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North Carolina mayor claims his daughter was denied $750 FEMA relief payment even though her home was ‘wiped out’


A North Carolina mayor’s daughter who lost her home in Hurricane Helene was allegedly turned down for the $750 FEMA emergency grant – and got only $300 that “won’t even cover what’s in her refrigerator,” her furious dad said.

Newland Mayor Derek Roberts’ daughter applied for the $750 Serious Needs Assistance from FEMA when her home was decimated by Hurricane Helene’s floodwaters nearly two weeks ago, he told FOX News on Tuesday night.

“My daughter, whose house got completely wiped out, she has no flood insurance. She meets with a FEMA person, applies for everything…she doesn’t get the $750 that Kamala says she is supposed to get,” Roberts lamented.

“[She] gets approved for $300 for personal items. What’s that supposed to do?” he continued.

“That’s literally all she got. Her entire first floor is wiped out, we hauled everything off, it’s gone…that won’t even cover what’s in her refrigerator.”

Roberts’ office did not immediately respond to The Post’s request for a comment.

Vice President Kamala Harris mentioned the Serious Needs Assistance grant during a speech last week – drawing outcry from opponents who believed the government only planned to give storm victims $750 to cover massive amounts of damage.
In fact, the $750 is intended as an initial, upfront payment for immediate needs like food and medication, according to FEMA.

Following the initial payment, storm victims are eligible for additional funds based on an assessment by the agency.

As of Tuesday, FEMA had given over $210 million to communities impacted by the massive hurricane.

Desperate North Carolina residents, however, have repeatedly called out FEMA for seemingly abandoning them in the aftermath of the Helene, which laid waste to swaths of the western part of the state.

A group of intrepid good Samaritans even banded together to provide much-needed assistance.

Local airports including City of Statesville Regional Airport and Hickory Regional Airport have transformed into donation dropoff and delivery zones thanks to volunteers lending critical supplies and in some cases, planes.

“The amount of pilots coming in and out of Statesville today is amazing. Because of their generosity, our community is saving lives. We were able to get supplies to a remote area today for at least 100 people who had no contact with anyone until yesterday,” a volunteer posted last week on the Facebook page of what’s been dubbed the Hurricane Helene Airlift Relief.
If lying about FEMA and starting AI conspiracy theories is all the republicans can come up with for an october surprise then we might as well inaugurate Kamala now and save everyone time and money.
good. fuck welfare queens. dumb bitch should get a job
My friend's dog's cousin barked something incoherent and I think he was complaining about FEMA funds too. This is more than just a coincidence.
shills love stories about one instance of secondhand, unverified news
Something something shill something something bot
The wildest part of this whole political cycle is how excited conservatives are to shit on their own country to help Trump. Its not even real reasons - its reasons they make up and plug into AI generators for the purpose of convincing people to hate the U.S. As someone old enough to remember 9/11 and the way we galvanized as a country immediately afterwards its quite disappointing to see the unmitigated and permanent damage Trump has inflicted on conservative ideology.
This was predicted
>democrats: "let's trust the government"
>government denies them FEMA aid
>democrats: "that's just a conspiracy"
>Republicans blow FEMA's budget on their failed immigration policies and then refuse to give FEMA further funding

Also, this is the 8th NYpost article that's been spammed, can /pol/ at least change up which pro Russian rags they cite?
>fema gets a budget every single year
>fourth year into a democratic admin
>democrats blame republicans
Somethin not adding up here chief
Congress apportions the budget. Congress is split because Republicans control the House of Representatives and Democrats have the slimmest lead in the Senate.
Might want to check your Constitution, bucko.
>new york post
DHS has a budget of $60b you retard. The fiscal year started four months ago.
That doesn't change the fact that Republicans shit on my dick
>Mike Johnson won't bring the House back to vote on Hurricane Relief funds
How much of the total DHS budget is specifically allocated to FEMA disaster relief? Also, there were more natural disasters this year than just hurricanes. Forgot all those tornadoes? Forgot the wildfires? Forgot the winter storms?
Are there people here who believes in the whole "non biased" news thing?
>How much of the total DHS budget is specifically allocated to FEMA disaster relief?
>The Biden-Harris Administration today submitted to Congress the President’s Budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2025, which provides $62.2 billion in discretionary funding for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). In addition, the Budget provides $22.7 billion for the Disaster Relief Fund to respond to major disasters and emergencies, and $4.7 billion for the Southwest Border Contingency Fund to resource border security and immigration enforcement efforts along the Southwest border.
The funding was given to them four months ago.
No. It's more of "My side good. Their side bad."
60b is 0.009% of USA's annual budget. This is a political football created by Republicans.
>dems let republicans die en masse because 'muh funding'
>remaining disaster budged was spent resettling migrants
>dems try to pass the blame congress
>dhs still has a massive discretionary fund of sixty billion dollars
Well lads I guess that's it.
Right wing conspiracy propaganda has turned your brain to mush
>dems let republicans die en masse because 'muh funding'
Republicans can die en masse on their own. We saw that with COVID. Dems don't need to let them do anything. Odds are this is just a redhat lying like usual or some dipshit didn't know how to fill out a form.
>remaining disaster budget was spent resettling migrants
Those are separate budget items. If FEMA were out of disaster funding, which it isn't, it wouldn't be due to migrants, it would be due to disasters.
>dems try to pass the blame congress
Congress controls the purse strings, who else would be at fault? You'd have to be a fuckwit with zero fucking idea how government works to think otherwise. Wait. You're a redhat. Nevermind.
>dhs still has a massive discretionary fund of sixty billion dollars
First of all, that's not a separate emergency slush fund. That's more or less just the department's budget at 85% of their funding. Second of all, FEMA and DHS aren't the same thing. FEMA's discretionary funding (setting aside $19 billion in already committed disaster relief funding) is $28 billion.

Now if you think CBP and ICE should be defunded so we can pump out more disaster relief, I'm entirely on board, but I somehow doubt that.
very nice shillman! Earn that nickel!!
He's right you know
What the fuck does that have to do with Mike Johnson refusing to bring Congress back to pass more hurricane relief?
>“[She] gets approved for $300 for personal items. What’s that supposed to do?” he continued.

The Serious Needs Assistance application is for $750, there is no sub-award, you get $750 - not $300, not $500, not $800 - its $750. So right off the bat there is at least one lie here.

This person may have applied for one of the other FEMA assistance programs, the SNA is no-questions-asked in disaster areas but other programs have requirements for proof of damages, Billy-Bob living in a trailer can't waltz in and demand 7mil for his lost mansion.
>First of all, that's not a separate emergency slush fund.
Discretionary means that money can be spent on whatever they want, including emergencies.
>Second of all, FEMA and DHS aren't the same thing.
FEMA is a subsidiary of the DHS.
I'm not reading the rest, you're probably retarded in your other arguments too.
You're not reading the rest because you got BTFO and you want to ignore it. (not that poster btw)
If what that anon was arguing was true, then the fed is literally letting tens of thousands of people die because of red tape.
Point being, he needs to kill himself and so do you for being such malicious cocksuckers.
>then the fed is literally letting tens of thousands of people die because of red tape.
Tens of thousands of people have not died. The death toll is less than 300. There is no red tape. They are not out of money. You're a liar and nobody takes you seriously.
>then the fed is literally letting tens of thousands of people die because of red tape.
1. I reiterate, FEMA is not out of money
2. As previously stated, almost all of DHS/FEMA's budgets are "discretionary". These aren't slush funds. They're operational funds. What red tape exists is there so nobody robs Peter to pay Paul. Cause otherwise, suddenly border patrol employees are getting furloughed or Trump's secret service detail finds themselves out of cash.

Biden isn't sitting on some royal treasury that he can toss sacks of gold out of whenever he wants to whoever asks. Emergency funds do exist, but they have red lines and hard limits because dollars need to be accounted for. And the emergency funds relating to disaster relief have been fucking activated. Which is why people are getting their fucking money and you need to quit bitching. Save it for when FEMA ACTUALLY is out of cash and Republicans are playing games with giving them more because muh deficit, as if they give a shit.
whose in office right now retard? Maybe you should be thrown into a hurricane and die for being so stupid.
Speaker of the House Mike Johnson controls the purse strings of Congress, and he's not a democrat.
he's not the president retard
The president doesn't appropriate government funds, retard. Congress does.
>The funding was given to them four months ago.


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