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gun ownership rights are never going to be human rights
gun ownership rights have always been and will always be human rights
Your precious Trump-loaded Republican SCOTUS disagrees
>Republican Supreme Court signals support for Biden's regulation of ghost guns
>Turns out mail order kits to build things specifically designed to murder people aren't a human right according to even Republicans
>If Republican Justices say it's constitutional, it is, because they say so. You supported a president which put those Republicans in the SCOTUS, so you only have the right to agree with said president and the judges he put in the SCOTUS
Don't bother them about it. But you're bothered about it and there's less than nothing you can personally do about it, OP. Good.
I can tell you are both retarded and not American
a. these aren't "ghost gun" laws
b. the case you are citing hasn't been decided yet, retard
>both retarded and not American
stop signing your posts >>1352226
OP is a faggot, post the article
Also gun rights aren't human rights, no matter how much the resident indian schizo keeps raging about it
Which is why your human rights can be taken from you in a moment's notice.
gun rights are human rights and posting the article text is not in the rules, tranny boi
good post
I hope some day sociologists study the right-wing's paraphilic obsession with transgenders. it's just bizarre at this point.
normal people today are questioning why liberals are obsessed with normalizing pedophilia and mutilating children’s genitalia.

POST THE F*CKING ARTICLE, you greedy sleazy corporate shill.

Otherwise nobody here will take you seriously anymore.
It's the same on all these conservative misinformation posts. They don't t post the article because when you actually read it does not say what they are trying to lie and trick people into beleiving. Just more willful misinformation from conservatives that depends on you not doing any of your own research to believe. Source for them is "trust me bro"

As every conservative talks about trans people and genetics in every conversation. Spouting bigoted hate and then crying that liberals are obsessed.
*shoots you*
What now small boy
>They don't t post the article because when you actually read it does not say what they are trying to lie and trick people into beleiving.
You can read the article by merely clicking the link.
Try not to be so blatant in your clickfarming
Posting article text is not a human right
Stop spamming the board with your bad faith whining and click the fucking link

You don't control /news/
You don't control what gets posted to /news/
You don't control who can post to /news/
You don't control whether or not people post article text on /news/
Posting article text was never a rule, isn't a rule now, and will not be a rule in the future.

You have no power, you have no say. Cope.
Who is supposed to fall for this? Any idiot can see every other poster on this board except (You) has no problem pasting the article text. It's board culture, and you knew that already, so why the disingenuous accusations?
>Part 45
Normal people today are questioning why rightard enablers such as >>1352377 are obsessed with normalizing pedophilia by allowing the Grand Old Pedophiles to exist.
Enablers such as >>1352377=pedos. Accusations are Admissions.
The ironic part is when he pretends to care about rules and then breaks them to spam more threads.
I'm starting to think the poor fucker really doesn't know the difference between discussing a news story and kneejerking over a headline.
>It's board culture
No it's not. It's culture among certain /news/ shills like yourself to incessantly whine about article text in order to derail threads that violate the MSM leftist narrative you keep trying to seed /news/ with. It is not a rule or a requirement.

Bad faith leftoid /news/ shills are the only people spamming the board with bad threads, the same retards who post threads with false article titles that have nothing to do with the article. But you'll complain about not posting article text? Lmao.
You have GOT to stop samefagging

We have GOT to get post IDs to prevent retards like you from shitting up /news/
Go head and count the threads in the catalog with pasted article text vs Your threads with none. I'll wait.
(Protip: you just lost the argument)
>You have no power, you have no say. Cope.
I hope you're holding a mirror to your face as you say this.
You aren't from here though
Can you cite the board rule that says you have to post article text? I'll wait.

>Go head and count the threads in the catalog with pasted article text
False premise- most of the threads on /news/ are made by the same few people who also are the ones astroturfing the board with bad faith requests for article text. I.E- you.

You have to have an argument first to win an argument. But this isn't debate class- this is 4chan, and you're a faggot who's not getting his way no matter how much he wines and cries and spams the board.
Can you say faggot? You're not from 4chan if you don't swear and call other people faggots.
What in your broken brain makes you think it has to be a rule? You have been told repeatedly it's board culture. Anyone can click every thread in the catalog and see it is, in fact, board culture.
>most of the threads on /news/ are made by the same few people who also are the ones astroturfing the board with bad faith requests for article text. I.E- you.
Do you have even a single shred of proof? What mental illness are you displaying right now?
>You have to have an argument first to win an argument.
You might have told yourelf that before you became an erstwhile rulesfag when no one else here but (You) cares if it's a rule or not.
Where is that in the 4chan rules?
Are you serious? Are you having a mental crisis? I've already called you a faggot at least 5 times in your other textless spam threads but sure I'll call you a faggot in this one, too.
>What in your broken brain makes you think it has to be a rule?
You're retarded- I'm not saying it has to be one, I'm saying its not one and therefor it's not required.

>You have been told repeatedly it's board culture
You don't get to decide what board culture is. It's not your board.

>Anyone can click every thread in the catalog and see it is, in fact, board culture.
This is your opinion. Again, you don't get to decide what board culture is. It's not your board.

>Do you have even a single shred of proof?
I don't need to prove anything, bad faith shill faggot. /news/ has a documented problem with shills posting articles with fake inflammatory headlines.

>You might have told yourelf that before you became an erstwhile rulesfag when no one else here but (You) cares if it's a rule or not.
You're the faggot who keeps crying "BOARD CULTURE WAHHHHHHHHH" like it's supposed to be a rule.

It's not a board rule.
It's not board culture.
it's not a requirement no matter how much you whine and cry and beg.

Stop derailing threads with bad faith requests for article text.
>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person posting all the threads I don't like
Look at this schizo faggot pissbaby lmao
>I'm not saying it has to be one,
Yes you are, your autistic screeching about citing rules is legendary. Be proud.
>You don't get to decide what board culture is. It's not your board.
It's a good thing I didn't decide it then, the other posters here did. There are at least 10 people here pasting article text while you sit in the corner whining about clicking links and rules.
>This is your opinion.
No it isn't, click the links right now and look at all that beautiful pasted article text.
>I don't need to prove anything, bad faith shill faggot. /news/ has a documented problem with shills posting articles with fake inflammatory headlines.
Yes, I agree with your premise, but you are that shill and this is one of the threads. All of the disingenuous spam threads don't have article text.
>You're the faggot who keeps crying
I could never come back to this board but you would still see every other poster here telling you to paste the article, it's board culture whether you like it or not. It's not going away.

>It's not a board rule.
No one cares but you
>It's not board culture.
It is and you are powerless to stop it.
>it's not a requirement no matter how much you whine and cry and beg.
As long as you don't post the article text people are going to keep asking Simple as. Prepare your anus for eternal butthurt.

Naah you're just a copycat who is obsessed with dicks
>Stop derailing threads with bad faith requests for article text.
>I'm not saying it has to be one,
>Yes you are,

>It's a good thing I didn't decide it then, the other posters here did.
No, they did not. You're the only one saying otherwise.

>There are at least 10 people here pasting article text
There are at best 3, and they're the same ones posting 95% of threads on /news/. Thats not culture, thats shilling.
...and posting article text STILL isn't board culture lmao.

>>This is your opinion.
>No it isn't
Yes it is. Appealing to popularity doesn't make an opinion not an opinion, retard faggot.

>All of the disingenuous spam threads don't have article text.
Most the threads on /news/ are disingenuous you gullible moron. This board is mostly astroturf.

>I could never come back to this board
And yet here you are, being a whiny faggot who thinks he'd a mod when he's just another shill.

>No one cares but you
Yes, thats why you're whining and crying about people not posting article text- you don't care at all. LMAO.
>It is and you are powerless to stop it.
Huh. Weird. Thats still merely your opinion and still not board culture.
>As long as you don't post the article text people are going to keep asking
And as long as you keep asking people will keep calling you a faggot for it.

Maybe thats the real board culture- bad faith shills making bad faith requests and getting called faggots for it.

>Prepare your anus for eternal butthurt.
>Will spend eternity begging for article text
Reminder: you're not asking for article text- you are begging.

Go on, beg some more. Like you mean it.
Here was the first time ITT you did it >>1352469

>No, they did not. You're the only one saying otherwise.
I hate to be the one to tell you but >>1352268
are all different people who want the article text pasted
>There are at best 3, and they're the same ones posting 95% of threads on /news/.
You have a serious mental illness if you think this is true.
>Yes it is. Appealing to popularity doesn't make an opinion not an opinion, retard faggot.
Stating the fact that every other poster here on the right and the left has no problem pasting the article text is not an opinion.
>And yet here you are, being a whiny faggot who thinks he'd a mod when he's just another shill.
I'm not the one who came to this board expecting to kneejerk, Anon. I'm not the one who keeps coming back despite hating it like you are, either. Look in the mirror sometime.
>Yes, thats why you're whining and crying about people not posting article text- you don't care at all. LMAO.
Yes and so is every other /news/ poster, and they'll keep doing it until you lurk moar and assimilate to board culture.
>Huh. Weird. Thats still merely your opinion and still not board culture.
No that's definitely a verifiable fact.
>And as long as you keep asking people will keep calling you a faggot for it.
What people? You and the copycat are the only ones who do it.
>Maybe thats the real board culture- bad faith shills making bad faith requests and getting called faggots for it.
Naah the real board culture is quoting bits of the pasted article text to argue with idiots about current events. No one is going to click the damn link to do that.
>Reminder: you're not asking for article text- you are begging.
We, the users of /news/, respectfully and humbly request you conform to the customs and traditions of the board, which includes pasting the article text.
>Go on, beg some more. Like you mean it.
I keep telling you to get used to it because it isn't going away until you do
>Here was the first time you said it had to be a rule
>doesn't say it had to be a rule
Good job, retard.

>I hate to be the one to tell you but >>1352268
>are all different people
Can you prove they're all different people? Oh right, we don't have post IDs so no you can't.

>You have a serious mental illness if you think this is true.
No, I've clearly just been on /news/ longer than you. You can leave now, tourist.
>Stating the fact
Again, you are posting opinions, not fact. Would you like me to explain the difference between a fact and an opinion to you?
>I'm not the one who came to this board expecting to kneejerk, Anon
You're kneejerking right now, anon.
>No that's definitely an opinion.
FTFY. You truly don't know the difference between fact and opinion. Thats sad.
>What people? You and the copycat
"What people? You mean you and those other people?" lmao how fucking sad are you bro?
>Naah the real board culture
No I'm pretty sure the real /news/ board culture is making fun of you and your faggot shill friends. It's like a zoo, where you can taunt the monkeys and they try to throw poo at you. (Because you're a subhuman street shitter- get it?
>We, the users of /news/, respectfully and humbly request you conform to the customs and traditions of the board, which includes pasting the article text.
You call this begging? Thats just pedantic faggotry You can do better than that.
>I keep telling you to get used to it because it isn't going away until you do
I keep telling you to beg because it's the only way you're getting any article text.

Admit it's not board culture and that you need it for your own personal gratification.
Beg, go on. It's the only way you're getting anything.
Facts don't care about your feelings, sweetums. tl;dr no one here believes you
You can beg better than that
not in the rules, reddit spacing tranni boi
lol no, samefag reddit spacer
good post
actual ccp propaganda
why did he samefag three times in a row
This dude is so pathetic. He screams and cries and blasts the news board with his shit spam putting up the same story for days and days but never posting the actual information. Responding to himself with “good post” constantly, Just spamming our board with his yellow journalism editorialized headlines and yelling in the posts about “SHow me in the rules!!!!!!l”

The one thing the left and right can agree on is that we hate you and your shit contributions to the conversations in /news kys
>reddit spacer tranny seethe
>tranny seethe
stop signing your posts

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