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Why do commies keep calling him a murderer when he was found innocent and literally only killed a convicted serial child rapist who was trying to serial child rape him and a convicted grandma abuser who also domestic violenced his brother?
If he had been a black kid walking down the street to protect a black neighborhood, and these same people had chased him down the street, I wonder if the perception would be different?
The kid conservicunts called a secret tranny when he made an anti-trump announcement?
The pussy who got bullied and death-threatened by his own team until he recanted and said he supported trump again?
That butthole?
I mean, maybe but we'll never know because that fantasy just won't play out. Ever.
It's easy to imagine that he'd be dead or in prison in that case. Could be part of the sentiment there.
Why are the likes of /pol/ slandering Rittenhouse? So much for your pathetic attempt at a 'Gotcha' to 'own the libs'.
You've got something, the disease that is 'OP Is a Faggot'-itis by a self-own.
Paste the article newfag
I don't know why anyone cares.
of all the people to hate, a teenager found not guilty isn't one of them.
No one cares who says what about Rottenhouse but chuds
Why do newfags keep not pasting the article text? No bump for you.
because he was being retarded. he said he wasn't voting for trump on 2a grounds, but trump has been the most pro 2a president in like 100 years, certainly since the great depression and harris wants to ban and confiscate guns
not in the rules, tranni boi
if he was black it wouldn't have even made the national news.
no matter how much you rage, it still isn't in the rules, troon
>trump has been the most 2a president in like 100 years
Then why'd he try to ban bump stocks?
>of all the people to hate, a teenager found not guilty isn't one of them.
I'm not sure it has anything to do with hate. Its a music festival. I doubt any of the bands have any vested interested in launching themselves into the most heated arena for internet politics for the sake of a one off gig that doesn't even pay that well. Even if they loved Rittenhouse its just a PR and optics headache.
>I'm not sure it has anything to do with hate.
The kid defended himself from a child rapist with lethal force and libshits try to shame him.
Finding the people who keep trying to ruin his life should be a priority, because those retards were the ones running interception for race riots.
I don't know what any of this has to do with what I said.
trump is the only president in the last 100 years to get gun laws repealed unless you credit heller and mcdonald to bush
clinton, obongo, brandon and harris all want gun bans
the headliner who pulled out called kyle a murderer and said he should be in jail for shooting that child rapist who was trying to child rape him
>the headliner who pulled out called kyle a murderer
Ok. So?

>and said he should be in jail for shooting that child rapist who was trying to child rape him
They didn't say this. You hallucinated this.
Did you actually read the article?
>“Evergreen Terrace has always supported and continues to support philanthropic events for veterans, PTSD awareness, child poverty, and many more, but we will not align with an event promoting murderers such as Kyle Rittenhouse capitalizing off of their pseudo celebrity."
>Ok. So?
It's a lie, retard. Lying is a hostile action.
He was determined to be innocent in a court of law.
It's not a lie, and if kyle wants he can take his chances and sue for defamation, even though it could easily backfire
>muh bump stocks
Idiot, bump stocks aren't even a thing. It would be like banning chartreuse-colored front sights and then calling him anti-2a. They needed to shutdown discussion of Vegas and the bump stock ban performed that function most performatively. It was hardly NFA tier.
What does Kyle defending himself or child rape or needing to find people who hate Kyle have to do with my statement that musical bands often avoid the optics of avoiding politics in their performances?

>It's a lie, retard. Lying is a hostile action.
>He was determined to be innocent in a court of law.
I don't consider some random metal band I've never heard of to be a source of my criminal legal analysis, anon. The only reason you care is because they said something you don't like. They're allowed to think what they want.
So by your own admission, instead of actually addressing the circumstances that could lead to a tragic mass casualty event like the Vegas shooting, Trump just did a symbolic gesture just to people to shut up about it until it blew over and left the news cycle. How presidential of him. What an effective leader.
And the symbolic gesture was a gun ban, don't forget
Not talking about that, Mr. goalpost mover. The claim I was insulting was that he was NOT the most 2a-friendly potus in the last century because muh bump stocks. Read the reply chain.
Lrn2readingcomprehension. You literally just said "They needed to shutdown discussion of Vegas and the bump stock ban performed that function most performatively", and I am criticizing Trump for preferring to do performative symbolic gestures rather than actually addressing issues like most competent effective leaders do.
Again, read the replies chain rather than sling ad homos or whatever.
You really are esl aren't you
>ad homos
those who aren't foreign are educated enough to know it's Ad Hominem. You advertise your illiteracy every time you post in /news/, >>1349550.
Again, my post was about how muh bumpstocks isn't really an argument against Trump being be most pro-2a president of the last 100 years. If you want to move the goalposts, strawman or ad homoname, go right ahead. Just remember: you didn't even conceive of the idea that his bumpstock ban was a merely performative gesture until I mentioned it. You are welcome.
I'm up here.
You're down here, thinking you're looking down on me. Enjoy the view.
>those who aren't foreign are educated enough to know it's Ad Hominem. You advertise your illiteracy every time you post in /news/, >>1349550
>ad homoname
Thanks for confirming that fact about you, >>1349550 >>1349561. Keep doing so with every post.
Why does this redditor keep calling himself not-a-redditor when he was found guilty of being a newfag from reddit?
there is absolutely zero chance that a black kid would have gotten the hate that Rittenhouse got, and also zero chance he would have even been charged.
Cite literally ONE case similar to Rittenhouse with as much evidence as Rittenhouse where a black person was even charged, let alone convicted.
>PR and optics headache
it's a sad state of affairs that siding with murderous terrorists is better PR than siding with an innocent teenager who defended himself against murderous terrorists.
>the most heated arena
only because the left is full of NPCs who support actual murderous terrorists
name the specific set of facts that make Rittenhouse a murderer
He murdered people instead of being at home like a normal minor
I'll never understand why libertards and Demosharts aren't on his side.
He crossed the border into a place he didn't belong.
No one wanted him there.
He attacked people with a gun.
Sounds like you queers should've been out protesting for the dork all along.
Although I guess on the libercunt spectrum he was lower than jews, and chomos.
>huh, reality isn't conforming to my schizo delusions.
>are my schizo delusions wrong?
>no, it is reality that is wrong
You belong in an asylum
>Ok. So?
Kyle literally isn't a murderer
>They didn't say this. You hallucinated this.
>“Evergreen Terrace has always supported and continues to support philanthropic events for veterans, PTSD awareness, child poverty, and many more, but we will not align with an event promoting murderers such as Kyle Rittenhouse capitalizing off of their pseudo celebrity. Unfortunately, we did not do our due diligence with this particular event. Even after they offered to pull Kyle from the event, we discovered several associated entities that we simply do not agree with. As advocates for free speech we are respectfully cancelling the Shell Shock festival. We will be personally contributing to a veterans charity and urge you to do the same. The promoters have been nothing less than understand. ‘Lines we draw in the sand … depend on where we stand.’”
they literally called him a murderer and said they wouldn't do the show because he shot a child rapist who was trying to child rape him
it literally is a lie. kyle was found innocent. had he not shot he would have been child raped and lynched
tldr faggot. if you murder people you're a murderer
a. kyle was found innocent of murder
b. kyle did not kill a person, he killed 2 communists
>have to do with my statement that musical bands often avoid the optics of avoiding politics in their performances?
because they explicitly lied and called kyle a murderer
>communists aren't people
then why are you a russia shill
the vega shooting was done by the CIA to try to ban guns
bumpstock aren't guns and it go overturned and no individuals complied with it. zero bumpstocks were turned in in nj
who would be more 2a friendly than trump?
the issue of the CIA doing a mass shooting to ban guns?
esl shill is on a roll. did someone give him uppers
he literally didn't murder any human. he killed 2 communists in self defense and then was found innocent in court
you can stop samefagging now
I'm not. I am American unlike you, obongo and harris
you can stop lying about kyle being a murderer now
Kyle is a murderer.
What else did they lie about?
everyone knows you're an indian uncle ruckus, and every time your posts are quoted it's out of pity. have a rupee
>Kyle is a murderer.
nope. name one time he did a murder
nope, white and American unlike you, obongo and harris
esl shill seems to be experiencing a dearth of rupees. oh well
According to a jury of his peers who were presented with the entire body of evidence including a doctored photo produced by the da office, you are incorrect
>Kyle literally isn't a murderer
I don't care

>they literally called him a murderer and said they wouldn't do the show because he shot a child rapist who was trying to child rape him
I don't see anywhere in the quote where this is said. If you're having paranoid delusions and struggling to read and comprehend you should see a doctor.

>because they explicitly lied and called kyle a murderer
People having opinions you don't like aren't lies, anon.

You should really consider psychiatry.
>jury of his peers who were presented with a partial body of evidence conveniently excluding an 'i want to murder blm protestors' text message
doesn't really matter, Kyle knows he's a murderer, and he's already in hell.
he's trapped, and he knows it after he spoke his mind and MAGAfags attacked him, calling Kyle a tranny and and smothering him in death threats

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