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There appears to be no bottom to the Republican presidential nominee's demeaning behavior toward women.

Former President Donald Trump called Vice President Kamala Harris “retarded” at a recent dinner in New York City, where he also railed against Jewish voters supporting her amid the White House race, according to a new report.

Trump made the comments during the event last month at Trump Tower in Manhattan, The New York Times reported Saturday. As the GOP presidential nominee complained about the number of Jewish voters backing his Democratic rival, he reportedly said that they needed their heads examined for not standing with him despite his support for Israel.

Trump has previously sought to put the blame on Jewish voters for a potential election loss this year.

The dinner event, where Trump also suggested that contributors to his campaign needed to do more for him, was attended by high-profile donors including billionaire hedge fund manager Paul Singer. Billionaire investment banker Warren Stephens was present as well, along with former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and her husband.

The Times, citing seven people with knowledge of the dinner who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said Trump suggested that donors should be grateful to him, with the former president boasting about giving them tax breaks.

The Times’ report comes as Trump has seemed to exhibit increasingly erratic behavior ahead of Election Day. On Thursday, Trump gave a long, rambling speech in Detroit, where he trashed the city he was speaking in, attempted to define the word “grocery” and got defensive about the crowds at his events.

On the same day in September when Trump suggested donors should increase their support, Harris was busy holding a campaign event in Los Angeles. She raised $28 million during the event.

he's done, there's no shot he's getting elected after calling his opponent retarded. that's despicable
She is retarded. Stop virtue signaling you retard.
>There appears to be no bottom to the Republican presidential nominee's demeaning behavior toward women.
LMAO 8 years later and Democrats are still trying this angle? It was pathetic when Hillary did it and it's pathetic now. The funny part is, this just exposes you as the actual sexists. You misandrists think it's okay to call male politicians like Trump stupid, but that female politicians should be protected from insults. How many male politicians has Trump insulted? And yet you think it's sexist when he treats women the same as he treats men?
Good post
Grab em by the pussy
If Trump gets elected he's deporting you.
>Faux outrage by sexual perverts.
Trump is retarded. Start signaling the virtues of Harris, who isn't a retard unlike >>1352389 and all Trumptards
That he was supported by Christians after that tells you everything you need to know.
This should be Trumps end. Clearly unfit for presidency.
That's just going to make his schizoid followers turn out to vote for him even more.
This CHUB is seeeeething.
This Chud >>1352785 is so thin-skinned and precious about its orange subhuman-in-chief
Yea I bet he did. You’re listing a liberal specific rag as your source.

Even if Trump would’ve said that, he would get so much support for having brought truth to light about the retarded Harris!

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