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And their votes count
>Authorities did not identify the Chinese student accused of voting in the election. He is facing one count of illegally attempting to vote and one count of perjury – both felonies.

>It appears that the student’s vote can’t be nullified after the fact and will be counted.

>Washtenaw County Clerk Lawrence Kestenbaum told CNN ballots can’t be retrieved once they have gone through the tabulator. Unlike vote-by-mail, ballots cast at in-person voting locations don’t contain any identifying information about the individual voter, making it impossible to determine which one belonged to the student, Kestenbaum said.
My controller tell me what do. Manchurian candidate Walz will be glorious leader in west.
All this proves is that all the protections in place work as intended. An illegal registered to vote, cast a ballot, it was counted, and nobody was able to figure out that it ever happened
It's honestly embarrassing that the people starting these threads are so unaware of the voting process in the US. Either they are foreign nationals stirring up shit or just dumb.

The process works and these articles prove it. These foreign nationals didn't "vote" for anything or anyone, obviously. They cast a ballot and it was caught as the system intended.

jfc, keep your shit in Russia or w/e.
Hopefully people do their jobs and continue to catch illegal voters. Oh well!
>The process works and these articles prove it
All this proves is a foreign national registered himself to vote, voted, nobody knew that he voted illegally, and then he turned himself in out of the blue and the Secretary of State refused to not count his illegal ballot.

If anything this proves the system is completely broken, but you know this you're just acting disingenuous and lying through your teeth
>They cast a ballot and it was caught as the system intended.
How was it caught?
Oh that's right, he told them he voted illegally. It was caught because after he voted illegally he notified them.

Nothing worked here
no reason to assume it isn't chinese lies this early in the story
Surprisingly enough, the only party not lying in this whole thing was the Chinaman who was able to easily vote illegally and decided he would tell the election staff afterwards
>it's not happening
>okay it's happening, but it's not that bad
It's so over bros
It's past that. It's now:
>it's not happening
>okay it's happening, but it's not that bad
>The system worked, it didn't detect a single illegal vote, and an illegal vote is permanent, it can't be undone
Yeah even my own mother lied to me.
I lied to myself.
I think this illegal voter will cause another violent civil war!
This scares me and I will not participate.
I am afraid.
I want love.
As expected, conservatives have no honest bone in their body. Nobody has ever said that not a single incidence of voter fraud ever happened. That's the silly strawman you came up to distract from your lies. The actual claim has always been that there is no mass voter fraud or outcome determinant voter fraud, which is 100% true. This "BUT DEMS SAID NOT EVEN ONE VOTE FRAUD EVER HAPPENS" strawman is your pathetic admission that you can't win arguments based on facts.
I hate democrats so much
And, of course, the media is going to astroturf this election to hell and claim that literally anybody that criticizes the election is a russian shillbot or whatever the fuck.
We're about as cucked as Britain is when it actually comes to protecting ourselves from marxist bastards
You didn't respond to a single thing I said. Thank you for perfectly displaying your lack of honesty. You can't find a single example of any Democrat saying "Yes, not a single case of voter fraud has ever happened" but you pretend like that's the argument because you know if you try to engage on the substance of the issue you'll lose. You clearly know you're full of shit which is why you can't defend the false conservative claims of mass voter fraud but instead resort to name calling and broad gesturing towards conspiracies you have no evidence of.
Sorry, I thought you were funposting.
They said that shit all throughout the 2021, because J6 just happened and they wanted to salt the earth to prevent any future riots.
>They said that shit all throughout the 2021
They didn't. You can't find a single quote from any Democrat politician or leader of any kind saying "Not a single case of voter fraud has ever happened." That isn't real. You made it up. You're strawmanning the argument because you can't defend the blatantly false conservative claim that mass voter fraud exists.
The lady doth protest too much
Are you worried anon?
Notice how I've laid out like a very clear, very easy to understand argument and because you have no answer you're memeing and shitposting to distract from the fact that you have absolutely zero response?
The actual ladies doth protest too much: >>1358104
And here's the most pathetic protesting Karen: >>1358220
>Chinese nationals
>It's only one person
>They were caught
>They were caught
Nobody caught them.
They willingly told election staff that they voted illegally, and the secretary of state is still counting his ballot.
Probably the stupidest outcome, it proves that they not only can't stop illegal voting before it happens, but once it does and they know about it, they can't correct it's effects
kek, good post
it wasn't caught. his vote counted and he only got caught because he turned himself in. but you are right, this is the system working as intended
kek, you sure are a seething faggot, crackhead bot
he wasn't caught, he turned himself in and his vote still counted
>here, >>1358407 is reduced to accusing others of being "a seething faggot, crackhead bot" after a meltdown like Chernobyl >>1358220, so how can anyone else be "a seething crackhead faggot bot"? Accusations are Admissions
>kek, you sure are a seething faggot, crackhead bot
stop signing your posts, >>1358407
wow, the harris chatgpt bot is really having a melty
I love when the shill copies me, it's adorable
Good post
>chatgpt bot is really having a melty
stop signing your posts, >>1358428
99% of harris posting at this point is just nonAmerican shills copying my memes I brought from /pw/
>the shill watches wrestling
So he's a faggot, and he's gay to boot
>nooooo you have to watch our shitty woke tv and movies and sports, you can't watch wrestling which is currently run by an actual racist, reeeeeeeeeeee
i guess it's okay to watch naked men grapple each other if they hate black people? what a weird lifestyle right wingers lead
where do you watch wrestling where the guys are naked?
>so >>1358660 needs to watch half naked men grappling each other
>top rated cable tv show is weird
>so many like >>1358787 prove they're gay due to their obsessive need to watch half naked men grappling
you literally posted in another thread that you jerk off to trannies in chinese gacha games and go on their forms to write mxm fanficts, homo
stop signing your posts
nah that's you.
>you jerk off to trannies in chinese gacha games and go on their forms to write mxm fanficts, homo
stop signing your posts.
>and here we see >>1359031's intrusive thoughts emerging
>jerk off
so "you" is my name. Thanks for admitting that.
the poster above me is 100% a chatgpt bot
the poster above me is 101% a trump chatgpt bot
>mfw the harris chatgpt bot can't count near me
>mfw the retarded opinions of the trump chatgpt bot near me don't count
>mfw the harris bot is seething because I can vote and it cannot
>mfw the trump bot is seething because I have already voted for harris and it can never vote for trump because it is a foreigner
bots made in china can't vote, retard
stop signing your posts
no, that would be your name
no, that is your name here >>1359237
nope, also please stop shitting in the street >>1359287
yes, that is your name here >>1359237, and stop doing what you describe in the streets in india
nope, unlike obongo, walz, harris and you, I am American
nope, unlike obama, walz and harris, you aren't American
>I am American
Those that need to say "I am American" aren't Americans.
keep on seething there
keep on seething about not being an American
except I am American, unlike you, obongo, walz and harris
except obama, walz and harris are Americans and you're not
>I am American
Those that need to say "I am American" aren't Americans.
literally none of them are Americans. obongo was born in kenya, harris in india and walz renounced his citizenship and became a chinaman
obama, harris and walz are Americans, and you're literally not American, >>1359485
no, none of them are American. I am American though
yes, all of them are Americans. You aren't, though.
Those that need to say "I am American" aren't Americans.

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