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The U.S. labor market grew by much less than expected in October, according to a government report released Friday morning, providing the final major update on the state of the American economy ahead of Election Day.

Key Facts:

The U.S. added 12,000 jobs last month, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ estimate of the number of nonfarm payroll additions.

That falls far short of median economist estimates of 110,000, according to Dow Jones data, while it’s well below September’s initially reported 254,000 job additions.

October was the weakest month for job growth since Dec. 2020.

The unemployment rate came in at 4.1%, matching economists forecasts of a 4.1% jobless rate, where it stood in September.

The government revised August and September nonfarm payroll estimates down by 112,000, indicating weaker labor market expansion at the end of summer than previously reported.

If you take away government jobs added, growth was negative.
Don’t care, I’m still voting Kamala
based low info retard
Still don't care. I'd walk a mile for a Kamala.
thats what they pay xit to say
But I want to know what's good about Harris beyond abortion (which Dems have made no attempt to address on the federal level) and le dRumpf bad.
Is there any reason to vote for her?
Good post
No. She's the contrarian candidate. Nobody votes for her because of any of her laurels or credentials or policy positions. They vote for her because "not trump". She's the contrarian candidate.
Harris wants to double minimum wage, Trump dodged a question while doing his McDonalds stunt about raising minimum wage.
Average pay is about $15 in the US and not dependant on the federal minimum wage.
Harris wants to double minimum wage to...$15.
Kamala Harris wants to do nothing.
>Here's why le bLumpf is le bad
You're annoying and stupid.
Your post is dumb.
If the minimum wage is raised to $15/hour, the people already making $15/hour would presumably get a pay raise as their jobs were already worth more than the minimum wage.
>The job market grows, but not as much as it did every other month
Something something lies then correction

If trump introduces a Tariff, cost of living will increase.

Both parties have pandering idiots running for office. The reason why both candidates act like idiots hailing terrible economic policies is because they know there are idiots like you and >>1358345 who will advertise their retarded policies for free. They know it's retarded, btw. They just campaign on it because all they want is power.

Even after I'm telling you, and proving to you (https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/6958854.pdf, https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB116320581226920449) that they're retarded, both of you will continue to vote red and blue. Anyway, red is the most retarded choice, so you deserve more bullying for being so retarded.
So for 4 years jobs have been improving?
The worst month still has job growth!

Wow the political party running that is doing great!

Good thing I voted for them a month ago!
So the average pay is 15. Which means some people are making more and some less.

Harris making the minimum 15 would ensure a pay raise for everyone making less.

This would raise the average.

Doubling the minimum wage would still pay less than McDonald's or your local grocery store.
She's keeping most of the Biden-era job-creation programs, so those'll keep happening. I like those; it directly attacks the problem of 'no good work' and much of it goes into red-state manufacturing jobs.
She'll also try to make it easier to buy a home. That first-time homebuyer's rebate doesn't seem to abusable and it looks like a very blunt solution to the problem of unaffordable housing, but blunt solutions work pretty well.
The expanded child-care credit seems to bluntly attack the high cost of raising a family in America in the same way, and will reduce the need for immigrants.
Medicare has a lot of oligopsony power, and she seems hell-bent on putting that to work by negotiating more healthcare drug costs. It might work, it might not, but if it works, it'll save the government a ton of money.
The minimum wage thing is way overdue. Hopefully this means people working full time at the minimum wage don't require food stamps. If companies are going to pay people to work, they should pay their WHOLE salary, WITHOUT needing the government to pick up part of the tab.
Honestly, most of her policies seem paid for. That's the most impressive thing. It's not completely paid for, but it's a really modest bump in the deficit for what she wants to do.
Also, my family's primary breadwinner won't be fired under Schedule F and we won't immediately be plunged into stagflation, but you wanted reasons beyond 'not Trump'.
As a, markedly stupid, Democrat the ideological issue you now need to resolve is that if this is true of tariffs, this is also true of all taxes.
You should be willing to explain to me why Democrats are constantly pushing for more taxes on citizens, but firmly opposed taxing foreign goods.
Can you? Have you even thought that far? The answer is, of course, "no."
You're simply electioneering. You literally don't care about the topic. The topic you're trying to discuss is dRumpf is le Bad.
Lol. What flavor is the Kool aid?
Banana, no junk in it.
>Banana Kool aid
Oh I'm sorry you're mentally ill.
>She'll make homes less affordable with a stupid subsidy
>Stealing and idea about expanding the child tax credit from dRumpf
>Federal minimum wage hasn't been increased in decades because it's useless. Let's cause inflation in any area where $7.25 might be decent wages!
Thanks for also admitting your opinion is based on self preservation as a dependant of a government employee. You literally shouldn't be allowed to vote.

>It's either a 600 billion annual deficit increase or a 500 Billion annual deficit increase

It doesn't really matter who you pick. The country will eventually collapse when that 35 trillion dollar bubble bursts.
>You should be willing to explain to me why Democrats are constantly pushing for more taxes on citizens, but firmly opposed taxing foreign goods.
Democrats are not pushing for more taxes on citizens. Her plan includes an increase in capital gains tax and corporate tax rate which is not a tax on citizens. Some of her economic plan I'm not a huge fan of like the first time home buyer's credit and her kind of mulling over taxing unrealized capitol gains but its a mile better than Trump's idea of a 20% across the board tariff. It would decimate the economy. Trump's tariffs is a tax on U.S. consumers. The U.S. consumers pay these taxes, not the foreign sellers. Trump says we bring in "billions of dollars from tariffs" and its a lie. Tariffs don't make us any money. Not only do they not make us any money, once these countries enact retaliatory tariffs then we're fucked until someone can negotiate a new trade deal.

>You're simply electioneering. You literally don't care about the topic. The topic you're trying to discuss is dRumpf is le Bad.
The issue is that you nor Trump knows what a tariff is or can articulate the utter failure of Republican supply side economics. You don't know econ 101 so your blanket response is "oh you just have TDS' anytime someone substantively challenges you on the idiocy of Trump's economic policy - a policy, by the way, that doesn't really exist. His answer to everything is tariffs. When asked what he would do about child care in the U.S. his answer was "uh tariffs". He's a moron.
>abortion (which Dems have made no attempt to address on the federal level)
Easily disproven. According to you it doesn't count unless they use the nuclear option or something?
>Is there any reason to vote for her?
She isn't a traitor to the United States who tried using fake electors and a riot and to pressure her VP to break the law in order to steal an election and become a dictator. That's a great start I think.
>Democrats are not pushing for more taxes on citizens.
>Here are the new taxes Democrats are pushing on citizens.
>They're not taxes on citizens, though, somehow. Because I say so.
Consumption is almost a fixed cost of living. It doesn't rise with income nearly as fast as income itself does - and you can still live like a pauper even with fat stacks in the bank. Therefore, when you want to tax fairly, you want to target the part of one's income that's left after the costs of existence are paid for. This is why income brackets exist. If you want to tax unfairly, meanwhile, the closest you can get without being actively malicious is to increase the costs of living by taxing based on consumption. That hurts the poor the most and the rich the least, despite how 'fair' it looks.
Given how much we import - not just luxury items, but basics like fruits and vegetables - a blanket tariff would be a consumption tax. Very regressive, and rather indirect, meaning we wouldn't even get that much tax revenue for how much prices would go up. On the other hand, a tax on the rich would be a progressive tax - they have all this income left over after survival needs are met, after all. It'd also be pretty direct as taxes go.
That's the difference. Income taxes nominally target what comes after the costs of living, while tariffs make the cost of living ITSELF rise.
Kamala's tax plan is the same as Biden's, which doesn't tax people who make less than 400k a year.
why don't we just deport all illegals? if we got rid of illegals wages would go up.
harris literally said she wants to repeal trump's tax cut that cut taxes for 2/3rds of all Americans

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