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Turns out the nevada man arrested with guns in the back of his truck in California had them for personal protection because he was a journalist who got death threats for supporting trump
He is currently free a $5000 bond for breaking a California law regarding transporting a loaded weapon.
Aman who was arrested with a loaded gun outside a Donald Trump rally in California has denied that he was intending to assassinate the former president.

Vem Miller, 49, of Las Vegas, was arrested Saturday at a checkpoint in Coachella Valley after he was allegedly found illegally in possession of a shotgun, a loaded handgun, and a high-capacity magazine. Miller was also driving an unregistered vehicle with a homemade license plate and had multiple passports and driver's licenses with different names, authorities said.

Chad Bianco, the Riverside County sheriff, told the Southern California News Group on Sunday that officers had "probably stopped another assassination attempt." There have previously been two suspected assassination attempts on Trump in recent months. The former president was left with minor injuries after a gunman opened fire at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, in July. Trump was also the target of an apparent assassination attempt at his golf course in West Palm Beach, Florida, in September, though no shots were fired at the Republican.
Speaking to Fox News Digital over the phone, Miller, who was later released, said that he was "100 percent a Trump supporter" and that he has no intention of trying to shoot the former president at the Coachella Valley event.

"I always travel around with my firearms in the back of my truck," Miller said. "I've literally never even shot a gun in my life. I don't know anything about guns. I am beyond a novice."

Two unnamed sources close to the Trump campaign told Fox News they do not believe the incident in Coachella Valley was an assassination attempt on the former president
The Riverside County Sheriff department said Miller was taken into custody without incident on suspicion of possession of a loaded firearm and possession of a high-capacity magazine.

"This incident did not impact the safety of former President Trump or attendees of the event," the department said in a statement.

In a joint statement, the U.S. Attorney's Office, Secret Service, and FBI said that the incident "did not impact protective operations and former President Trump was not in any danger

We thank law enforcement for securing the rally site and helping ensure the safety of President Trump. We are aware of news reports about the arrest and are currently monitoring the situation and gathering more information," Trump's campaign communications director Steven Cheung told Newsweek.

Miller was released Saturday on $5,000 bail and is scheduled to appear at the Indio Larson Justice Center on January 2, 2025, according to Riverside County Sheriff's Department inmate database.

Newsweek has contacted Miller's office, the Riverside County Sheriff's department and the FBI for further comment.

Miller told Fox News that he purchased firearms for protection after getting death threats due to his work in the media.
Dudes an open an obvious conservative. Time to start the conservative misinformation machine. Because the number 1 thing Maga fears is the fact that many conservatives don’t like Trump
NTA, this obviously wasn't an assassination attempt.
It won't stop Republicans for saying he was a democrat, like how they branded the last two Republicans.
>leftoids trying to blame their ilk being violent on Republicans again
Can you guys just stop trying to assassinate politicians so law abiding gun owners don't get their rights infringed on?
fun fact: he was a bernie bro before he became a sovereign citizen nutter. so, safe to say he's a full blown retard or mentally ill which might help explain also why he claims to be a "fan" of someone he also seems to want to assassinate.
>Because the number 1 thing Maga fears is the fact that many conservatives don’t like Trump

Which makes perfect sense, Trump and the magas are not conservative in the way that term has usually been used in politics. Look at hom they shit on McCain after Trump went after him. It's basically a third party that took over.
>he claims to be a "fan" of someone he also seems to want to assassinate.

Where is the evidence he ever wanted to assassinate?
Yes, he was a conservative and that's probably why he wasn't there to assassinate anyone
There isn't. That's why the dude is free on 5k bail for not following California gun law about transportation of firearms.
there isn't definitively. as far as I'm aware he just had the fake passports, press badge, no license plates, and claimed he had vip seating while also carrying a bunch of guns. very possibly he didn't, and was just a sovereign citizen weirdo in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Can you even define the word "leftoid"? Does it mean anyone who doesn't like Trump to you?
>I am once again asking you to stop paying taxes and to make your own license plates
Damn Bernie, ok.
It's a portmanteau of "the left" popularized by Rush Limbaugh to describe people who hate the population of the US and vote Democrat and the suffix "oid" which means "like" or "resembling".
These people are characterized by a neoliberal economic values, despite being unaware, a deep hate for religion, children, white people and America's history.
They are for normalizing degeneracy and tearing down anyone who opposes them.
>characterized by a neoliberal economic value
Ahh so it means every politician in the last 50 years except backwards nationalists like Trump. Got it.
it's amazing how poltards have the nerve to call anyone else a degenerate
Evidence I'm a poltard where, faggot?
>backwards nationalists
Describe what part of nationalism is backwards for me.
you're a faggot and you belong back on your containment board
You're a dyke and you belong back on Reddit.
you know he wanted to say tranny but it would just make it more obvious that he's a polfag
It appears I've made the queers mad. Darn.
it appears the polfag desires attention
>say made up shit
>act like a retard
>get proven wrong
>"Why are you mad?"
It appears the LGBTQ is seething.
>Made up shit
>Proven wrong
Are you on drugs?
Always has been, always will.
Leftys will have melties. It's a fact of life.
>Thus, the 19th century has been called the age of nationalism
>only shitposts
>"who me? shitpost?"
I'm not convinced that's bad. What's bad about it again?
this faggot from pol sure is on a roll today
I'm a MAGA Journalest and I always Cary my wepons with me I publish mainly on /pol/. Librals always tryin' ta pepper spray me so I carry good ol' made jn USA Berretas

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