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Local authorities identified a man who was arrested with a loaded gun at a rally hosted by former President Donald Trump in Southern California on Saturday as Vem Miller.

Miller, a 49-year-old Las Vegas resident was driving a black SUV at a checkpoint outside Trump's rally in Coachella when Riverside County sheriff deputies found him to be in illegal possession of a shotgun, loaded handgun and a high-capacity magazine, according to the sheriff's office.

Authorities say the suspect was taken into custody without incident and booked at a detention center in nearby Indio. Miller's arrest took place around 5 p.m. local time when Trump's rally was scheduled to begin.

Miller has since been released from the detention center on a $5,000 bail, local outlets reported. The Telegram reported that he is due to appear in court in January.

The sheriff's office said the incident "did not impact the safety" of Trump, the GOP presidential nominee, or the rallygoers. Newsweek reached out to Trump's campaign via email for comment on Sunday.

Chad Bianco, the Riverside County Sheriff and known supporter of Trump, told the Southern California News Group on Sunday that authorities had "probably stopped another assassination attempt."

Trump has fallen victim to two assassination attempts in the past few months. Ryan Routh was arrested on September 15 after being found with a firearm at Trump International Golf Club where the former president was playing golf. Routh never fired the gun at Trump, but Secret Service agents fired at him as he pointed his rifle toward the West Palm Beach golf course in Florida.
On July 13, Trump was struck by a bullet that pierced his right ear at an outdoor campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, by 20-year-old shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, who fired rounds off a nearby roof. Crooks was then killed by a Secret Service counter-sniper.

Bianco said Miller showed fake VIP and press passes at the checkpoint, which alerted authorities. "They were different enough to cause the deputies alarm," Bianco said.

Local outlets say that Miller is a registered Republican. He has a master's degree from UCLA and campaigned for Nevada's state assembly in 2022, but lost in the primary election, according to local daily newspaper The Press-Enterprise.

Bianco said he is part of a right-leaning anti-government group and considers himself a sovereign citizen, someone who does not believe they are subject to government laws unless they agree to them.

Meanwhile, Miller told the Southern California News Group on Sunday that he was "shocked" to be arrested and accused of trying to hurt the former president whom he is a supporter of.

Miller said he was at the California rally on a "special entry pass" given to him by a Republican Party associate and that he never had trouble when he attended Trump rallies in Nevada with weapons in his trunk. He said he thought the law would be the same in California.

Bianco said of Saturday's incident: "I thought it's not going to happen in Riverside County. We don't have the same sicko issues and violent protests like they have in Los Angeles. We're better than that. Go figure."

The Sheriff praised his deputies, who worked in the desert heat, which reached almost 100 degrees that day. "I am extremely proud of the mental and physical effort our deputies showed all day," Bianco said.

The Secret Service said in a statement: "The incident did not impact protective operations. The Secret Service extends its gratitude to the deputies and local partners who assisted in safeguarding last night's events."
>Trump faking a THIRD assassination attempt
It's all so tiresome
Wait what? I thought guns were awesome and any restrictions on them were being done by libtard tranny faggots. This guy didn't shoot at Trump, ge just showed up displaying his constitutional right to bear arms. Is Trump secretly anti guns now? Or just when they might be used on him? None of this makes any god damned sense.
other news stations are just saying it was a guy who got caught carrying a gun outside the venue he was at.... no big deal.

On the plus side we can stop hear about this jackass after he loses because then his political career is done and he is back to being irrelevant rambling boomer with alzheimers
Is this like how the dude with the "Biden/Harris" bumper sticker who was a registered Democrat was a "republican"?
Trump said he was going to deport anybody protesting Israel to Gaza. So anti-establishment republicans hate Trump too. Probably more than democrats honestly.
The fascist right is already trying to frame it as an assassination attempt
>Chad Bianco, the Riverside County Sheriff and known supporter of Trump, told the Southern California News Group on Sunday that authorities had "probably stopped another assassination attempt."
Its almost like they think it will get them a few more sympathy votes
>this time

It's a Republican every time you nit. Every time the polls show him slipping a little further, someone "takes a shot" or "threatens to take a shot" or simply exists with a weapon within a mile of him. This pumps up his fans and keeps him in the news.
Why do Republicans keep trying to kill Trump?
They are good republicans that actually care about america
>Third Trump Assassination Attempt
>Miller has since been released from the detention center on a $5,000 bail
So not an assassination attempt then? Can someone show me the part where he was trying to kill Trump? I'm not seeing it here.
You don't know how a guy smuggling a shotgun into a trump convention, using a fake pass, might be considered an assassination attempt?

Did you think the guy that shot trump in the ear was just sunbathing or something?
Republicans once again trying to solve a problem Democrats refuse to address
The guy who grabbed a Secret Service agent's gun and tried to shoot Trump back in 2016 also was released on bail
>Did you think the guy that shot trump in the ear was just sunbathing or something?
He was just doing the lords work
but just like all bureaucrats they claim don't work they cant seem to get the job done either
>You don't know how a guy smuggling a shotgun into a trump convention, using a fake pass, might be considered an assassination attempt?
"Smuggling" a shotgun inside his car? Also:

>Meanwhile, Miller told the Southern California News Group on Sunday that he was "shocked" to be arrested and accused of trying to hurt the former president whom he is a supporter of.
>Miller said he was at the California rally on a "special entry pass" given to him by a Republican Party associate and that he never had trouble when he attended Trump rallies in Nevada with weapons in his trunk. He said he thought the law would be the same in California.
You mean Republicans that are pissed that their party got hijacked by populists.
>reddit spacing
>hating America
why do these 2 things always go together?
Oh so it sounds like the dude didn't actually try to assassinate Trump then.
OP btfo yet again, all trump assassins so far have been Biden/Harris supporters
he's paid to lie, what's new
So he lied about being a trump supporter?
>"Smuggling" a shotgun inside his car?
How fucking retarded do you have to be to assume that people don't smuggle shit in cars?
>Miller said
Sure, let's trust the perp. Great idea idiot.
oh, when i said he i meant you
What is the actual appeal of being a fucking retard?
arrested for being an assasination denier, you will be raped to daeth in prison
I think this is the 8th time today I have been told I will be raped for something you didnt like Ivan... time for a new catch phrase.
I swear this must be the training grounds for all the newest troll farm recruits
Ok Ivan settle down now
Nah its just one guy who uses this board as his personal schizophrenia journal. He's obsessed with male rape for some reason. I assume he's off his meds or something.
trump mcdonald will be coming for you.
and you>>1352691
and you>>1352683
you can't hide from the law. May god summon a volcano to erupt and destroy california and new york together with you.
for the sanity and peace of humanity you must be destroyed
all tRump rally attendees should be allowed to carry guns as is their god given right.
Trump saved my life
>How fucking retarded do you have to be to assume that people don't smuggle shit in cars?
Because that's was what he was doing? Smuggling? Stop being a pedantic fuck. This isn't some would-be assassin that was trying to sneak a firearm into a rally so he could use it on Trump. This is some dumbass that kept a firearm in the trunk of his car because he was too retarded to look up the state laws (how the fuck you don't realize that California has the strictest gun laws in the nation before driving there, I have no idea).
anyone else having trouble logging on to Reddit?
Shall not be infringed, faggot
>illegal possession of a shotgun, loaded handgun and a high-capacity magazine
oh no, not a magazine with more than ten bullets!

if you were going to assassinate a public figure giving a speech you would not be using a shotgun nor pistol.
I like how you're assuming the guy was sane
>(infringes anyway)
>This is some dumbass that kept a firearm in the trunk of his car because he was too retarded to look up the state laws
Oh yeah, totes. The anti-establishment republican was too stupid and innocent to know the consequences of carrying a firearm into a presidential rally.

That motherfucker could probably tell me all about WACO and Ruby Ridge, but I guess he's such a doe-eyed cunt that he made an innocent mistake.
Where's the conspiracy?

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