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Fox News host: Trump ‘resorted to crimes’ to hold on to power
Published: Oct. 02, 2024, 5:39 p.m.

Fox News host Neil Cavuto said Wednesday that a newly unsealed filing in the federal Jan. 6 case revealed former President Trump “resorted to crimes” to stay in office.


“It was in this newly unsealed court paper we’re learning that former President Trump resorted to crimes to cling to power after the 2020 election. We don’t know much more than that,” Cavuto said Wednesday on Fox News.

“A lot of this stuff was going to be coming out anyway. We’re going to be getting the latest on that, and a legal look at what is being revealed here and whether it’s giving us any new information, anything we don’t know. The timing of this, of course, is little more than about five weeks before the general election,” he added.

Prosecutors in the former president’s Jan. 6 case outlined their case against Trump in a newly unsealed court document on Wednesday, where special counsel Jack Smith argues that Trump’s offenses alleged in the case were private actions, not officials ones.

The filing came after a Supreme Court ruling over the summer gave broad immunity to presidents while in office. Smith is trying to argue that the actions he outlined in his case can still remain in his indictment of Trump because they were private acts.

“When the defendant lost the 2020 presidential election, he resorted to crimes to try to stay in office. With private co-conspirators, the defendant launched a series of increasingly desperate plans to overturn the legitimate election results in seven states that he had lost—Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin (the “targeted states”),” the filing reads.
Jack Smith timed this release to warn tRump that he's being closely scrutinized this time....not that it will change tRump's behavior in any way.
>jack smith claims
Too bad the coup failed. We could've avoided Bidenflation at the hands of careless Democrats.
jack smith didnt time anything, this was the fault of trump's scotus trying to cover his ass by claiming presidential immunity, forcing smith to approach the issue from a new angle with new information and arguments, he's working at his own pace and hasn't given a single hoot about what's going on around him, as a special prosecutor should.
>he's working at his own pace
>Prosecutors in the former president’s Jan. 6 case outlined their case against Trump in a newly unsealed court document on Wednesday,
Post the document
Fox knows Trump is done for. So what does a news platform do? They go with what they know, exclusives. And if breaking news means breaking that which they previously supported is now thrown under the bus, so be it.
>Year 9 of "the walls are closing in"
Some random anonymous staffer said "make them riot." They've definitely got trump this time.
1.The staffer isn't really anonymous. People know who he is already
2.Thats only one part of the 136 page report.

If it's too much for you to read, just say that, but don't pretend to be an expert on this stuff.
This. This would have been released a lot sooner if Trump didn't keep trying to obstruct the trial.
No one cares, xir.
Why are you so bad faith? Do you talk to your family and friends like this?
>implying they have friends or their family talks to them
Hunter Biden caused this
How many times does he need to be convicted in a court of law for you to be convinced?
if you though Bidenomics was a hoot, just wait till you've seen Kamanism.
No such number of convictions exists. They will never be convinced. They’re too weak for it.
My family and friends are sane.
cope harder faggot. At this point I don't care if you show me a transcript where Trump says "help me illegally take over the U.S. government". Why?

1. because it's fake
2. still aint as bad as everything the demoshits and rinos have done
3. because I WISH Trump was that based, but sadly, he simply is not
See, what’d I tell you? It doesn’t matter what proof you show him, he’s already decided it’s fake before he’s even seen it. That’s the level of deluded dipshittery we’re dealing with.

>When a campaign employee was told about a batch of votes in Detroit that appeared to be heavily in favor of President Joe Biden, the employee told a colleague to “find a reason” that wasn’t right and “give me options to file litigation.”

>When the colleague suggested there would be unrest, the campaign employee responded: “Make them riot” and “Do it!!!” according to the filing.

>He said “the details don’t matter” when told his election fraud claims would fail in court. And his response to learning that then-Vice President Mike Pence was taken to a secure location as rioters stormed the Capitol? “So what?”

>Three days before the election, a Trump political adviser told a group of supporters that the then-president was “going to declare himself the winner” no matter the outcome,” according to prosecutors

>“That doesn’t mean he’s the winner, he’s just going to say he’s the winner,” the adviser said.

Please, anons. In the coming days and weeks, do not let conservatives gaslight you. They do not like America. They do not like the constitution. They do not like rule of law. Their president, Donald Trump, 100% attempted to coup the government. All you have to do is read the court filings. There is no ambiguity. The fascist MAGA right will try to make you doubt your eyes and ears. They'll distort facts and try to paint conspiracies to obfuscate the reality of Trump's traitorous actions. Do not let them. Do not let them obfuscate the fact that their allegiance is to a cult leader, not the country.
>Everything bad Trump did is fake but if he did do it its not a big deal and also I completely support him doing this bad thing.

Imagine disclosing your dumbuckitude with this little self-awareness.
Fox News cut away from the VP debate when Vance stated that Trump won in 2020. They finally learned the expensive lesson from last time.

Fox news routinely cuts away from Trump's speeches when he goes off the rails, but this is the first time they cut away from Vance.
Did he? I know he refused to say that Trump lost, which really tells you everything you need to know, but I don't think he outright stated that he won.
legitimately do not care. I'm going to go early vote tomorrow without my ID because clown world state and vote for trump because harris wants to ban guns and trump will make the judicial branch great again
He just refused to answer the question the same way he refused to answer whether or not he's separate children from their families during their deportation plan. I don't think Vance directly answered a question the whole debate.

Nobody gives a shit what you do with your day, schizo gun nut.
Maybe you should have helped if you care. Have fun being in prison

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