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Mike Johnson won't commit to bringing House back before the election for more hurricane relief
In a letter to congressional leaders, Biden urged Congress to restore funding to the Small Business Administration’s disaster loan program as it faces potential funding shortfalls.


Oct. 6, 2024, 3:13 PM EDT
By Summer Concepcion
House Speaker Mike Johnson on Sunday did not commit to calling Congress back into session before the election after President Joe Biden pressed congressional leaders about potential funding shortfalls in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene.

In an interview on “Fox News Sunday,” Johnson was asked about Biden’s letter to congressional leaders on Friday requesting more money for federal disaster recovery efforts and after Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas warned that the department doesn’t have enough money to get through the rest of hurricane season.

In his letter, the president urged Congress to restore funding to the Small Business Administration’s disaster loan program, which was facing potential funding shortfalls even before Hurricane Helene devastated parts of the Southeast. The president noted that the White House requested more funding for the program as Congress prepared a short-term funding bill that passed last month to avert a government shutdown.

Pressed on whether he would call Congress back into session before the election, Johnson replied, “We’ll be back in session immediately after the election.”

“That’s 30 days from now. The thing about these hurricanes and disasters of this magnitude is it takes a while to calculate the actual damages, and the states are going to need some time to do that,” Johnson said, adding that determining “specific needs and requests based upon the actual damages” from natural disasters takes time.
>“We’ll be back in session immediately after the election.”
If they came back before the election and funded more hurricane relief then the facebook memes about Biden purposely letting hurricane victims suffer wouldn't be as effective.
>Repub inflicts suffering, bankruptcy, death, and destruction to their own voters to own the libs.
>lib status: OWNED
Insert pic of Elon celebrating by jumping in the air like a retard on stage at Trump rally
The 400lb blue haired communist are jealous of him being able to jump
Maybe so but it doesn’t make it any less ridiculous looking to the rest of us.
Yes. Did you miss the part where they literally tried to coup the government with fraudulent electors, data breaches, defaming pollworkers and pressuring officials into crimes just it own the libs?
Where do you people get these strawmen from?
This only happened in your head

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