12 knives though. There's also the deterrence effect. Who can say how many thugs left their guns at home because of this. Then again, 2,749 passengers isn't a lot over 2 months.>The statement did not describe the length of time of each screening, how many officers were required to staff the devices or how many riders refused the searches.>refused the searchesThat could be why.
>>1356305It's making threads again.
>>1356307>There's also the deterrence effect. Who can say how many thugs left their guns at home because of this.considering blacks already don't pay to ride the subway I highly fucking doubt they are leaving their guns at home over this. they are just doing what they always do, entering through the exit for free
>>1356312>considering blacks already don't pay to ride the subwaySource?
he's making threads again
>>1356324his shill script
>>1356324>>1356330literally watch any of the videos on fare evasion, retard. who do you think is getting caught doing it, you fucking samefag? its gotten so bad most liberals say the subway should be free at the point of entry because they don't want to enforce fare evasion laws.hell just go to NYC, when I used to go there it was literally only blacks and hispanics doing fare evasion>Black and Hispanic people accounted for nearly 90% of fare-related arrests and nearly 70% of summonses from Oct. 2017-June 2019, according to NYPD data
>>1356328now he's throwing tantrums in his bad threads
he's spamming threads again
>>1356362>>1356364>get btfo'd with sources>nooo you are throwing a tantrum reeeeeee
>>1356386>nooo you are throwing a tantrum reeeeeee>>1356386 is having a tantrum or wouldn't be insecure enough to think about starting this thread.
>>1356424no crackhead bot, this thread is a newsthread. the purpose of /news/ is to post news threads. you are having a melty and shitting your pants though
>>1356305God I hate reddit so fucking much. This used to be a good board until you came here from reddit.
>>1356556nah, that would be you, retard. we can tell you are from reddit because you are anti gun, a democrat and a tranni boi
that would be >>1356557 the retard. we can tell you are from reddit because you will never own a gun, are a nonAmerican and a tranni boi
>>1356584lol not only is crackhead bot having a massive melty today, it is also too retarded to come up with original posts