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WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Wednesday allowed Republican officials in Virginia to revive a plan aimed at removing noncitizen voters from the rolls ahead of next week’s election.

The justices blocked a federal judge’s ruling that put the program on hold and required the state to restore 1,600 voters to the rolls.

The brief order noted that the three liberal justices on the court, which has a 6-3 conservative majority, all dissented.

"This is a victory for commonsense and election fairness," Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin, a Republican who announced the plan in August, said in a statement.

"Virginians can cast their ballots on Election Day knowing that Virginia’s elections are fair, secure, and free from politically-motivated interference," he added.

Virginia has same-day voter registration, meaning that any eligible voter who was removed from the rolls should still be able to vote.

Civil rights groups, backed by the Biden administration, challenged the plan, saying it had led to some legal voters being removed from the rolls, too. The Justice Department said that while states can review its voter rolls, it cannot do so right before an election.
States are barred from systematically removing people from voters rolls within 90 days of an election under the National Voter Registration Act.

The state's plan flagged people for removal if they check a box on a Department of Motor Vehicles form declaring they are not a citizen or if they leave it blank.

Groups that sued, including the Virginia Coalition for Immigrant Rights, said the process drew in people who might have indicated they were not citizens at that time but have subsequently become U.S. citizens. Civil rights groups and the Biden administration both provided evidence of U.S. citizens who had likely been removed from the rolls as a result.

"To say this decision is a disappointment is an understatement," said Ryan Snow, an attorney with the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, representing the plaintiffs. "The Supreme Court just ignored a key provision of the National Voter Registration Act and the clear fact that Virginia purged eligible voters on the eve of the election."

In court papers, the groups said that "the record makes clear that citizens are being removed from the voter rolls." These are voters the 90-day period is "designed to protect," they added.

Last week, U.S. District Judge Patricia Giles ordered the state to stop its program and restore the voter registrations of more than 1,600 people who were removed in recent months.

The Virginia plan echoes broader, unproven Republican talking points amplified by former President Donald Trump that voting by noncitizen voters is rampant.

This narrative could be used as a basis to challenge election results if Trump loses on Election day.

Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach, a Republican who made his name as an anti-immigration hard-liner, filed a brief backing Virginia that was joined by 25 other Republican state attorneys general.
>Virginia has same-day voter registration, meaning that any eligible voter who was removed from the rolls should still be able to vote.
Great! Citizens that were erroneously removed can reregister and the non-citizens can kick dirt.
But Democrats told me that non-citizens didn't vote in elections..
>The Supreme Court on Wednesday allowed Republican officials in Virginia to revive a plan aimed at removing noncitizen voters from the rolls
>Trumptards were so anti-mail-in ballots four years ago
I guess we can remove Trumptards' mail in ballots now. What's that, o Trumptards, you don't like that idea? Well then. You don't have the right to have opinions, hypocrites
>States are barred from systematically removing people from voters rolls within 90 days of an election under the National Voter Registration Act.
So what was the Republican Supreme Court's logic for defying the NVRA?
>hurr durr..
They arent citizens. They arent eligible to register to vote.
What happened to "Its already illegal for them to vote"???
>hurr durr! no u!
Uh huh
>hurr durr
says the retard that is >>1357799
I assume you are voting democrat since you are arguing that illegal aliens should be kept on a voter roll before a federal election
you sure love lying
The only way hypocritical dems can win election is by having dead people vote.
republicans can't seem to figure out that democracy requires being likeable, instead of being whiny lying faggots
faggots are the demoKKKrats platform
>They arent citizens. They arent eligible to register to vote.
Statistically, it's always been republicans who vote for their dead grandparents.
why is his belt sagging if he has a harness? that's like the whole fucking point of the harness
>WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Wednesday allowed Republican officials in Virginia to revive a plan aimed at removing noncitizen voters from the rolls ahead of next week’s election.
why is this a problem? noncitizens shouldn't vote
>The state wants to remove noncitizens from the voter rolls, but challengers said it pulls in lawful voters too and was being done too close to the election in violation of federal law.
you could've simply clicked on the link instead of resorting to lies
none of these voter roll purges ever get rid of legal voters.
hell, in california its legal for illegal aliens to vote in elections
He's making not so good threads again
you can stop lying. it's no secret that republicans' only chance of winning a democratic election these days is by decreasing the franchise
if only living American citizens voted, the GOP would will every election
CHUD head canon is wild
there are literally CCP agents voting in swing states for harris and walz
>CCP agents voting for Trump
Good thing Michigan is run by Democrats to catch this Republican spy.
Firstly, this article is about one singular guy from China voting illegally and mentions nothing of your CCP agent conspiracy or who he's voting for. Secondly, what the fuck does one living Chinese guy voting have to do with your claim that dead people are voting for Democrats in elections? Your brain has been turned to mush by conspiracy propaganda, anon. You can't even follow a simple question and answer format.
NVRA only applies to US citizens, not Mexican citizens
I thought not only were these people not citizens, but they actively filled out a DMV form indicating they were not citizens.
Imagine having a problem with removing ineligible voters from the voter rolls and still pretending you're the good guys.
why would the CCP vote for trump?
Walz is literally a card carrying CCP member.
one guy who got caught and his vote counted
>Good thing Michigan is run by Democrats to catch this Republican spy.
Democrats didn't catch shit, the dude asked for his vote back and said he voted illegally and "democrats" refused and said his vote would be counted anyways.
>Why would the CPP who gave Trump a 10 million dollar bribe and his family a bunch of free business deals work for him?
You tell me

Republicans never send their best if you look at Elon's ground ops.
>Literally speechless when presented with facts
Bad post, anon. Bad post.
Why are you green texting yourself?
good post
the CCP just hacked trump's phone. he probably conned them, took the money and then did not do as he promised, like always. Walz is a card carrying CCP member and harris/walz will do china's bidding by banning guns and handing over taiwan, japan and hawaii to china
EVERYTHING was cheaper and better under trump and the world safer place.

EVERYTHING is more expensive and worse under democrats and the world a more dangerous place.

It is by far the easiest decision there is, the easiest choice that can even possibly exist in politics bar none.
And yet every single democrat voter fails it by default for voting democrat, this FACT means that democrat voters in terms of intelligence are literally a insult to humanity itself, more animal than human intellect, there can be nothing dumber than a democrat voter given this beyond obvious choice they all DELIBERATELY fail.

You are the pinnacle of what is even capable to be described in the concept that is stupidity and low iq, you are a insult to every thinking human because of that a insult to humanity itself.

Prove me wrong, you literally cant.
Good post

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