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The estranged niece of former President Donald Trump, Mary Trump, published a scathing critique on her Substack blog on Saturday, sounding the alarm about tech billionaire Elon Musk's growing influence over her uncle's quest to return to the White House in 2024.

In her blog post titled, "Donald's New Owner" Mary Trump writes that her uncle has always been susceptible to financial influence and that he "has always been for sale," adding that "it used to be shocking how many people were willing to prop him up in the hopes of profiting off his increasingly seamy ventures."

She pointed to a Friday report from The New York Times revealing regular communication between Musk and the former president, along with significant financial contributions to Trump's campaign.

According to Mary Trump, Musk, who owns X, formerly Twitter, has already invested at least $140 million in America PAC, a political action committee supporting Trump's campaign efforts. She claims that this figure could potentially balloon to $500 million, based on statements attributed to her uncle.

Meanwhile, Mary Trump doesn't mince words to describe the tech entrepreneur, referring to Musk as "the world's richest fascist" and a "South African jumping bean." She claims that Musk's interest in supporting her uncle stems from a desire to gain influence over potential future government policies.

"In exchange for Donald's willingness to throw Musk the keys to the federal government, Musk is throwing a considerable fortune, as well as the weight of Twitter's influence, behind the Republican candidate," Mary Trump writes.

In her blog post, she also characterizes this business arrangement as a "devil's bargain," drawing parallels to Trump's alleged connections with other powerful figures, including Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Mary Trump accuses the billionaire of actively working to "keep the American electorate as ignorant as possible" through his control of X, alleging that the Trump campaign is coordinating with Musk to suppress or remove unfavorable stories.

Donald Trump and Elon Musk
Tesla CEO Elon Musk speaks on stage as he joins former President Donald Trump during a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on October 5. The estranged niece of Trump, Mary Trump, published a scathing critique... More AFP / GETTY IMAGES/JIM WATSON
The blog post also highlights recent activities by Musk-funded entities, including the America PAC's distribution of cash to voters in Philadelphia, which she describes as a "maybe-legal-but-sketchy-anyway scheme to spread pro-Trump dollars around in critical swing states."

On October 7, Musk announced a referral program through his PAC, offering a $47 bonus for each registered swing-state voter referred to an online petition. The petition requires signers to submit personal contact information.

"For every person you refer who is a swing state voter, you get $47!" Musk wrote on X. "Easy money." The $47 figure is significant as Trump would be the 47th U.S. president if elected.

The petition states that signers support "First and Second Amendment rights," but lacks traditional petition elements such as a recipient, delivery date, or specific demands. Upon signing, users are directed to voter registration links for seven swing states: Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina, Nevada, Arizona, Michigan and Wisconsin.

Musk's America PAC stated, "The PAC's goal 'is to get 1 million registered voters in swing states to sign in support of the Constitution, especially freedom of speech and the right to bear arms.'"

Mary Trump's allegations also come amid significant developments in the relationship between Musk and the former president. Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal from Musk's X platform regarding an investigation into the former president's alleged election interference.

The case centered around a nondisclosure order preventing X from informing Trump about a warrant issued by Department of Justice (DOJ) special counsel Jack Smith's team.

Trump faces four felony counts in the DOJ's case against him in Washington, D.C., after he allegedly tried to overturn President Joe Biden's 2020 election victory in the aftermath of his loss, which culminated in the U.S. Capitol riot on January 6, 2021. He has pleaded not guilty to all charges and claimed the case is politically motivated against him.

Meanwhile, Musk has become increasingly vocal in his support for Trump as he recently appeared at a Trump campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, where he declared himself "Dark MAGA [Make America Great Again]" and warned that "this will be the last election" if Trump doesn't win in November.
I mean, none of this is a surprise. Everybody whose brain hasn't been capture by Trump cultism knows that Trump is completely controllable by flattery. His favorite person is whoever has kissed his ass last.
Or whoever is paying him.

Elon Musk--immigrant, billionaire, pedophile--will be running his presidency too.
Musky investing in tRump will have the same results as his investment in Twitter.
None of this changes the fact that Trump is still the most capable candidate. So, y'know, cope.
>None of this changes the fact that Trump is still the most capable candidate.
He got nothing legislatively done during his administration except tax cuts in the form of deficit spending. Even with both the house and the senate under Republican control he couldn't get anything passed. He failed to build the wall. He failed to repeal or replace Obamacare. He failed to pass any infrastructure or energy bills. He failed to pass any immigration reform. What is it he's supposed to be capable of doing again?
There won't be an answer for this. Reminder that ALL Trump voters are inherently bad faith.
ESL shill strikes again. Back to India, Bubjeet.
>estranged niece of former President Donald Trump, Mary Trump, published a scathing critique on her Substack blog
she obviously doesn't have any insight or inside information and is just reposting shit.

And Elon Musk is a pedophile.
>No argument, just as predicted
You love to see it
We used to throw these people into mental asylums.
Trump will be in prison soon
and democrats in a cesspit
Naah they have to run the country in the absence of republican competence
I'm sure that will make you people capable of running a functional society.
That's where you're wrong *claps*
Yup. Especially the immigrant ones.

Elon Musk has been sexually assaulted as a child (his dad Errol took him to naked sex parties when he was 9--i.e. pederasty parties.)

Elon's own brother knew Epstein and was introduced to a "girlfriend" of Epsteins (girlfriend was a codeword Epstein used for his sex slaves to try and make them sound like consenting spouses even though they were all underage.)

Elon's ex-wife confessed they stayed at Epstein's mansion back in 2014. We know Elon took a photo with Ghislaine in 2014. We know they once talked about aliens, destroying the internet, etc.

Elon had a "kung fu lesson" with Ghislaine in 2016. Likely another codeword, some speculate that it means sex with an Asian boy. Elon, in true edgelord fashion, posted a Tweet about "how good it was" after getting an email from Epstein asking if the meeting went as planned.

Elon accused a random rescuer (an actual hero) of being a "pedo guy" in an attempt to keyword load the search term "Elon Musk pedo" because he knew the Epstein report was a out to be released and that it might out him as a pedo. (2018)

Elon challenged Zuckerberg to a kung fu fight in 2022, right around the time that Ghislaine "kung fu" email was leaking (it was sent in 2016 but wasn't leaked to the public until years later at a trial.)

Elon admits to having role-played as a toddler using alternative online accounts. This suggests he has a kid fetish.

Oh and we're finding out that he was best friends with Diddy, they texted each other all the time and we now know Diddy was basically another Epstein.

The public should be irate at Elon Musk.
>Mary Trump Exposes Elon Musk as Uncle Donald's 'New Owner'
And Elon is a Brazilian Judge's and Xi Jinping's bitch.
Take your meds schizo.
They no longer help me.
Up the dosage
And don't forget that Elon Musk is a Jew.

His mother is a Jew, his dad went to Jew schools and Elon is even a Hebrew name.

Immigrant, billionaire, pedophile, Jew Elon Musk is buying the presidency.

He will make things much, much worst for Americans. His immigrant jew buddies are foaming at the mouths right now. (Peter Thiel, David O Sacks, Etc)
>Spends years saying George Soros, the billionaire, literal Nazi, immigrant, pedo is "just a boogey man"
>Starts conspiracy theories about Elon Musk
Are you people even sane?
Not really a conspiracy theory.

Elon Musk is an immigrant, he is a jew, he is a pedophile.

Lots of evidence out there if you look.
Elon Musk is zoinist jew

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