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I bet israel and the dems are responsible for this
no one knows because op is a faggot spammer who refuses to paste the article text
can you tell me the rule that says he has to?
I struggle to understand why you think it needs to be a rule when it's painfully obvious every other poster on the board does it but you.
I'm not op, tranni boi
You aren't fooling anyone faggot
There are not two posters on this board as gay as you are and even if there were you wouldn't both be on at the same time, unless you're part of a discord raid that is.
OP is a faggot, post the article
It's not discord it's one idiot with airplane mode. That's how he bypasses the 5 thread per 5 day rule to spam so many textless threads.
take your meds samefag schizo. I didn't make the op. 4chan is anti communist and and always has been
he's lying again
No one believes you
don't care, tranni boi. you literally believe ccp propaganda
paste the article
Why don't you just paste it if you are so concerned that it hasn't been pasted yet?
not my thread, it's op's responsibility or those who defend him
I didn't make this thread, I'm different than who you are replying to in these posts, and I also post these types of threads literally because you get so ass-blasted about it.
Stop bumping your failed thread faggot
Are you implying I, who made this post: >>1351486 is op?
Also, reading this thread and your seething impotent rage, caused me to make one of my own: >>1351488
see >>1351274
No one here is going to believe you. There simply are not two posters here with your level of mental illness.
The fact that you are a certified schizophrenic is really more of a 'you' problem, so I don't really care
The ironic thing is you think all of the people accusing you of being a shitposting spammer are the same person, schizo.
See >>1351502
>I-im not crazy, I swear
Ooh, nice one.

Look in the mirror
Also, I'm not sure how/why you think I believe everyone else in this thread is one person.
I'm very clear in posting that the schizo is the one who actually is accusing everyone else in the thread of being the he same person, some which I haven't done in this thread
Multiple people ITT have accused (You) of being the spammer. It's because you are actually the spammer.
I promise you there are at least two of us who make these threads, and it's highly likely your "airplane mode" conspiracy theory which attempts to explain away the ordinary as abnormal, is a product of your imagination
Then I guess there are multiple people in this thread who are either wrong or schizophrenic
Nothing you say or do will change the fact that accusation is wrong, and this type of reaction is why I also make threads like this.
This board has some of the most mentally unwell retards who post on it and this is a great way to get them riled up
For someone who supposedly cares about the rules so much you certainly violate Global Rule 3 and 6 (And probably 9) with regularity.
>i-its another poster I swear
>For someone who supposedly cares about the rules
What in the world gave you that impression?
Also, not a single rule you cited I'm actually breaking, unless if you want to make the inane argument that posting news on /news/ is trolling.
This is even more unbelievable than you saying there is more than one of you
I see your mistake. If you hear "not in the rules tranni boi" or similar phrases, that's not me.
I generally say stuff more like "stay ass-blasted" "stay mad" or mention impotent rage. We all know that it's not a rule to paste the article, I don't find it worthy to argue about that, I just generally laugh at your disdain that I posted news
>I'm not the retarded shitposter I just act exactly like him to own the other posters on the board
Who is supposed to believe this?
Non crazy people.
You probably think I'm the gun nut too. I am the "good post" poster tho, and spoiler alert, I don't post that in response to myself, not that you are on enough Seroquel to realize that or anything
>I'm not actually crazy but I act exactly like the board schizo
This is really starting to get interesting
>You probably think I'm the gun nut too
He has no problem pasting the article text most of the time.
I'll do you a solid. I got interested in this board because of threads like op. There is literally one or two highly vocal highly mentally unwell posters on this board who gets extremely ass blasted when stuff they don't happens, they are extremely poor at coping.

I've seen this, and I tried making some threads in the past without text from a left wing viewpoint. And you tards literally don't care and actually paste the test yourselves. So I see why op pastes articles like the one above, you hopeless tards start imploding, and its kinda fun posting news on /news/ and seeing the one or two local mental retards start breaking down
I'm starting to think you are the MPD poster's other personality who comes out when he feels threatened. Either way take your meds, you sorely need them.
How is that not trolling/shitposting under the definition in Global Rule #3?
I'm posting news on /news/
It's not my fault you get so outraged, maybe take a breather and take your meds, boomer
>I'm starting to think you are the MPD poster's other personality who comes out when he feels threatened
And you wonder why I call you schizophrenic, once you accept that there are more than simply you and I who post on this board your paranoid delusions will begin to fade, I assure you
By not pasting the article text by definition you aren't posting news
>It's not my fault you get so outraged
It literally is your fault that you purposely ignore board culture and shitpost to own the imaginary partisan enemies in your mind.
>And you wonder why I call you schizophrenic,
Not really I see it as projection on your part.
They're definitely as proficient in English as the usual schizo ESL poster
>By not pasting the article text by definition you aren't posting news
The rules say to paste a news URL from a valid source. That which was required has been done.
Mald harder, boomer, maybe people will start caring
Stop pretending to be a rulesfag. No one believes you.
Are you sure you don't just want to repeat your tired worn out lie that pasting the article is a rule? You seem to love that line.
If you think it's "my" rule then you're doing it wrong.
Is it not? Can you cite any rule on this board or this website that says you must post the article on /news/
Ok, thanks.
can you stop being a faggot? no? ok, nobody likes you
Why are you like this? What did /news/ do to you?
definitely some libshits they hate being held accountable because of how much they change their stories to suit their narriative. Just look at seattletimes being factchecked on their debate coverage using their own reporting from 2 years ago on the CHOP terrorist movement.
Answermethis, then, kneejerking contrarian. Why does every other poster on this board except you paste the article text?

Who indoctrinated you?

POST THE F*CKING ARTICLE, you greedy sleazy corporate shill.

Otherwise nobody here will take you seriously anymore.

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