of inference.
If you were looking for conversation you wouldn't be on 4chan. You want to call people retards and tell them to kill themselves like everyone else on the board
Otay retard
>FYI the only people who disagree with "2+2=4" are leftists who claim that only misogynistic white supremacists think 2+2=4:
Firstly, I'm not a leftist so I don't really give a shit about what they think. Socialism and communism are cringe as fuck. Secondly, I'm talking about broad political movements.The article you posted was about a book written by one math professor from New York. I don't build my opinions about broad political movements by cherry picking stories about individual people saying dumb shit. The amount of people on the left who think 2+2=4 is false because of white supremacy I would say is about 0.00001%. There is no movement of people in the Democrat party saying 2+2 doesn't equal 4. However, the amount of Republicans who think the last election was stolen and Fauci is jewish millionaire wwho poisoned the U.S. with COVID and dinosaurs aren't real is like 50%+. Millions of people. Which side has a chronic problem with delusion is very, very obvious.

>so if John Kerry and other Democrats have their way, it will be illegal to say that 2+2=4.
I don't think you've ever spoken to a Democrat in your life. You also use the term leftist and Democrat interchangeably so clearly you have no clue what you're talking about.

>You want to call people retards and tell them to kill themselves like everyone else on the board
If you're uncomfortable defending your position just say so. Inventing a strawman of some shit I've never done or said to distract from the fact that you can't engage just makes you look foolish.
Oh, so MAGA has stopped believing that dino bones were planted by Satan to trick people interesting believing in evolution thousands of years after the earth was made?
Not them, but I agree with them: it's pretty obvious which side has struggled with the truth for awhile. We've just entered the terminal phase, where you rent in a street corner about how "tHey'Re eAtInG tHe dOgS!"

Remember when you unironically believed Barack Obama was a secret Kenyan Muslim radical cleric with no birth certificate?
>There is no movement of people in the Democrat party saying 2+2 doesn't equal 4
There is a large movement of democrats who believe that western institutions such as math, criminal justice and the nuclear family are systemically racist because black people can't figure any of this shit out. Unironically.
>There is a large movement of democrats who believe that western institutions such as math, criminal justice and the nuclear family are systemically racist because black people can't figure any of this shit out
Firstly, nice goalpost shift. It moved from "Leftists think 2+2 doesn't equal 4" to "Well, some democrats think that some large institutions are systemically racist". Way to completely abandon your position and replace it with an infinitely vaguer one the second you knew you couldn't defend it. Secondly, no, there isn't a large movement of Democrats who think math or the nuclear family is racist. Either you're pulling this out of your ass or you're just repeating what conservative propaganda told you. When forced to give an example of this the only thing you could link was one professor from New York who wrote a book that had a singular quote in it that you hadn't even heard of until Tucker Carlson ranted about it on his cable show. Like I said, I don't think you've ever spoken to a Democrat in your entire life. Given that you think leftists and Democrats are the same people there's actually no functional way for you to have any clue what Democrats think. You don't even know how to identify one.
>This is John Kerry's full quote, which FOX News conveniently left out

The entire quote was included in both the article and the OP's posts, which you know because you just quoted the article verbatim to provide the full quote you claimed it was missing. You even left in the "Kerry said." and "He continued", lol.
>he's defending Fox News's slanted reporting
>Secondly, no, there isn't a large movement of Democrats who think math or the nuclear family is racist.
They write articles about it all the time, retard.
What do you think the BLM protests were about
just calling out your deliberate lie about the missing context which lo and behold... wasn't missing. doing my part to keep the thread clear of misinfo/disinfo.
Are you really trying to say Fox News reported this story accurately and fairly? Let me laugh even harder.
You mean the Boogaloo Riots?
Allah and his last true prophet, Mohammed.
They included the entire quote that you quoted in their article. Fox is shit but that much is true. I don't know why you re-quoted it because it was already there. Word for word.
And perhaps the institutions that people rely on have messed up one too many times or taken people for granted one too many times. I'm not saying that listening to someone on TikTok about viruses is the correct course of action, but there is a reason that people are going that route. And you cannot just blame it all on the people. Because that would make you a bootlicker, and also wrong.
The fact that you feel the need to blame someone in the government for a virus is all I need to know.
I voted weeks ago
What a coincidence. This thread and the post you replied to is from weeks ago.

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