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By Sabrina Rodriguez & Isaac Arnsdorf

>MILWAUKEE — Republican nominee Donald Trump spoke for 33 minutes before his first mention of the ostensible focus of his remarks.

>Signs reading “SCHOOL CHOICE,” “EDUCATION FREEDOM NOW” and “LET PARENTS DECIDE” decorated a small auditorium, and a panel of speakers preceding the former president focused on using public funds to let families choose between public and private, especially religious, schools. Trump read from a binder containing a prepared speech on the subject, and he switched abruptly between the text and a jumble of other topics.

>“We can be nice and we can be politically incorrect, but the only thing they’re going to do there is cheat on elections, and we just can’t let this happen,” he said at one point. Without warning, he continued: “The city of Milwaukee is the home of first and oldest choice program.”

>He spoke of “a million Rambos.” “Turnarounds” and “gotaways” and “dead-head spending.” He mixed up Iran with North Korea and strained to pronounce United Arab Emirates. He marveled at Hurricane Helene coming so late in the storm season, which typically runs through November. He falsely claimed government agencies can’t name the U.S. population, and he compared the conflict between Israel and Iran to “two kids fighting in the schoolyard.”

>Trump, 78, often speaks in a digressive, extemporaneous style that thrills his fans at large-scale rallies. But Tuesday’s event, in front of almost entirely reporters, was especially scattered and hard to follow. Polls show voters’ concerns about Trump’s age and fitness have increased since President Joe Biden, 81, withdrew and was replaced as the Democratic nominee by Vice President Kamala Harris.

>Trump spoke slowly and appeared tired. It was his second stop of the day, and he has picked up the pace of campaigning in recent weeks.
>“I think I’m booked every single day for 33 days,” he said at the end of the news conference, incorrectly citing the number of days until the election, which is 35. “I’ve worked for 17 or 18 days when you say in a row, and I’m working even when I’m not working.”

>Trump was more energetic during a speech to supporters in Waunakee, Wis., earlier Tuesday. He went on an extended riff about the 1987 film “Full Metal Jacket” and made up a false claim that Harris raised taxes as the San Francisco district attorney, which is not a power of that office.

>Trump avoided direct questions about how he would address the escalating violence between Iran and Israel, by repeatedly insisting it never would have happened if he were president. He claimed he could settle that war, as well as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, with a single phone call apiece, but he declined to specify how.

>“I don’t want to say what I’d use because I don’t want to give up negotiating abilities,” he said. He even boasted that with a second term he could have struck a peace deal between Iran and Israel.

>He did not mention Tuesday’s vice-presidential debate or his running mate, Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio), at either event until an hour and 20 minutes into the news conference when he was directly asked what advice he’d given Vance.

>Much of what Trump said here he has said before. He repeated false claims about a U.S. government app directing cartels where to drop off smuggled migrants; in fact, the app lets migrants request appointments for legal processing. He falsely accused the Biden administration of admitting 13,000 convicted murderers — a number that in fact reflects several decades of migration and includes people in federal or state custody.
>He also repeatedly praised predominantly White countries such as Denmark, Norway and Sweden while emphatically warning against immigrants from Congo in Africa. And he again said migrants crossing the U.S. southern border were taking “Black and Hispanic jobs,” a characterization that many Americans found offensive and economists said was false.

>“They come from, from the Congo in Africa,” Trump said at the event at Discovery World, a science and technology museum a couple of miles from where the Republican National Convention was held in July. “Many people from the Congo. I don’t know what that is.”

>Trump elaborated on his proposal to eliminate the Department of Education by describing what he envisioned the agency would look like: “I think you will have like one person plus a secretary. You’ll have a secretary. The secretary will have one person plus a secretary. And all the person has to do is: Are you teaching English? Are you teaching arithmetic? What are you doing? Reading, writing and arithmetic. And are you not teaching woke? Not teaching woke is a very big factor. But we’ll have a very small staff.”

>Several times Trump mixed up his words or spoke in vague terms. He praised Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban as a “tough guy” when he appeared to mean “strongman.” He complained that an interviewer with “60 Minutes” “challenged me on the computer” — meaning the interviewer argued with him in 2020 about the provenance of Hunter Biden’s laptop. He referred to Afghan attacks on coalition forces, known in NATO as “green on blue,” as “blue on brown and brown on blue.”

>Asked whether as president he should have retaliated more forcefully to Iran’s missile strikes on U.S. forces in Iraq in 2020, Trump responded as he did at the time, by denying the severity of the more than 100 injuries, including traumatic brain injury. “They had a headache,” he said.
>Other comments were harder to parse.

>“Kamala and the radical left Democratic Party want to keep Black and Hispanic children trapped in family government,” he said.

>“Every single thing that we’re doing is based on structure and common sense. I was looking at the various states, and I think 35 states could be the equivalent of Norway and Denmark.”

>Overall, Trump’s speech was a far cry from the preview from former governor Tommy Thompson (R-Wis.), who introduced him at the lectern.

>“It’s going to be a great day because Donald Trump is going to talk to you about his beliefs, his opportunities, his views and vision for education,” Thompson said.
You'll be old one day, elder abuser.
He's an 80 year old man now. What will he be like at 84?
It's hard to find full speeches from him on Fox anymore. When he goes off the rails, they simply cut away from his babbling. It's a shame since they used to be his biggest supporters, and now they are forced to "support" him by cancelling his insane ventures.

Still voting for him, or rather, for Vance. My best guyess is that Trump will resign early on and leave the country in Vance's capable hands.
luckily I don't have to vote in this circus show, but nonetheless I do find it a little amusing how the campaign built on "Biden is too old" now might backfire
take it a step further, since to me this is obviously what will happen:
Trump wins
Resigns sometime next year for health reasons
Vance takes over and immediately pardons Trump.
Project 2025 is full speed ahead
Vance remains president for just under 12 years, probably appointing another USSC justice or two.
America is finally restored.

You couldn't draw up a better blueprint.
It's everything the Rove & Krystal PNAC boys used to dream about 20 years ago
goes back to Nixon's resignation and ALEC meeting that year. It hasn't worked yet because Carter beat Ford and Clinton beat daddy Bush.
Why would any sane person vote for an orange senile subhuman retard?
>Why would any sane person vote for an orange senile subhuman retard?
The economy, immigration, dealing with foreign powers, not shitting on the 1A, not shitting on the 2A, not being a literal diversity hire.
You're brown
>the ~50% of Americans who support Trump are brown
Interesting cope.
And You're not american
>the ~50% of Americans who support Trump are not Americans
>tanking the economy before Biden
>using illegals to build Trump Tower
>shitting on the 1A
>bump stocks
>non whites supporting Trump
>The economy, immigration, dealing with foreign powers, not shitting on the 1A, not shitting on the 2A, not being a literal diversity hire
Which is why sane people want nothing to do with not only that which is a subhuman retard.
>Which is why sane people want nothing to do with not only that which is a subhuman retard.
The guy accusing people of being non-white non-Americans cant speak English. Hilarious.
And nowhere near 50% of america supports trump, but you're not american so i understand why you don't know that
>And nowhere near 50% of america supports trump
National polling: Trump 47 Harris Harris 49
like poomala
>>the ~50% of Americans who support Trump
kek imagine actually believing this
>can't counter the facts, reduced to accusing others of being ESL
>and >>1349134 is another of the reasons why sane people want nothing to do with subhuman retards and their even more retarded opinions
And you're still not American. Hilarious.
You sure are a dumb shill. Try to figure out your error, i'll wait
Why would you use the only aggregator to still include Rassmussen after Rassmussen got caught colluding with Republicans?
You are right is actually higher if you exclude ilegal immigrants supporting democrats
see >>1349139

>no argument

>And you're still not American. Hilarious.
You can barely speak English.
Melt down time
Sure it is chuddo I bet you also think Trump is going to build a wall and help the economy
Trump 45 Harris 48

The absolute shitfit you guys are throwing over the most basic piece of information is truly astounding.
>I don't know how to read a poll
You cant really be this dumb irl. It has to be some sort of half-assed trolling attempt.
Sticking your fingers in your ears and shouting "no u wrong" is not an argument. If you're going to make low-effort posts, you're going to get low-effort responses.

Also, >>1349150. Next cope?
see >>1349151
>you guys are the ones throwing the shitfit not me
>Trump is popular with over half the country because I said so
>he thinks RCP's polls represent the entire country and not just registered voters using landlines in specific areas
Are you 12?
>>Trump is popular with over half the country because I said so
Something I never said.

You're throwing a shitfit over something that's not controversial at all.
They incorporate all kinds of polls using all kinds of metrics. They are an *aggregate* of polls.
>came into the thread because it made him mad
>thinks polls cover the entire population and refuses to concede that they don't
Settle down Cletus don't get angry enough to shoot up a polling place.
>roughly half the electorate supports Trump
>*autistic screeching*
What the fuck is wrong with this place?
You are adept at lying, faggot. Too bad it's a losing strategy
You mean RCP, the Republican-skewed polling aggregate which no one has treated seriously for over 10 years now? Got it.
>>came into the thread because it made him mad
Seems like projection.

>>thinks polls cover the entire population and refuses to concede that they don't
I never made a statement about this. I said half the electorate support Trump. The EVIDENCE we have confirms this.

Yeah, it seems to have made you pretty upset.
You can always go back to your hugbox if you want to roll around in your false narratives like a pig in shit
Trump will win 2024
I think you have confused people laughing at the Trumptarded autist for autistic screeching.
>You are adept at lying, faggot. Too bad it's a losing strategy
Where did I say that?

How about fivethirtyeight?
>Trump 45 Harris 48
You people said the same thing in 2020.
Learn how polls work before posting here again.
Look at how clueless he is
>roll around in your false narratives
fivethirtyeight is a false narrative? The whole polling industry is a lie?
>Learn how polls work before posting here again.
This is not an argument. This is you not having an argument and shouting "nah uh".

>Look at how clueless he is
I'm so clueless and yet you're unable to make even the simplest counter-argument? Interesting.
Whatva dumb faggot. Why is he proud of it though
Wow Trump sounds terrible, so craggly and mumbly, so rambly. He sounds so much worse then he did 4 years ago.
>realizing that Trump is popular with ~50% of the electorate causes a colossal meltdown
So strange, outcome of the popular vote in 2020 was 51% Biden 46% Trump. In 2016 it was 46% Trump 48% Hillary .

"Electorate roughly evenly split in two party system" is like the least controversial statement ever made.
but enough about biden
If you continue to lie, it continues to not be true
someone tell this one to kamala's entire existence
Kamala’s entire existence is a lie? Line she is created by AI? Conservative head cannon is wild. Not even specified mad at people just their entire existence is wrong in the eyes of right wing hate mongers
>Kamala’s entire existence is a lie
I'm not sure you are great and English, try a few more conversational English courses, Poohran
what a humiliating life being a shill. do they force you to be racist toward yourself?
>Resigns sometime next year for health reasons
>Vance remains president for just under 12 years
Wrong. Vance wouldn't be able to serve that long if Trump resigns in the second year of his term, per the 22nd amendment. The most he would be able to serve is closer to ten years, but that could only happen if Trump resigns (or dies) in the third year of his term (and obviously dependent on if Vance gets reelected twice). If Trump resigns (or dies) in the second year of his term, Vance would only be entitled to one reelection.
Did you just try to insult someone for their English with this word jumble? You sound like Trump

Keep pretending that we can’t see Trump fall apart right in front of our eyes. You must be actively avoiding watching his speeches. “A million rambos!”
Oh. Don’t care still voting Trump
Don't care about Trump and Republicans. Still voting Democrat.
Imagine being this misinformed
>Media hides Biden's mental decline
>We should believe them about dRumpf
Meh. I'm convinced WaPoo reporters should kill themselves.
I voted weeks ago.
>weeks ago
So when this thread was new

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