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>Scientists looked at images from space to see how fast Antarctica is turning green. Here’s what they found
>They found plant life — mostly mosses — had increased in this harsh environment more than 10-fold over the past four decades, according to the study by scientists at the universities of Exeter and Hertfordshire in England, and the British Antarctic Survey, published Friday in the journal Nature Geoscience.
>Vegetation covered less than 0.4 square miles of the Antarctic Peninsula in 1986 but had reached almost 5 square miles by 2021, the study found. The rate at which the region has been greening over nearly four decades has also been speeding up, accelerating by more than 30% between 2016 and 2021.

The feels when we will see a green Antarctica (and probably a dead Amazon Rainforest) before we die

src: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/10/04/climate/antarctica-greening-vegetation-satellite-images/index.html
The ice melts when ice ages end.

But since you think humans are causing it, let us know when you're ready to get serious about reversing things.
Not op but the data shows we are causing it. It isn't a matter of opinion.
If you say so. Let us know when you're ready to get serious about fixing it.
When we have unquestionable one party Democrat rule it will be fixed without further action.
>drops out of the climate accords
>wonder why the climate goes to shit
You aren't interested in fixing it.
I want to eat that moss.
>The feels when we will see a green Antarctica (and probably a dead Amazon Rainforest) before we die
the words of someone who has no knowledge or skills and doesn't even garden.
No it won't. Democrats are completely unserious about actually fixing anything.

It's as if the earth knows it has a horrible infection so nits raising its temperature and changing things to kill it off.
It is precisely that. Earth is a life form, we are just bad cells inside of its body. Global warming is nothing but a fever.
>more things growing
>entire world is greening
>the earth is killing us off guys
>>wonder why the climate goes to shit
How do you know the climate has gone to shit? Be specific.

doomposting stories that "hottest global temperature" don't count because that's not an assessment. especially since the "global average temperature" is flawed in both measurement and the final number is fraudulently adjusted upwards because the data didn't match the preconclusion.
>More things flooding
>Less overall terrestrial green
>The earth is more habitable?
How much are you getting paid by bigoil?
cant really feel it on a individual scale yet, but average temperatures rising by a few degrees is massive
you idiot
>the science is settled
>trust the experts
Antarctica has a landmass of 5.48 million square miles. So in 1986, 0.0000072993% of it's landmass was green.

Now it's 0.0000912409%. Somehow, I think we'll be okay.

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