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Elon Musk’s up-and-coming satellite company Starlink had sought federal regulators’ approval for months to try out its groundbreaking technology for beaming cell service directly from space to smartphones.

Established mobile operators AT&T and Verizon were lobbying for regulators to deny part of Starlink’s plan, saying it would interfere with their services. A decision seemed likely to drag out until next year.

Then Hurricane Helene hit.

Starlink’s team jumped into action, arriving in flood-ravaged North Carolina with mobile satellite dishes even as roads remained impassible. “We are sending them terminals right away,” Musk posted on X.

Starlink has emerged as a political lightning rod in the process. Musk has publicly traded curt words with FEMA officials and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg over what he said was Starlink staff’s limited access on the ground in North Carolina. House Republicans, meanwhile, have launched a probe into why the Biden administration previously turned down Starlink for nearly a billion dollars in federal grants earmarked for extending internet service to remote parts of the United States.

Some have questioned whether Starlink’s involvement has been purely humanitarian. The company has come under criticism in recent days after users discovered that the “free” Starlink broadband service advertised for hurricane survivors only lasted a month and required them to spend several hundred dollars purchasing a terminal.

“It’s shameful that Elon Musk is callously taking advantage of a devastating hurricane,” Rep. Frank Pallone Jr. (D-N.J.) said in a statement.
Yes it's Starlink's fault the Biden/Harris government completely botched the disaster response harder than Bush botched Katrina, good job WaPo for pointing blame where it really matters
>Established mobile operators AT&T and Verizon were lobbying for regulators to deny part of Starlink’s plan
Jesus AT&T this is why we can't have nice things
Could you blind partisan kneejerk any harder if you tried?
>posting an article blaming Starlink for Helene's victim's woes
>calls others partisan while defending Kamala "Seven-fifty" Harris' botched hurricane response
Clearly if Starlink had merely handed everyone $750, there'd be no problems according to WaPo
Do you know how to read, son?
Do you, Kamalabotpajeet?
Where is Kamala in this story?
Democrats didn't botch anything
They used deep state military connections to use space lasers to heat ocean to make hurricanes worse to hurt Fla. Voting.
This is likely false, but seems more and more true every day.
>“It’s shameful that Elon Musk is callously taking advantage of a devastating hurricane,” Rep. Frank Pallone Jr. (D-N.J.) said in a statement.
Democrats really are terrorists, aren't they?
They are traitors, unironically.
Betraying their countrymen to help foreigners. Makes me sick.
This is likely false, but sounds good for my agenda if it were true, so I'll repeat it anyway.
I hope one day, if our country survives, the right group of psychologists and historians can take a look back at this period of time and the absolute level of unhinged schizoid madness you're spewing and find out exactly what happened to make all of you people like this.
Its obvious that Musk's weather control satellites are the real danger here. They amplified Helene's destructive power and steered it off its projected course.

Elon Musk is an immigrant and a terrorist.
>the absolute level of unhinged schizoid madness you're spewing
not that anon but there is always something more to whats happening than meets the eye. i never believed the 9/11 conspiracy nonsense until recently when i saw how high up the one "plane" hit the second tower. it made me realize it made no sense for that tower to crumble to dust. never in the history of the modern world has a skyscraper fallen and here we have not 1 not 2 but 3 fall on the same day. the third wasnt even hit by anything

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