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How far did Trump's censorship spread since you couldn't even post links /here/


Donald Trump's campaign coordinated directly with the social media platform Twitter to suppress links to materials stolen from them by hackers, according to a new report.

Tech mogul Elon Musk, who purchased the company formerly known as Twitter, has involved himself in Trump's campaign in an unprecedented manner since endorsing the former president, including one favor that directly contradicts the free speech absolutism that he claims was the reason he bought the platform in the first place, reported the New York Times.

"The relationship has proved significant in other ways," the newspaper reported. "After a reporter’s publication of hacked Trump campaign information last month, the campaign connected with Twitter to prevent the circulation of links to the material on the platform, according to two people with knowledge of the events. Twitter eventually blocked links to the material and suspended the reporter’s account."

Musk has poured $500 million of his own money into Trump's re-election campaign, according to a claim the former president told an associate, and he founded America PAC to organize door-to-door canvassers in battleground states, especially Pennsylvania – where the Tesla CEO has essentially moved his base of operations.

“I’m not sure there is a precedent in modern history to how Musk has inserted himself into the presidential race,” said Benjamin Soskis, a historian of the mega rich.

The Trump campaign has outsourced its voter contact operation to America PAC and other outside groups following new federal election guidance, and Musk's operation has spent about $80 million on those efforts so far, although his personal financial commitment won't be made public until later this month.
"Still, some people in Mr. Trump’s orbit are uncertain about how effective the outside efforts will be," the Times reported. "Some donors to the super PAC have groused that Mr. Musk is relying on the same team that formed the core of [Gov. Ron] DeSantis’s advisers when he attempted a similar effort in the Republican primaries, to no avail."

"Veterans of past campaigns argue that canvassing operations generally take months or even years to become effective machines," the paper added. "There is little precedent for successfully standing up a group of this scale just months before a presidential election."
Wild how the Republican biased media has totally buried this revelation that Twitter is now a media arm for Trump.
sure they did, but its fine when reddit does it huh. nice nothing burger
So you're admitting Reddit was censoring damaging material for Trump too, not shocking.
>Trump is bad, Israel please let US be the ones to serve you!
>No! Kamala is bad, Israel please let US be the ones to serve you!
>No us!
>No! Us!
Not to mention that the twitter files say that the trump campaign worked with twitter to censor content while he was president, even before elon was in charge of the platform. I wonder why nobody ever talked about that?
The false equivalence between the two is a Russian talking point.
Trump isn't the government. Musk owns the website and can censor whatever he wants.
Trump is the leader of one of the two major political parties. Colluding with the richest man in the world to prevent the free flow of information isn't a good look.
Yes, and you still haven't argued against the point
There isn't anything to argue. To anyone with a brain they obviously aren't the same.
It goes against the Conservative narrative that they're victims.
Trump wanted someone banned for calling him a Bitch. You know Musk would do that.
It's a private company, sweaty. Build your own twatter if you don't like it.
I really dont get why elon would be such a cuck to trump
And I can criticize whatever I want.
I like how quickly the CHUD position 180'd as son as Musk turned Twitter into a right-wing cesspool. First it was "muh town square" and "repeal section 230" when Twitter didn't want to post pictures of Hunter's cock but now that the CEO is a full Trump cum guzzler the right is suddenly on board with the private property argument.
This is once again a reminder that Trump supporters actually know what their doing and aren't stupid. They're just arguing in bad faith so that they can tear a part public discourse in their favor.
He's banking on Trump becoming dictator for life and taking over part of the government to further enrich himself.
Elon Musk is a superhero
Because he's an insecure manchild hungry for approval and attention. People were giving him that for awhile, thought he was Tony Stark or something, but then everyone realized he's not actually smart, just rich, and his popularity waned. So he shopped around for someone who would like him and landed on the American right.

The right wing talking heads who are leading the discussion aren't stupid, at least not all of them, but the Trump supports themselves are mostly fucking idiots. He loves the uneducated, after all.
>The laptop isn't real
>The diary isn't real
Seems like this isn't the first time something like this has happened.
It's almost as shocking as how the CHUB opinion of Peelon changed from "OMG Peelon, have my transgirl babies" to "He's [insert word of the week, such as racist or fascist]".
super villian
>Because he's an insecure manchild hungry for approval and attention
I'll be honest, like 10 years ago I thought he was a legit good dude who was going to help lead society in the direction I thought we should be going, afterall creating fuel efficient electric cars for the masses and protecting the environment is generally a good idea. But that quickly changed as he became the piece of shit we know him to be today.
Im surprised the right has embraced him after how much they have hated in the past
The "right wing" never hated Musk.
The "left wing" loved Musk and reversed on him after Twitter turned his kid into a troon and he chopped the head of the Internet's #1 trooning platform.
>The "right wing" never hated Musk.
What world are you living in? or do you just have short term memory?
The right absolutely hated him and were calling him a libtard for at least a decade
Democrats were fine and even encouraged censorship on Twitter before Elon bought it.
Twitter was censoring on behalf of Trump well before Musk took it over.
The left wing didn't idolize Musk. At most, they respected his work of mainstreaming electric cars. But besides that, he was never a representative of left-wing ideals. And he always exhibited signs of being a charlatan (prime example probably being his announcement of the Hyperloop and trying to get California to divert resources away from building a high speed rail system towards helping him build the Hyperloop instead. Then, admitting he doesn't actually plan on building the Hyperloop).
And even then, his mainstreaming of electric cars isn't necessarily out of a genuine concern about climate change or environmental protection. It was just an untapped market that he was able to pioneer and industrialize.
>The "right wing" never hated Musk.
They lost their shit when he smoked weed on Joe Rogan
>They lost their shit when he smoked weed on Joe Rogan
Didn't happen, no one lost their shit except leftists crying over him going on Rogan in the first place

>The left wing didn't idolize Musk. At most, they respected his work of mainstreaming electric cars
Lies. Under Obama he was a leftist darling who was going to save the world with his electric cars. I'm sorry you're not old enough to remember what life was like before 2016.
>The right absolutely hated him and were calling him a libtard for at least a decade
Troon headcannon is always wild
YouTube videos aren't proof, sorry troon
Why are you trying to revise history again?
>posts 7+ year old theguardian article
>accuses others of revising history
Lmao, the irony is palpable
It was your argument, you dumb fuck. You should have thought ahead before you censored everyone who disagreed with you.
Just remember you made the claims here >>1352165 which were proven wrong here >>1352172
>The trolling of Elon Musk: how US conservatives are attacking green tech

>Electric-car evangelist is the target of concerted negative online campaign linked to influential rightwing network

>He is the charismatic Silicon Valley entrepreneur who believes his many companies - including the electric car manufacturer Tesla Motors, solar power firm Solar City, and SpaceX, which makes reusable space rockets – can help resist man-made climate change.

>South African-born Elon Musk is a billionaire green evangelist, a bete noire of the fossil fuels industry who talks about colonising Mars and believes it may be possible that we’re living in a computer simulation.

>But having been feted by the Obama administration, he now faces an extraordinary barrage of attacks from rightwing thinktanks, lobbyists, websites and commentators. The character of the assault says much about which way the political wind is blowing in Washington – something that will have consequences that stretch far beyond the US.

>One of Musk’s most trenchant critics has been the journalist Shepard Stewart, who writes for a clutch of conservative online news sites. In several articles in September, not long after a SpaceX rocket exploded, Stewart attacked Musk for receiving billions in government subsidies “to make rockets that immediately self destruct” and branded him “a national disgrace”. As Musk fought back on Twitter, it became apparent that Stewart was an invention. Even his photo byline had been doctored from a LinkedIn profile of a tech entrepreneur. “Definitely a fake,” Gavin Wax, editor-in-chief of the Liberty Conservative, one of the websites that published Stewart, admitted to Bloomberg.
Not even him but Trump is the one censoring people in this story.
No one cares if you retarded bolsheviks get censored.
Are the bolsheviks in the room now?
But he didn't make a point
No one cared or lost their shit, queer.
Elon is a retardisance man
Couldn't be reached for comment as she was too busy deepthroating cock to get ahead.
No one is going to care when you retards get thrown into gulags either.
They weren't.
Try again
>They weren't.
Yeah but they are now.

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