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I'm not watching anyway, because harry potter, but can anyone explain the thought process behind hiring someone who hates the source material to make an adaptation of a beloved book? hollywood literally won't stop doing this shit with shows like the lotr show, or the halo show or the witcher show.
literally why the fuck do you acquire the rights to something and have someone who hates the source material run it and make a show no one wants to see?
1. Suits think all anyone cares about is the name when it comes to media
2. Who gets put in charge of what is mostly nepotism in the industry

Obviously when you combine people that cannot fathom why anyone would give a shit about any media with hacks in it for a paycheck, you wind up with trash.

Also Harry Potter is hot trash that doesn't hold up. Nothing of value was lost.
They hate you and want to destroy anything and everything you and anyone like you might enjoy. They get off on it.
this is the best projection yet
Projection must mean something else in urdu.
paste the article text newfag
Why are chuds obsessed with Indians?
Pretty sure most of you are pakistani.
Not saying is a good trend but in this particular case the source material isn't that great to begin with.
I'd really like to know how you could be so consistently wrong.
These schmucks literally provide direct answers to this question in their interviews. Disney fucked over Star Wars because they wanted feminist propaganda in it. It's why KK wasn't fired the second it failed to make it's money back and how they keep hiring feminist directors for shows people hate. Same with Marvel - it's also a feminist propaganda machine now.

Under normal circumstances, these fucks would eventually be kicked out because no profit = bankruptcy. But thanks to illegal Jew monopolies on finance, places like Blackrock and Vanguard can pump infinite investment dollars into Disney, Amazon, and whomever else in Hollywood to push their propaganda. Aka DEI shit, feminist shit, and anti-white/anti-male propaganda. It's a double tap of employing retards because they hit DEI check boxes and destroying "white" culture.

Go watch some interviews from the cunts who made The Acolyte (and any other woke shit). They literally say they hate fans & men in those interviews. With smug face. It's not a secret, they literally tell you to your face they hate you.
>Disney fucked over Star Wars because they wanted feminist propaganda in it
>It's why KK wasn't fired the second it failed to make it's money back
Are CHUDs still trying to spin this narrative that Star Wars wasn't successful? #5 highest grossing movie of all of human history? $2 billion in revenue in just its first movie?

>Go watch some interviews from the cunts who made The Acolyte (and any other woke shit). They literally say they hate fans & men in those interviews.
You need to see a psychiatrist
Is this a blog?
Pretty much. It's not a legitimate news source. It's just pop culture culture war ragebait grifting, like boundingintocomics.com
Also, notice how there are eight (8) threads on the catalog right now with "go woke go broke" in the title (plus a few counter "go woke get rich" threads). Seems like one person (gun schizo) found their new favorite way to shit up the board, or this is a coordinated attempt to shit up the board (aka a raid).
he is jewish
not in the rules, tranni boi
harry potter is infinitely better then that starwars crap. ooo godly esp mind powers and shiny beam swords. so original.
kk still has a job because she has been around starwars since the 80s and knows who at disney is a rapist like winestine and diddy
star wars hasn't made a good movie since disney bought it
take your meds, schizo
>star wars hasn't made a good movie since disney bought it
That's a great opinion. $2 billion dollar worldwide revenue seems to disagree with you. Enough people enjoyed it to make it one of the highest grossing movies ever made in the history of film.
>star wars hasn't made a good movie since disney bought it
I haven't watched anything Star Wars-related past Rogue One's release (not because I'm some sort of "anti-woke" culture war grifter; I'm just kinda over Star Wars and genre fiction in general right now), but I will die on the hill that Rogue One was a good solid movie.
disney stocks are down 36% in the last 5 years
>right wing threads, like 95% of the users on the site, is a raid
>all the commie shit isn't a raid
Firstly, the stock prices have nothing to do with what we're talking about. The topic was the Star Wars movie being bad but its literally the top give highest grossing movie in film history. Secondly, Disney was posting all time highs until early 2022. Force Awakens came out in 2015. Even with its stock fluctuation its the 2nd most valuable entertainment company on the planet. Nothing about your CHUD narrative aligns with reality.
There is no commie shit on this board. Right wing chuds think everything they don't like is communism.
>Firstly, the stock prices have nothing to do with what we're talking about.
go woke, go broke. the company who owns starwars has lost a 3rd of their value in 5 years
>but its literally the top give highest grossing movie in film history.
no, that's avatar, retard
> Secondly,
disney lost a third of their value and fired their CEO
all the anti trump shit is chinese communist party propaganda and I'm not jewish so I can't be a chud.
paste the article dickstain
>thought process behind hiring someone who hates the source material to make an adaptation of a beloved book?
Actually, what worries me is that these people do not even have the decency to hide their ignorance of the source material to the audience. I mean, suppose you are put in charge of Coca Cola. Would you claim on the MSM that you have never drunk it?
not in the rules, tranny boi

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