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File: 1725065520286l.png (49 KB, 340x512)
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Democrats support child rape when it's an illegal who does it
Court Released Illegal Immigrant Accused of Raping Child
he's spamming threads again
>Trumpist and vociferously anti-LGBT as OP Josh Duggar backed by GOP
>Josh doing 12 years and on sex offender registry in perpetuity for possessing worst CP in existence. Previously sister diddler
>Gang Of Pedophiles
>Part 45
OP not only supports but by supporting them also enables pedos. Accusations are Admissions.
Why do Democrats believe that illegal aliens can't be held to the same standards of law as everyone else?
Because you touch yourself at night
democrats ruined my life
They probably did. I bet you vote blue and live in a tent smoking fentanyl behind Starbucks
>Democrats support pedos
since when are the dems supporting the republicans?
Not in the rules tranny
OP is a faggot
post the article
OP is the article
post a faggot
OP likes faggots
Thats the article
This isnt entirely accurate...
The democrats have asked that no illegal aliens be charged for anything at all...
So while technicly correct, it makes it seem like that is their primary objective when it is not
Laws for the Free, but not the slaves-to-be...
OP, sans the article
rages a faggot
OP needs to take his meds

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