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Former President Donald Trump said Monday he would “remove the Jew haters” if reelected, speaking at an event commemorating the first anniversary of the October 7 Hamas attacks in Israel.

“I will defend our American Jewish population. I will protect your communities, your schools, your places of worship and your values. We will remove the jihadist sympathizers and Jew haters. We’re going to remove the Jew haters who do nothing to help our country, they only want to destroy our country,” he said during the event at his golf course in Doral, Florida.

The former president did not specify exactly whom he considered to be “Jew haters.” The remarks came as Trump marked the anniversary of the terror attacks, saying October 7 was the “deadliest day for the Jewish people since the Holocaust.”

Trump claimed “anti-Jewish hatred” was “within the ranks of the Democrat Party.” Trump has repeatedly claimed that Jewish Democrats should “have their heads examined,” playing into an antisemitic trope that Jewish Americans have dual loyalties to Israel and the US.
“The anti-Jewish hatred has returned even here in America, in our streets, our media and our college campuses and within the ranks of the Democrat Party, in particular, not in the Republican Party. I will tell you that it’s not in the Republican Party,” the former president added.

One of the promises in the preamble to the GOP platform adopted at the Republican National Convention in July is to “deport pro-Hamas radicals and make our college campuses safe and patriotic again.”

Amid protests on college campuses across the country earlier this year, the former president repeatedly criticized the protesters and the Biden administration’s response. In April, he claimed without evidence he thought a lot of them were “paid” and “professional” agitators.

At the October 7 commemoration event, Trump said, “The bond between the United States and Israel is strong and enduring … if and when I’m president of the United States, it will, once again, be stronger and closer than it ever was before. We have to win this election. If we don’t win this election, there’s tremendous consequence for everything.”

The former president said at an event last month that he had not been “treated properly by voters who happen to be Jewish” during the 2020 election and said Jewish voters would hold some responsibility if he is defeated this year, while touting his record on Israel.

Trump has long played into antisemitic tropes, lashing out at Jewish Americans he says don’t support him enough. During his first campaign for president, he delivered a speech to the Republican Jewish Coalition that was rife with antisemitic stereotypes, and shortly after he left office in 2021, he told reporters that Jewish Americans have turned their back on Israel. In an interview in March, Trump said that any Jewish person who votes for Democrats “hates their religion” and hates “everything about Israel.”
>Trump vows to ‘remove the Jew haters’, claims 'jew hatred' is destroying the US
Antisemite gun schizo on suicide watch
Didn't he get banned?
Probably but he's a serial ban evader.
God I hope Trump loses. Please God, do it for all of us burdened by the weight of Jewish hegemony
based how can anyone say he's hitler when he's the complete opposite. God the TDS trump haters are such nazis
All of his latest spam threads are still up, and mods changed the rules where you can't quote multiple threads and if you do, your post it autoblocked as spam
How will the gun schizo reconcile this with /pol/ppets knowing he was Zion Don all along, and way before this?
>support a puppet of Israel
>a literal anti-capitalist lefty puppet
This is actually a really hard choice.
Trump is better economically but he's going to turn America into an unironic fascist state.
biden's already turned it into a fascist country you can't even go into videogames journalism or tech without supporting an extreme hardcore far-left ideology.
Game devs have been fired and doxed for donating to republican candidates.
Not to mention the far-left social sciences infiltration to the point critical thinking teachers are getting fired for not pandering to the pissbabies.
interesting far right point you just expressed there, seems to contradict your point though
>tech without supporting an extreme hardcore far-left ideology
>biden's already turned it into a fascist country
>from Wolfenstein 3D to Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, id Software make no secret of they being anti-Nazi
Ads for the latter id Tech 6 game pissed off white rightists and Trumptards, so did that game come out when Biden was president?
i'm sorry but i think you're lacking reading comprehension maybe get an actual education not an american one.
what ideology do people on reddit pre-elon twitter and most social media platforms have oh right.
Video games execs objectively push far-left ideology because it was convenient to do so a few years ago. there's a new scandal every few weeks about it, Last week was godot's founder and PR manager banning everyone telling them to stop being political and just make a good engine. Banned banned on github banned everywhere meanwhile the unhinged lunatic continued using godot's official accounts to screech about far-left politics.
So you gonna ignore biden sent homeland security after the guy who made the sweetbabydetected steam group? great use of tax dollars and definitely apolitical.
>Game devs have been fired and doxed for donating to republican candidates.
Trump is going to deport antisemites to a country without running water or food.
Antisemite means anybody who criticizes israel
wonderful and since most far-leftist are now forced to have his opposite opinion because of their TDS that means they'll all be sentenced to execution right? He should repossess all their homes and property and redistribute it to his pets
samefag o clock already?
>that means they'll all be sentenced to execution right?
Unironically, yes.
People think "oh Trump would never do that, he's based" and then immediately forget that Israel protestors were being arrested for exercising their first amendment rights.
And that congress passed a near-unanimous bill condemning antisemitism, which had more bipartisan agreement than literally anything else this year.
>inb4 shitposts
The only thing America's ruling class agrees on is protecting Israel. And if you criticize it you lose your ability to use a bank and fly in America. That's how serious this shit is.
What did DHS do? Be specific.
i didn't say it ironically i'm genuinely hopping for that to happen after CHOP its been proven that leftist are allowed to commit terrorism and be let off scot-free. We had leftists literally threatening to kill jurors and riot during the rittenhouse trial without any of them being punished.
all he has to do is ship off these antisemites to the desert and claim ownership of all their properties for the state, economic problems solved. Who cares if some antisemites die the left would've happily preached for that when they weren't on the chopping block.
>Who cares if some antisemites die the left would've happily preached for that when they weren't on the chopping block.
You're proving the leftists correct by acting like a fascist, retard.
>acting like a nazi
>Trump vows to ‘remove the Jew haters’, claims 'jew hatred' is destroying the US
>and previously DeSantis made antisemitism a hate crime
Oh, what's a poor little bigot to do...?! But then, as Hamas, Hezbollah & Iran can simply stop being terrorists, antisemites can stop being bigots
they hurt my feelings
It's protected free speech to say whatever the fuck you want about Jews and Trump knows this.
It's free speech, yes, but there is no protection from the consequences.
Isn't that SweetBabyDetected guy some huehue from Brazil? I highly doubt Biden sent DHS to someone outside of the United States.
You guys realize he's talking about this place, right?
government isn't allowed to enforce any consequences.
Not true and you know it

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