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Putin''s Puppet Donald Trump strikes again!


Former President Donald Trump kept in touch with Russian President Vladimir Putin after Trump left office, according to “War,” a new book by famed reporter Bob Woodward.

An aide to Trump told Woodward he was once asked to leave a room at Trump’s home in Florida so he could have a private phone call with Putin.

“According to Trump’s aide, there have been multiple phone calls between Trump and Putin, maybe as many as seven in the period since Trump left the White House in 2021,” Woodward wrote, according to CNN, which obtained a copy of the book ahead of its release later this month.

Trump has spoken fondly of Putin over the years; he used the words “genius” and “savvy” to describe Putin’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine, for instance. Trump claimed to have been the victim of a “witch hunt” when the Justice Department investigated his 2016 campaign’s contacts with Russian sources.

Woodward reported in “War” that Avril Haines, President Joe Biden’s Director of National Intelligence, said she didn’t know whether Trump and Putin have spoken.

“I wouldn’t purport to speak to what President Trump may or may not have done,” Haines said, according to Woodward.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Tuesday.

Another revelation in Woodward’s new title is that Trump sent Putin a secret shipment of COVID-19 testing equipment in 2020 at the height of the pandemic, when tests could sometimes be hard to come by. Putin reportedly begged Trump not to tell.

“I don’t want you to tell anybody because people will get mad at you, not me,” Putin said, according to Woodward. “They don’t care about me.”

“War” is scheduled for release on Oct. 15.
>Book by a Democrat shill
We need a rule that if an article doesn't say what the title claims you eat a ban.
>Another revelation in Woodward’s new title is that Trump sent Putin a secret shipment of COVID-19 testing equipment in 2020 at the height of the pandemic, when tests could sometimes be hard to come by. Putin reportedly begged Trump not to tell.
Democrats don't understand that there was literally a point in US history when we weren't at war with Russia. And that was before the CIA propagandized the absolute shit out of low-info blue voters.
>2 rubles have been deposited into your account
no changing the subject faggot, this is a thread about trump and putin being bffs
OMG, dRumpf saved some Russians by giving them COVID testing equipment!!??
I'm Demoangery!!
>Trump said 'I Got the Pfizer'
>Putin vaccinated with Sputnik V
In Soviet /news/, shill is you
At least he's not giving them land like Biden.
At least Zelenskyy's taking Kursk from Putin
Joke's on you, I don't give a fuck about either side.
But yes, Pootin did wait until Bidet was in office to attack Ukraine. Probably to get rid of the paper trail of corruption he and his son left in Ukraine.
And shockingly, Burisma no longer exists.
>And shockingly, Burisma no longer exists.
That's actually hilarious
They waited until the war to sweep everything under the rug and made away like bandits. Good for them.
but you're a russia shill, it's your job to be pro russia
Maybe you should stop listening to the lies people like Woodward tell, but if you were smart enough for that you wouldn't be shilling for Democrats, a party that is openly against the Bill of Rights.
you can play damage control all you want but you are an extremely obvious shill trying to change the subject away from trump and putin being friends
He was probably banking on Trump staying in power. When January 6th did not turn out like Yeltsin's coup, he probably assumed Biden was either an acolyte of the Obama school of foreign policy or just plain too senile to notice. Given demographics in Russia before the war, he barely had the men to invade Ukraine in 2022, and it would have only gotten worse as time went on. This was definitely Plan 'B', with Plan 'A' being 'Ask Trump to look the other way and wait for NATO to crumble'.
Problem is, one of the last things that bring Biden out of his aging stupor is an opportunity to turn Russians into Good Russians through high-powered weaponry. Plan 'B' has been a failure, too.
Your narrative is wrong and you're seething about how easy it was to poke holes in it.
Biden hasn't done shit.
keep covering your eyes if you'd like but we can all read

>Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?
sorry can't hear you over the sound of the C-17 loading up another billion dollars worth of 1980s military gear
>Jan 6
>A coup
I can't believe we found the last retard still pretending to believe this. What a discovery. Someone call National Geographic before this thing dies without offspring.
Obama sent blankets, Trump sent weapons. Biden was forced to keep sending weapons because Trump finessed him, lol.

>Commies are too autistic to understand humor
No wonder none of you are funny.
>Former President Donald Trump described Ukraine in bleak and mournful terms Wednesday, referring to its people as “dead” and the country itself as “demolished,” and further raising questions about how much the former president would be willing if elected again to concede in a negotiation over the country’s future.

>Trump argued Ukraine should have made concessions to Russian President Vladimir Putin in the months before Russia’s February 2022 attack, declaring that even “the worst deal would’ve been better than what we have now.”
Not him but it was a coup and you're not going to change historical fact
OP is lying, but even if it isn't a lie I straight up don't give a shit since dems want to ban guns.
you're not american though
>Putin reportedly begged Trump not to tell.
Yeah this is bullshit.
I am American, unlike you, obongo, harris and walz
he said the shill catchphrase
That's how you know Trump told Woodward.
Let the Vatnik think he's people
>Not him but I'm him
We know.

Sounds reasonable on Trump's behalf.
Of course. Woodward never cared about the truth, the whole Nixon takedown was about advancing the Democrat agenda, same as now.
When you start samefagging conversations with yourself as soon as you run out of prewritten talking points, and do it in every thread, it rapidly becomes obvious.
>Trump says something accurate that isn't Democrat propaganda
>This "raises questions"
Ah, so just Democrat speculation that Trump is a big ol' meaniebritches, gotcha. It's all so tiresome.
shills sure are on double time tonight
If you're going to damage control fro Trump, be less obvious
If you're going to shill for the DNC with bad faith arguments, be less obvious, faggot.
Why are you using 8 year old talking points?
Trump is going to win. kiII yourseIf.
holy shit you are chinese. the DNC is in charge of the dems. the DNC was literally active this year as they are every presidential election
the DNC was also literally caught talking orders from the CCP in 1996
How are there so many Trump shills here?
Russia doesn't know how else to spend their rupees
shitting up the twatter screenshot boards even they can’t stand themselves and flee here.
everything was better under trump, better economy, better energy, lower grocery prices and no new wars. You traded that for recession and world war 3, every democrat voter is therefore provably retarded and a traitor to the entire world, death is the only just sentence for every democrat be it politican, media whore or voter. Voting for trump is the only right thing to do or you all deserve to die in ww3 that you democrats have brought to the world. Prove me wrong, your literally cant.
oh and i also forget under trump the numers of illegales went down now with democrats they literally flood the western world with third world crime and terror. The traitor democrat/leftwing politicans get new votes and cheap labour for their big business bosses and higher home and rent costs for their home owner bosses... this is what the traitor politicans get from being the biggest traitors in western world history.
What you get as citizens is higher rent, higher house cost, higher crime, islamisation, turning your neigherbhoods into dangrous ghettos, raping social services, the dilution and destrucion of your political decision making power in your own country via diluting your voting power and the absolute destruction of the future of your children.. this is what you get.
Now compare what the traitor democrat leftwing politicans get from treasonous massmigration/opening the gates to the barbarians vs what you as low citizen get and tell me you have no duty to destroy these traitors.
>Still using 8 year old talking points
Apply yourself vatnik
Good to see Trump helping Putin instead of dealing all these fake problems Republican created
And Putin confirmed Trump did secretly send Covid testing machines to him while America was suffering from a massive shortage.
Imagine actually believing this
Ey, look ova ere. We gots The Boy Who Cried "Ivan".
Fuckin amazin.
Can you please stop ruining our internet
The boomer is copying his entire facebook wall here

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