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he's making good threads again
Weird he'd endorse a guy who cultivates conspiracy theories, considering how much he's been harassed by those kinds of people.
you mean the leftists who think assasinations where someone died were planned pr stunts?
Or the Kamala supporters who are trying to pretend CHOP never happened despite the website they worked for reporting on it happening a year ago
No I mean conspiracy theories Trump said like Ted Cruz's dad was part of the JFK assassination and was linked to Oswald and wind turbines cause cancer.
It's same faggin' agin. Senile Boomer Buzz's head is more buzzed than tRumps
Let's collect a list of conspiracy theories shared by leftists on YouTube. I'll start:

- Blacks are shot more by police due to racism
- Grocery prices are rising due to corporate greed
- Murders are primarily caused by gun ownership, not people
- Science was wrong about sex and gender for 1000s of years until 23 year old liberal arts students enlightened them
- Minorities don't have IDs
- Republicans burned ballot boxes in Oregon and California
back to facebook gramps
- Project 2025 was endorsed by Trump
- The Koch Brothers are behind everything
- Ukraine is a liberal democracy and Russia invaded it for no reason
Even More Democrat, Liberal Conspiracies
- January 6th was a coup
- Black Lives Matter did not do the Minneapolis Race Riots in 2020
- Trump staged his assassination attempts
- Kyle Rittenhouse committed murder
- Trayvon Martin was innocent
- The 2020 election was non-fraudulent
- The COVID vaccine was safe and effective
- Kamala Harris worked at Mac Donalds
- October 7th did not actually happen
Yeah that's cool and all but we're talking about conspiracy theories Trump talks about, like how vaccines cause autism or Haitians run around eating cats and dogs.
Good post
>Trump is against vaccines
>Trump said Haitians eat cats and dogs
Also conspiracy theories
>Trump actually didn't say vaccines cause autism and pushed the idea of Haitians eating cats and dogs
Also a conspiracy theory
>Vaccines are safe and effective
>Haitians don't eat animals
Also conspiracy theories
>The Earth is round
>Birds aren't machines the government uses to spy on you
Also conspiracy theories
crazy good posts
the tray tray mike brown and rittenhouse shit is crazy since we literally have access to the trials and video footage and retards still think rittenhouse was a murderer for shooting that pedo and that trayvon who was shown to be racist and assaulting zimzam and mike brown who was shown to be trying to murder a cop were in the right
there is literally a video of a haitian woman in ohio being arrested for eating a cat
Looka like obongo poster has clocked in. Countdown to his catchphrase
normal people just post here for fun. its only communist shills like you who have to clock in to get paid
And now he's projecting as usual
why are the harris shills having so many melties today?
Obongo poster, it's cute that you copy me but i'm sure your handlers don't like when you stray from your script
no one is copying you, retardo
The shills here are so childlike
I mean, who else is the harris campaign going to hire?
and the shills keep responding to me even though it's hopeless. no rupees
>mfw the retarded harris shills are paid in zelda money
top kek

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